Is it me, or has anyone notice how conservatives on USMB...

I mean hell, when Obama went to church they said he was against whites because he sat there. Trump appoints a Russian hero and suddenly the bar is raised.
Notice how deflective these guys are with Tweet and his incoming new picks and the controversies over it? I mean how many Xmas threads are therr? How many stupid threads by these guys over stupid shit nobody cares about? Not one thread from these idiots talking about the Tweet picks, not one??? I saw the same things when they won a majority in 2014...hoopla up until the GOP took office and then crickets.....same with Tweet, all this hoopla during the election and now, now that Tweet is proving once again that a vote for the GOP is a vote for bending over....all you see and hear is deflective rhetorical nonsense over stupid issues no one cares about, tsk, tsk, tsk....when will whity learn???? The world has changed and despite wanting to turn back the never seems to turn back in your favor, not ever!! The hands of the clock seems to always land on FUCK WHITEY TIMES!!...again and again and again....LOLOLOLO

Everything is stupid until it spread out into something that matters to an individual. Little stuff turns into big stuff which eventually makes it rounds to strip everyone of something. Be it their rights, believes etc.
So what might seem stupid today will spill into something not so stupid later.

Can we go to Germany and demand they take down lets say a Christmas tree no.
Can they come here and demand that fkn tree offends them and they want it removed so the suck up US _ussies remove it and say fk you to the American ppl.
Or replace that tree with our flag, or replace it with a home, you get kicked out for some illegal to live in..............

Oh and I don't mean you the person I mean it as America the whole country kinda thing lol.
Trump just cant find people without close ties to Russia its just a Coincidence.

Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.
Really? And that's been going on forever? So why did you white fucks back in the day, ruin so many lives, so many families, so many people's existance, simply for mentioning the world Soviet Union?, let alone having ties with the country? Why did this nation for decades after WWII spend eternity schooling the american people on the ills of Russia, the fear of nuclear war, etc....and now all of a sudden, they're are friends? White people, paleeeezzzzz!!

History lesson numb nuts... The USSR is not the same as Russia. The Soviet Union fell... The Cold War is over... While Russia needs to be taken seriously and watched, we can't simply ignore them from a geopolitical standpoint.

While you're throwing out all of that ignorant dribble, have you even considered making a point you racist piece of shit?
Trump just cant find people without close ties to Russia its just a Coincidence.

Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.

So why was Paul Manafort and Carter page advising him too and they aren't in the oil industry. Just a coincidence huh?

Paul Manafort has been advising presidents since Ford. He may very well be a piece of shit, I don't know. Carter Page is an investment banker who seems to specialize in energy. He has been particularly pro Russia in his investments. He may also be a piece of shit, I don't know. It is not illegal, it does not intrinsically lack integrity and to my knowledge there are no investigations or allegations of impropriety.

So I ask again, what is the issue? Oil is the largest single commodity on Earth. Money surrounds it. Wealthy people surround it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Implying that it's somehow an automatic disqualification or that it equals nefarious intent is intellectually weak.
If we knew what you were rambling about perhaps we could respond. Perhaps therapy, or a really fat white woman can help you, or maybe even just an enema.
Of course you know what I'm talking about and the fact you can bring nothing to the facts I just posted, proves my point....Next?
Facts ? Looked like a bunch of very random opinions to me. The Christmas thing is a usual bitch from the left. You do realise that most Religious Conservatives give out some extra sweet Merry Christmases just to see if some of you libs will spit blood and that is always entertaining.. Religion is very important this time of the year to all of the Abrahamic religions I never understood why you diversity loving Democrats disparage them for it, well except for the Islamic faith you guys seem to go out of your way to accommodate that religion which is strange seeing as some from that group are the most intolerant of all others but their own. Now the Christian religion has their own intolerant believers, hell a very small minority have called for the deaths of groups like homsexuals. Muslims are the only ones I know of who actively carry out the practice in some very horrendous ways.
I mean hell, when Obama went to church they said he was against whites because he sat there. Trump appoints a Russian hero and suddenly the bar is raised.

When the President of the US sits in a church with a leader that gives sermons that include " not God Bless America, God Damn America" that is a specific complaint. Obama praised Rev Wright even after the comments aired.

This whole Russian Hero crap is not a crime. It is not illegal to work with Russia. It is not even immoral to work with Russia. There is no point here!! The "if Russians like you, you're evil" philosophy is ridiculous.
Fired Trump Adviser Tells Moscow Audience How Great Exxon CEO Would Be For Russia
Carter Page, kicked off the campaign because of his ties to Russia, says he’s “personally excited” about the likely secretary of State pick.
Donald Trump Names Rex Tillerson Secretary Of State

Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil, has ties to Russia.
Donald Trump Will Reportedly Select Rick Perry For Energy Secretary

The department Perry will lead was the one he famously forgot to name during a presidential debate in 2011. Oops.
Is there a problem with something being good for Russia? The problem would be if it was bad for the US. Is there any indication that Rex Tillerson is bad for the US? It seems to me that when Obama told Putin that he would have more power to act unilaterally once reelected, THAT would have been an issue. Of course, it was not...

Rick Perry was the governor of the largest energy producing state in the country. Texas is also the 16th lowest (per capita) energy consumer. It would seem that the chief executive of that state should make a fine Energy Secretary. Other than an omission is there some other issue?
Question? Did you have any problems from Rev. Wright, who's Church Obama sat in 5 years prior to his running for Senator, let alone President? Did you have any issues with Lew Aryes, the terrorist your people accused him of having ties with? Did the black panthers or people of Kenya do any harm to this country the 8 years he was in office? Yet this man was given PURE HELL BY YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS EVERY DAY BEFORE HE TOOK OFFICE.....I now rest my case!!
Yeah, the Lew Aryes guy really burned us up.

You're pretty stupid, even for an angry black skank.
Bill, bill, bill, my bad...and fuck do however once again make my point..deflect much, bitch?
Speaking of bitches, you are the lowest bitch whore.
If we knew what you were rambling about perhaps we could respond. Perhaps therapy, or a really fat white woman can help you, or maybe even just an enema.

Yup. she complains about the conservative "stupid" posts but keeps putting her own "stupid" posts on the board.

Perhaps that enema is what she needs. LOL
Before one could provide any "facts", one must first get a translator to decipher your nonsense. Then again, when has providing you with facts ever stopped your mindless racial diatribes?
I have never seen once you guys post anything that isn't Fox news facts...I fortunately like most here, live in the real world
Bite us! We won! Deal with it.
I mean hell, when Obama went to church they said he was against whites because he sat there. Trump appoints a Russian hero and suddenly the bar is raised.

When the President of the US sits in a church with a leader that gives sermons that include " not God Bless America, God Damn America" that is a specific complaint. Obama praised Rev Wright even after the comments aired.

This whole Russian Hero crap is not a crime. It is not illegal to work with Russia. It is not even immoral to work with Russia. There is no point here!! The "if Russians like you, you're evil" philosophy is ridiculous.

No its not a crime but sitting in a pew apparently was.

Oh right, different standards...I forgot
Notice how deflective these guys are with Tweet and his incoming new picks and the controversies over it? I mean how many Xmas threads are therr? How many stupid threads by these guys over stupid shit nobody cares about? Not one thread from these idiots talking about the Tweet picks, not one??? I saw the same things when they won a majority in 2014...hoopla up until the GOP took office and then crickets.....same with Tweet, all this hoopla during the election and now, now that Tweet is proving once again that a vote for the GOP is a vote for bending over....all you see and hear is deflective rhetorical nonsense over stupid issues no one cares about, tsk, tsk, tsk....when will whity learn???? The world has changed and despite wanting to turn back the never seems to turn back in your favor, not ever!! The hands of the clock seems to always land on FUCK WHITEY TIMES!!...again and again and again....LOLOLOLO
Can someone please translate this from whiney leftist donkey gibberish to a human language?
Trump just cant find people without close ties to Russia its just a Coincidence.

Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.

So why was Paul Manafort and Carter page advising him too and they aren't in the oil industry. Just a coincidence huh?

Paul Manafort has been advising presidents since Ford. He may very well be a piece of shit, I don't know. Carter Page is an investment banker who seems to specialize in energy. He has been particularly pro Russia in his investments. He may also be a piece of shit, I don't know. It is not illegal, it does not intrinsically lack integrity and to my knowledge there are no investigations or allegations of impropriety.

So I ask again, what is the issue? Oil is the largest single commodity on Earth. Money surrounds it. Wealthy people surround it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Implying that it's somehow an automatic disqualification or that it equals nefarious intent is intellectually weak.

I didnt ask for their resume. I said they were there and they arent oil execs. So now you have a new excuse for why more and more Russian cronies are around him.

The point isnt can you make excuses for every one of them. I know you can do that. The point is that they are all connected to Russia and Trump surrounds himself with them.
Notice how deflective these guys are with Tweet and his incoming new picks and the controversies over it? I mean how many Xmas threads are therr? How many stupid threads by these guys over stupid shit nobody cares about? Not one thread from these idiots talking about the Tweet picks, not one??? I saw the same things when they won a majority in 2014...hoopla up until the GOP took office and then crickets.....same with Tweet, all this hoopla during the election and now, now that Tweet is proving once again that a vote for the GOP is a vote for bending over....all you see and hear is deflective rhetorical nonsense over stupid issues no one cares about, tsk, tsk, tsk....when will whity learn???? The world has changed and despite wanting to turn back the never seems to turn back in your favor, not ever!! The hands of the clock seems to always land on FUCK WHITEY TIMES!!...again and again and again....LOLOLOLO
Can someone please translate this from whiney leftist donkey gibberish to a human language?
Can I be of assistance? In a nut shell, and I'm talking about your brain....white people STOP VOTING THE GOP, THEY FUCK YOU NUTS OVER TIME AFTER TIME AFTER TIME!! And if that's not plain enough for you, name one thing this last congress did for ya?
Fired Trump Adviser Tells Moscow Audience How Great Exxon CEO Would Be For Russia
Carter Page, kicked off the campaign because of his ties to Russia, says he’s “personally excited” about the likely secretary of State pick.
Donald Trump Names Rex Tillerson Secretary Of State

Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil, has ties to Russia.
Donald Trump Will Reportedly Select Rick Perry For Energy Secretary

The department Perry will lead was the one he famously forgot to name during a presidential debate in 2011. Oops.
Is there a problem with something being good for Russia? The problem would be if it was bad for the US. Is there any indication that Rex Tillerson is bad for the US? It seems to me that when Obama told Putin that he would have more power to act unilaterally once reelected, THAT would have been an issue. Of course, it was not...

Rick Perry was the governor of the largest energy producing state in the country. Texas is also the 16th lowest (per capita) energy consumer. It would seem that the chief executive of that state should make a fine Energy Secretary. Other than an omission is there some other issue?
Question? Did you have any problems from Rev. Wright, who's Church Obama sat in 5 years prior to his running for Senator, let alone President? Did you have any issues with Lew Aryes, the terrorist your people accused him of having ties with? Did the black panthers or people of Kenya do any harm to this country the 8 years he was in office? Yet this man was given PURE HELL BY YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS EVERY DAY BEFORE HE TOOK OFFICE.....I now rest my case!!
Yeah, the Lew Aryes guy really burned us up.

You're pretty stupid, even for an angry black skank.
Bill, bill, bill, my bad...and fuck do however once again make my point..deflect much, bitch?
Speaking of bitches, you are the lowest bitch whore.
Notice how deflective these guys are with Tweet and his incoming new picks and the controversies over it? I mean how many Xmas threads are therr? How many stupid threads by these guys over stupid shit nobody cares about? Not one thread from these idiots talking about the Tweet picks, not one??? I saw the same things when they won a majority in 2014...hoopla up until the GOP took office and then crickets.....same with Tweet, all this hoopla during the election and now, now that Tweet is proving once again that a vote for the GOP is a vote for bending over....all you see and hear is deflective rhetorical nonsense over stupid issues no one cares about, tsk, tsk, tsk....when will whity learn???? The world has changed and despite wanting to turn back the never seems to turn back in your favor, not ever!! The hands of the clock seems to always land on FUCK WHITEY TIMES!!...again and again and again....LOLOLOLO
Can someone please translate this from whiney leftist donkey gibberish to a human language?
You would need to go to school first and learn the english language so you can read. What part gave you the most trouble?
I mean hell, when Obama went to church they said he was against whites because he sat there. Trump appoints a Russian hero and suddenly the bar is raised.

This whole Russian Hero crap is not a crime. It is not illegal to work with Russia. It is not even immoral to work with Russia. There is no point here!! The "if Russians like you, you're evil" philosophy is ridiculous.

Russia is the only country in this planet that can annihilate the whole USA. Russia is always been considered as a threat to America .............. just because of your fantasy with Trump suddenly it's a friend. Millions of Americans and GOPs trump political party disagree with you.

GOP leader McConnell stops short of saying hacking helped Trump: 'Russians are not our friend'
Trump just cant find people without close ties to Russia its just a Coincidence.

Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.

So why was Paul Manafort and Carter page advising him too and they aren't in the oil industry. Just a coincidence huh?

Paul Manafort has been advising presidents since Ford. He may very well be a piece of shit, I don't know. Carter Page is an investment banker who seems to specialize in energy. He has been particularly pro Russia in his investments. He may also be a piece of shit, I don't know. It is not illegal, it does not intrinsically lack integrity and to my knowledge there are no investigations or allegations of impropriety.

So I ask again, what is the issue? Oil is the largest single commodity on Earth. Money surrounds it. Wealthy people surround it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Implying that it's somehow an automatic disqualification or that it equals nefarious intent is intellectually weak.

I didnt ask for their resume. I said they were there and they arent oil execs. So now you have a new excuse for why more and more Russian cronies are around him.

The point isnt can you make excuses for every one of them. I know you can do that. The point is that they are all connected to Russia and Trump surrounds himself with them.

Surrounding himself with these Russians connections and continue hugging of Putin ass is getting scary. Wonder where we are going with this.
Trump just cant find people without close ties to Russia its just a Coincidence.

Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.

So why was Paul Manafort and Carter page advising him too and they aren't in the oil industry. Just a coincidence huh?

Paul Manafort has been advising presidents since Ford. He may very well be a piece of shit, I don't know. Carter Page is an investment banker who seems to specialize in energy. He has been particularly pro Russia in his investments. He may also be a piece of shit, I don't know. It is not illegal, it does not intrinsically lack integrity and to my knowledge there are no investigations or allegations of impropriety.

So I ask again, what is the issue? Oil is the largest single commodity on Earth. Money surrounds it. Wealthy people surround it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Implying that it's somehow an automatic disqualification or that it equals nefarious intent is intellectually weak.

I didnt ask for their resume. I said they were there and they arent oil execs. So now you have a new excuse for why more and more Russian cronies are around him.

The point isnt can you make excuses for every one of them. I know you can do that. The point is that they are all connected to Russia and Trump surrounds himself with them.

Surrounding himself with these Russians connections and continue hugging of Putin ass is getting scary. Wonder where we are going with this.
A full blown reality TV series on Drumpf and Putins love affair.

Notice how deflective these guys are with Tweet and his incoming new picks and the controversies over it? I mean how many Xmas threads are therr? How many stupid threads by these guys over stupid shit nobody cares about? Not one thread from these idiots talking about the Tweet picks, not one??? I saw the same things when they won a majority in 2014...hoopla up until the GOP took office and then crickets.....same with Tweet, all this hoopla during the election and now, now that Tweet is proving once again that a vote for the GOP is a vote for bending over....all you see and hear is deflective rhetorical nonsense over stupid issues no one cares about, tsk, tsk, tsk....when will whity learn???? The world has changed and despite wanting to turn back the never seems to turn back in your favor, not ever!! The hands of the clock seems to always land on FUCK WHITEY TIMES!!...again and again and again....LOLOLOLO
Can someone please translate this from whiney leftist donkey gibberish to a human language?
You would need to go to school first and learn the english language so you can read. What part gave you the most trouble?
A pile of nonsense, posted by an undereducated fool, written in donkey language. No wonder you understood it perfectly.
Russia is the worlds 2nd largest oil producer. Anyone with any clout in the oil industry "has ties" to Russia. It's not a coincidence at all. It is a reality of the industry and not intrinsically bad.

So why was Paul Manafort and Carter page advising him too and they aren't in the oil industry. Just a coincidence huh?

Paul Manafort has been advising presidents since Ford. He may very well be a piece of shit, I don't know. Carter Page is an investment banker who seems to specialize in energy. He has been particularly pro Russia in his investments. He may also be a piece of shit, I don't know. It is not illegal, it does not intrinsically lack integrity and to my knowledge there are no investigations or allegations of impropriety.

So I ask again, what is the issue? Oil is the largest single commodity on Earth. Money surrounds it. Wealthy people surround it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Implying that it's somehow an automatic disqualification or that it equals nefarious intent is intellectually weak.

I didnt ask for their resume. I said they were there and they arent oil execs. So now you have a new excuse for why more and more Russian cronies are around him.

The point isnt can you make excuses for every one of them. I know you can do that. The point is that they are all connected to Russia and Trump surrounds himself with them.

Surrounding himself with these Russians connections and continue hugging of Putin ass is getting scary. Wonder where we are going with this.
A full blown reality TV series on Drumpf and Putins love affair.

Meanwhile, over the last eight years, president Hussein was bending over for every Muslim terrorist or dictator he could, while setting the world on fire with his incompetence.

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