Is it just me? I so enoy liberals raising taxes in their blue states

These idiots vote for democrooks, who destroy their states, then they move to red states and elect democrooks again.

They're locusts.
Lots of northern lefties moving here to NC....Fortunately, save for the urban centers, we outnumber them by a wide margin.
This guy is moving his operations from Chicago, IL to East Chicago, IN and will save millions in the process...

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Hoist Liftruck, a manufacturer of heavy-duty forklifts, plans to move around 300 jobs from southwest suburban Bedford Park to East Chicago, Ind., and says it will create hundreds more positions in the Hoosier State over the next few years.

“The environment isn't friendly for what I do” in Illinois, Flaska said.
I was surprised a few years ago and had this Japanese guy from the Chicago area installing a new machine at our plant, and I asked him your office in elk grove? (a few miles away from o hare)

He is like no we moved to lake Zurich Around 30 miles and a few hours depending on traffic to o hare airport...

He told me way to much in taxes now in cook county.
Yep....Chicago is a transportation nightmare. The road systems are constantly under construction. Projects take forever. Despite the billions of dollars in taxes confiscated from Illinois residents, the road system around Chicagoland is in a shambles. One cannot drive 2 miles on a Chicago area highway without having to pay $3 in tolls.. But....Gotta keep those union guys working( Ha!) and the union bosses happy.
And the surface roads. Choked with traffic because there are traffic lights every 15 feet and the speed limit is 25 mph. No wonder it takes two hours to go 30 miles.
And watching companies and people flee its so funny watching them cry about cooperate greed.

They want freedom for just themselves but not anyone else .

Watching the blue states is comical ....

I think it is bad news for the Heartland. These Loons have ruined places like New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, California, etc....but when they start to flee their own Socialist messes, they bring their looney notions with them, because they never learn...and so they are beginning to pollute the rest of the country, even as they run from their own Socialist policies.
We have a lot of former residents of NY, NJ, CT, MA and other blue states here.
They come for the low taxes, jobs, better economy, and mild(er) winters. After about a year or so of "life on the green grass on the other side of the fence" they all start complaining that there isn't enough in the way of government services. They cannot fathom the idea of contracted services such as trash collection, road and park maintenance and the like. They complain about the lack of fine or upscale dining in the suburbs. They complain about things because it is "different"......
I hear this. When I engage them( not by choice) I let them know I left NJ over 20 years ago. And then I ask them why they came here. Then after the interminable bitching, I remind them that I-95 also has northbound lanes of which they can avail themselves.
I wanted a little piece of home too..So I planted a Norway Spruce tree in my front yard. The rest of southern stuff I just deal with.

Kind of sums it up. You get what you pay for.

I mean, you could move to Cambodia and pay almost nothing in taxes, but what will you get?
Yeah...Like its so horrible here.
Yeah, coming from a left winger who needs his daily fix of government is my mommy and daddy, your post comes as no surprise.
Hey genius. My trash gets picked up. The roads are maintained. The street lights are reliable, the Country Sheriff's Dept does a wonderful job in policing the town, we have good public schools here, etc....All without the bulbous wages and pain in the ass public worker unions of the blue states. And my taxes are ONE TENTH what I'd be paying in NJ if I were still there.
Here's the problem. After these liberal scumbags in blue states tax themselves into oblivion and ruin their states the exodus begins, they flood out of the blue states into red states and being destroying them, like a plague.

These blue states also have begun looking to the Federal government for bailouts. Take California, over $330 billion dollars in the red on their under funded public employee pension plans alone. So California lives high on the hog doling out unsustainable salaries, benefits, and pensions it can't pay for. Then they go to Washington for a bail out and the rest of the country ends up paying California's bills. If your state lives within its means it matters not because you get stuck paying for California's insane spending.

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