Is it OVER FOR MOSCOW CZAR ? BREAKING: The Wagner reached the Lipetsk region. Moscow is only 4 hours away by car. The Battle of Moscow could start thi

You'll like it! Head of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Zolotov, has revealed that he "handed his stash over to his wife" during the rebellion. That means he handed over the money he had previously hidden from his wife. And that means that they were really planning on losing and fleeing. I wonder how much money we're talking about? Could his wife have picked it up? Or did she need a Gazelle too? "It was clear to everyone that everyone here, all the personnel we have here, they would all stand to death. Moreover, I will say that the guys handed over all their stashes to their wives, and regretted it later," said the head of the National Guard, noting that he did the same thing himself.


Who was paying these Wagner mercenaries? IS the Russian Army is going to pay them the same wages that Prigozhin did?

Somehow I doubt these mercenaries are going to be happy with standard Russian army pay.
Who was paying these Wagner mercenaries? IS the Russian Army is going to pay them the same wages that Prigozhin did?

Somehow I doubt these mercenaries are going to be happy with standard Russian army pay.
It ain't over. If Prigozhin lives long enough, Poootin is going to be sorry he let him get away.

A Dictator knows he is in trouble when he has to start arresting his Generals. Poootin is in the process of destroying Russia and there are those who do not want him to continue the destruction. Poootin needs to ride shirtless into the sunset and never return. But the repubs hope he will succeed. They are Traitors.
A Dictator knows he is in trouble when he has to start arresting his Generals. Poootin is in the process of destroying Russia and there are those who do not want him to continue the destruction. Poootin needs to ride shirtless into the sunset and never return. But the repubs hope he will succeed. They are Traitors.
Anything like Obama purging the military and replacing real generals with political hacks in uniform?

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