Is it OVER FOR MOSCOW CZAR ? BREAKING: The Wagner reached the Lipetsk region. Moscow is only 4 hours away by car. The Battle of Moscow could start thi

The question is, what did Putin give him. Prigozhin wanted autonomy, less dependence on MoD and a seat at the table. Did he get it? Prigozhin won't be easy to kill.

There's literally nothing Putin can give him except Russia itself, and his own head. Prighozin has just painted a target on his back by not following through on his coup. This can't be over, this easily.
In a decent world the Gullibles and Stupids would behave with honour and integrity and shut up . Ideally they would go elsewhere in shame and embarrassment .Hopefully we can now get back to the menu and kick out the US - Ukey Nazis forever and retake Kharkov and then Odessa, parts of Russian legacy and history . As for TittyWinkle herself-- --yet another time of humiliation and so soon after the huge Nazi defeat at Bakhmut .

This is hilarious. In 30 seconds, Prighozin has literally destroyed a year and a half's worth of your useless propaganda drivel. LOL. There are no nazis, or NATO, you fool! There never was.
Will Litwin still be pushing Wagner propaganda when they invade from Belarus to take Kiev? (I’m sorry….Keeeeeeev).

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25k, will attack city of 3m ? ivan you sucked to many muslim dicks today take a short break

Russian "voenkor" Irina Kuksenkova says she has no words regarding IL-22 crush: According to updated data from Wagner, it was not IL-18 but IL-22 that was shot down near Voronezh. There were 10 people on board. When Prigozhin was already asked in the Headquarters of the South Military District why, because this aircraft does not make strikes, but performs other functions, he said - the fool in the column shot down everything that takes off ... Prigozhin agreed to pay 50 million compensation to the relatives of the dead pilots. I have no words.
How‘s the “civil war” going?
This is a good descriptive post by Khodakovsky. The rift that occurred in Russia after the invasion failed to achieve its main goal has formalised yesterday and the tensions between the two camps will continue. Prigozhin, who has been posting comments and audio messages several times a day for the past few months has gone completely silent since he announced the withdrawal of Wagner. As Khodakovsky says, things will never be the same again.

So Prigozhin now just chills out in Belarus for the rest of his life? (Hanging out with Bakiev?) Somehow, that doesnt seem plausible to me, but many things in the last 24 hours have been surprising...

My guess is they didn't want to fight with each other which would only serve to weaken Russia as a nation; and would likely bring an end to the Ukraine invasion. Prigozhin gains stature and sends Putin a message that he better do what Prigozhin wants. At the same time, Putin remains in power. For now. Sounds like a win-win for both of them.
My guess is they didn't want to fight with each other which would only serve to weaken Russia as a nation; and would likely bring an end to the Ukraine invasion. Prigozhin gains stature and sends Putin a message that he better do what Prigozhin wants. At the same time, Putin remains in power. For now. Sounds like a win-win for both of them.

win-win ? i´d say : Lose - lose

tell me one thing, Utkin is get away with all this 🇷🇺 :icon_lol: , right ? he keeps his Wagner command ?

My guess is they didn't want to fight with each other which would only serve to weaken Russia as a nation; and would likely bring an end to the Ukraine invasion. Prigozhin gains stature and sends Putin a message that he better do what Prigozhin wants. At the same time, Putin remains in power. For now. Sounds like a win-win for both of them.

Putin has been humiliated and made to look insanely weak. Russia was almost taken out by a small private army. If I’m Putin I would have used this opportunity to get out of Ukraine to “protect” the motherland. He took an insane L on this one.
Putin has been humiliated and made to look insanely weak. Russia was almost taken out by a small private army. If I’m Putin I would have used this opportunity to get out of Ukraine to “protect” the motherland. He took an insane L on this one.

I am shocked that the Wagner chief believed anything Poootin or his cronies offered. He may or will be dead very soon.
He hasn't shown up in Belarus yet.
Green Hotel, and I am guessing he is on the way to Africa . you can have my bet, putin wont kill him in Belarus,

P. knows too much,
he is a hero in Moscow ,
Luka gave his word
This whole Wagner rebellion could be nothing but theater.

Prighozin is moving to Belarus, and Wagner has been "disbanded".

It's possible that the Wagner mercenaries will slowly and quietly follow Prighozin to Belarus, then launch an attack on Ukraine from there.

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