Is it moral to use your underage or dead children for politics?

Rafael E. Cruz used his children for a political ad. Did he do that hoping they would be attacked so he could score political points?

For sure, the most disgusting pandering is Carly Fiorina. Talking about the perils of marijuana as a gateway drug, she said:

“I very much hope that I am the only person on this stage who can say this. I know there are millions of Americans out there who will say the same thing: My husband, Frank, and I buried a child to drug addiction.”

Only very slightly misleading. The "child" was a step child who was raised by her mother NOT Carly. She was 35 when she died and Lori Ann Fiorina died from alcoholism and abuse of prescription drugs, not pot. And we all know pot is hardly a "gateway drug" to booze and pills.

And, since Carly reportedly broke up the Fiorina's marriage, I suspect her "child" wasn't particularly fond of her. In fact, perhaps Carly's actions contributed to Lori Ann's death? Who knows?

So, should children be used for campaigns? I think if the "child" is of age and wants to, why not? But if they are under age or dead, they should be kept out of the limelight.

Carly Fiorina's Sleazy, Revealing Lie About Her Dead "Daughter"

Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter - The National Enquirer
Is it moral? You tell me. You're using children right now to advance your pathetic hatred
So the clan will have a spare-heir in case something happens that might otherwise disrupt the dynastasy of thugocracy that marks all things Clinton!

What we need is a moral southern christian from poverty ridden states like Mississippi who preach about christian morals yet do everything to ensure $12 an hour is a decent wage. Hilarious. There are no morals on either side.
libs acting like they care about the poor? rich.
If Republicans cut school lunches, daycare, education, health care, food stamps for poor children and so on, someone had to put that stuff in place and we know, for sure, without a doubt, it wasn't Republicans.
What we need is a moral southern christian from poverty ridden states like Mississippi who preach about christian morals yet do everything to ensure $12 an hour is a decent wage. Hilarious. There are no morals on either side.
Except someone is fighting for that raise in minimum wage.

Come on people. When Republicans only want to fuck people over and anything good that helps them comes from Democrats, then you certainly can't say the two parties are the same. That's pure tard.
Yes, feeding kids is bad and $10 is a really good wage. Medicare bad, social security bad, education bad. Guns rule, $12 per hour can raise a family. We get it.
Let's turn the country into Mississippi.... Cough gag.
I'm guessing USMB Republicans think Mississippi is a wealthy state that gets no money from the Federal government. And if it gets any money, it only goes to black people.
Rafael E. Cruz used his children for a political ad. Did he do that hoping they would be attacked so he could score political points?

For sure, the most disgusting pandering is Carly Fiorina. Talking about the perils of marijuana as a gateway drug, she said:

“I very much hope that I am the only person on this stage who can say this. I know there are millions of Americans out there who will say the same thing: My husband, Frank, and I buried a child to drug addiction.”

Only very slightly misleading. The "child" was a step child who was raised by her mother NOT Carly. She was 35 when she died and Lori Ann Fiorina died from alcoholism and abuse of prescription drugs, not pot. And we all know pot is hardly a "gateway drug" to booze and pills.

And, since Carly reportedly broke up the Fiorina's marriage, I suspect her "child" wasn't particularly fond of her. In fact, perhaps Carly's actions contributed to Lori Ann's death? Who knows?

So, should children be used for campaigns? I think if the "child" is of age and wants to, why not? But if they are under age or dead, they should be kept out of the limelight.

Carly Fiorina's Sleazy, Revealing Lie About Her Dead "Daughter"

Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter - The National Enquirer

Its usually not a problem for Democrats.
Rafael E. Cruz used his children for a political ad. Did he do that hoping they would be attacked so he could score political points?

For sure, the most disgusting pandering is Carly Fiorina. Talking about the perils of marijuana as a gateway drug, she said:

“I very much hope that I am the only person on this stage who can say this. I know there are millions of Americans out there who will say the same thing: My husband, Frank, and I buried a child to drug addiction.”

Only very slightly misleading. The "child" was a step child who was raised by her mother NOT Carly. She was 35 when she died and Lori Ann Fiorina died from alcoholism and abuse of prescription drugs, not pot. And we all know pot is hardly a "gateway drug" to booze and pills.

And, since Carly reportedly broke up the Fiorina's marriage, I suspect her "child" wasn't particularly fond of her. In fact, perhaps Carly's actions contributed to Lori Ann's death? Who knows?

So, should children be used for campaigns? I think if the "child" is of age and wants to, why not? But if they are under age or dead, they should be kept out of the limelight.

Carly Fiorina's Sleazy, Revealing Lie About Her Dead "Daughter"

Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter - The National Enquirer

Morality in politics?


Please tell me you are either insane or high.

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