Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

USMB should start a new Forum called the "I Hate America" forum.

This is bullshit

Improving what is broken is a sign of love buddy.

What I hate, as a Canadian, is having my respect and even perhaps love for the Americans I have known, being forced to be deteriorated by what may well be an immoral fool by the name of Trump.


“Immoral fool”
For working diligently for America’s Best?

Yes. Now residing in cages. Soon to be in residential schools near a town near you.

Oh happy days, sing with me now, Oh happy daaaaays


How would your “moral” president protect the interests of taxpayers, the citizenry and keep America from being overrun by the worlds filth?

Give a moral look to the socio economic demographic pyramid with a fair tax law and reap those vast rewards.

On immigration.
Mirror the U.S. policies to Canada's well working system with a bit of your added blocks to the chosen few. That and follow the French on religious laws.

Trump was elected for security and fairness to the little guy. That is the way to do his job.

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

You're so far from solving ANYTHING with this approach.. Redistribution of money NEVER fixes the underlying problems of poverty... Having a FUNCTIONAL govt at city/state/fed levels that PRIORITIZES it's duties does..

It's education, health care, crime, addiction, and mental disorders that affect poverty... Making folks "comfortable" in poverty is NOT humane.. Getting them functional and making better decisions does....

Exactly. That takes a redistribution of resources, which is what I am all in for.

That redistribution fixes the problems so you might look at your conclusion of the opposite being good.

so you want to steal from one person at the point of a gun and give it to someone it doesnt belong to,,,

wouldnt that make you a thief???

Do I?

Quote where I said that please.

I think I would answer yes but see your wording as you lying by inference.

you just dont realize redistribution first requires theft do you???


Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.

This isn't a theoretical question. Anybody ever remember when they were asked if THEY wanted THEIR city made a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Because it never happened. Of course, this is STILL a democracy. Or is it? Contractors and businesses that exploit, utilize illegals they don't want us to object and use our democratic rights...So hence hidden agenda's.
You're so far from solving ANYTHING with this approach.. Redistribution of money NEVER fixes the underlying problems of poverty... Having a FUNCTIONAL govt at city/state/fed levels that PRIORITIZES it's duties does..

It's education, health care, crime, addiction, and mental disorders that affect poverty... Making folks "comfortable" in poverty is NOT humane.. Getting them functional and making better decisions does....

Exactly. That takes a redistribution of resources, which is what I am all in for.

That redistribution fixes the problems so you might look at your conclusion of the opposite being good.

so you want to steal from one person at the point of a gun and give it to someone it doesnt belong to,,,

wouldnt that make you a thief???

Do I?

Quote where I said that please.

I think I would answer yes but see your wording as you lying by inference.

you just dont realize redistribution first requires theft do you???


Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.


ahhh,,, back to trump,,,

YES trump is a thief,,,and I also put him in the same box as our last 8-9 presidents,,,heck the last 20,,,
absolutely no respect for the constitution,,,
And do remember that this is a moral question. Don't be shy.
When you're a proponent of looting one group of people in order to feather the nests of other people, you're as far removed from morality as you can get.

Covetousness is a sin, not a virtue.

Good moral thinking.

We agree that the rich are immoral in their thinking and unethical in their actions.

Way to twist my words into exactly the opposite of what I said.

You're a Randian antagonist come to life.....Not to mention a fucking bigot to boot.

Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.

Allowing people to keep what is theirs in the first place isn't a "gift" goof....To do so presumes that all of everyone's accumulated wealth belongs first to The State....That is the core tenet of Marxism.

You sitting in judgement of what allegedly constitutes "morality" is as absurd as it gets.
You're so far from solving ANYTHING with this approach.. Redistribution of money NEVER fixes the underlying problems of poverty... Having a FUNCTIONAL govt at city/state/fed levels that PRIORITIZES it's duties does..

It's education, health care, crime, addiction, and mental disorders that affect poverty... Making folks "comfortable" in poverty is NOT humane.. Getting them functional and making better decisions does....

Exactly. That takes a redistribution of resources, which is what I am all in for.

That redistribution fixes the problems so you might look at your conclusion of the opposite being good.

so you want to steal from one person at the point of a gun and give it to someone it doesnt belong to,,,

wouldnt that make you a thief???

Do I?

Quote where I said that please.

I think I would answer yes but see your wording as you lying by inference.

you just dont realize redistribution first requires theft do you???


Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.


thank you sir,,,may I please have some more,,,

Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.

Allowing people to keep what is theirs in the first place isn't a "gift" goof....To do so presumes that all of everyone's accumulated wealth belongs first to The State....That is the core tenet of Marxism.

You sitting in judgement of what allegedly constitutes "morality" is as absurd as it gets.
one of his problems is hes mixing morals and government,,,they are two separate things all together,,,

government has to by its very existence abandon morals and act almost as god when all they are is a bunch of people,,

Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.

Allowing people to keep what is theirs in the first place isn't a "gift" goof....To do so presumes that all of everyone's accumulated wealth belongs first to The State....That is the core tenet of Marxism.

You sitting in judgement of what allegedly constitutes "morality" is as absurd as it gets.
one of his problems is hes mixing morals and government,,,they are two separate things all together,,,

government has to by its very existence abandon morals and act almost as god when all they are is a bunch of people,,
You'll have that with worshipers of The State, from which all blessings flow for the Marxist.
USMB should start a new Forum called the "I Hate America" forum.

This is bullshit

Improving what is broken is a sign of love buddy.

What I hate, as a Canadian, is having my respect and even perhaps love for the Americans I have known, being forced to be deteriorated by what may well be an immoral fool by the name of Trump.


“Immoral fool”
For working diligently for America’s Best?

Yes. Now residing in cages. Soon to be in residential schools near a town near you.

Oh happy days, sing with me now, Oh happy daaaaays


How would your “moral” president protect the interests of taxpayers, the citizenry and keep America from being overrun by the worlds filth?

Give a moral look to the socio economic demographic pyramid with a fair tax law and reap those vast rewards.

On immigration.
Mirror the U.S. policies to Canada's well working system with a bit of your added blocks to the chosen few. That and follow the French on religious laws.

Trump was elected for security and fairness to the little guy. That is the way to do his job.


That all sounds like mumbo-jumbo...can you clarify using real language?

Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.

Allowing people to keep what is theirs in the first place isn't a "gift" goof....To do so presumes that all of everyone's accumulated wealth belongs first to The State....That is the core tenet of Marxism.

You sitting in judgement of what allegedly constitutes "morality" is as absurd as it gets.
one of his problems is hes mixing morals and government,,,they are two separate things all together,,,

government has to by its very existence abandon morals and act almost as god when all they are is a bunch of people,,
You'll have that with worshipers of The State, from which all blessings flow for the Marxist.

sometimes its just sad,,,
Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

You're so far from solving ANYTHING with this approach.. Redistribution of money NEVER fixes the underlying problems of poverty... Having a FUNCTIONAL govt at city/state/fed levels that PRIORITIZES it's duties does..

It's education, health care, crime, addiction, and mental disorders that affect poverty... Making folks "comfortable" in poverty is NOT humane.. Getting them functional and making better decisions does....

Exactly. That takes a redistribution of resources, which is what I am all in for.

That redistribution fixes the problems so you might look at your conclusion of the opposite being good.


Still, those underlying causes are NOT all cured by money and taxes... Trust me, if you've volunteered to actually ATTACK these problems -- you realize what is needed is ONE ON ONE triage and counseling.. There is no "program" to sort out each of the cases.. No check is gonna fix it....

It's closer to the "thousand points of light" approach where communities at a LOCAL level start sorting the cases. Govt is too slow and too scripted.. And your current govt at MOST levels is preoccupied with political death matches to WORK on education or mental illness or addiction.. You can't the US Congress to focus on ANYTHING right now other than political warfare and trolling each other...

Why in the HELL would you want MORE of that? And FUND them more? They are inept, arrogant, useless and in the damn way....
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.



Who are our owners? Did you know that in liberal land LA, they have 12 million rats? But, they just let the garbage pile up. Owners?
And BTW -- a GREAT START would be to have these leftist mayors and candidates ATTRACTING and pandering to EVEN MORE homelessness, no skill or low skill illegals that LEGALLY cannot be hired, or promising cash and bennies to the homeless and permits to squat in front of businesses. THOSE political clowns have NO good intentions towards the poor.. They have insidiously "personal" reasons for USING them....
Look at the graph my friend and tell me if it looks like the poor are the thieves or if it looks like the rich are.

This is just damaged thinking.. What has Bill Gates or the CEO of Glaxo-SmithCline STOLEN from anyone? Name a rich person who has "mugged you"... They are rich because they TOOK major RISK to provide goods and services to millions of people... You want a piece of their action??? TAKE THEIR RISKS..

Go pay $7.95 for a stock trade and BECOME an "owner"... That's what rational people do that BELIEVE enough in a program or product to invest real cash OR most of the time you have in life to a company....
You're so far from solving ANYTHING with this approach.. Redistribution of money NEVER fixes the underlying problems of poverty... Having a FUNCTIONAL govt at city/state/fed levels that PRIORITIZES it's duties does..

It's education, health care, crime, addiction, and mental disorders that affect poverty... Making folks "comfortable" in poverty is NOT humane.. Getting them functional and making better decisions does....

Exactly. That takes a redistribution of resources, which is what I am all in for.

That redistribution fixes the problems so you might look at your conclusion of the opposite being good.

so you want to steal from one person at the point of a gun and give it to someone it doesnt belong to,,,

wouldnt that make you a thief???

Do I?

Quote where I said that please.

I think I would answer yes but see your wording as you lying by inference.

you just dont realize redistribution first requires theft do you???


Trump did his last gift to the rich with taxes, not with theft. Right?

Then again, he did help to impose more poverty, and if that is immoral to you, you might say that Trump is a thief, as he stole from the poor to give to the rich.


You really have a very limited view of the evils of govt/corporate collusion... The major "gift" to big corporations is NOT in the tax bracket adjustments.. Maybe you're not aware that MANY HUGE companies pay NO taxes, NOT BECAUSE They are cheating and stealing. But because CONGRESS has given them enough "special case" tax credits to make them IMMUNE to any changes in the tax brackets..

Are you aware of this?? The major "theft" each year in giving GE enough "energy star and green" credits so that they won't have to pay taxes for years to come.. Congress never reviews these, never manages them... And in many cases, this practice KILLS competition and BETTER ideas...

NEITHER current "brand name" is ever gonna fix this.. It's gonna get worse. UNLESS Americans stop REWARDING the 2 party larceny and start voting for Independents and 3rd parties...

And the Trump cuts were NOT targeted to "the rich"... Let me see how much YOU know about US tax tables.

What percentage of working filers in the US even PAY any Federal Income tax???? Need an answer...

And how do you give TAX BREAKS to anyone that does NOT pay a cent in taxes????
And do remember that this is a moral question. Don't be shy.
When you're a proponent of looting one group of people in order to feather the nests of other people, you're as far removed from morality as you can get.

Covetousness is a sin, not a virtue.

Good moral thinking.

We agree that the rich are immoral in their thinking and unethical in their actions.

Way to twist my words into exactly the opposite of what I said.

You're a Randian antagonist come to life.....Not to mention a fucking bigot to boot.

Is it time for me to launch into the "Greed is Good" soliloquy yet? :abgg2q.jpg:
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


What's this We shit?
Look at the graph my friend and tell me if it looks like the poor are the thieves or if it looks like the rich are.

This is just damaged thinking.. What has Bill Gates or the CEO of Glaxo-SmithCline STOLEN from anyone? Name a rich person who has "mugged you"... They are rich because they TOOK major RISK to provide goods and services to millions of people... You want a piece of their action??? TAKE THEIR RISKS..

Go pay $7.95 for a stock trade and BECOME an "owner"... That's what rational people do that BELIEVE enough in a program or product to invest real cash OR most of the time you have in life to a company....
Profit is theft.

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