Is it really THIS easy to let Biden off the hook?

trump's never won a popular vote. Even Hillary kicked as as by millions.
trump knows how the US Constitution outlines how the president is selected. He never campaigned to win the popular vote…only an idiot like clinton would try to do that when running for the oval
The same?

Actually worse. Xiden had secret documents that he shouldn't have had in non secure locations, including one location with easy access for Chinese spies.

I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Here we go , this is what we should do, charge both presidents with holding documents and this is what going to happen. First, you have to understand that Trump is a piece of shit who is literally the most hated man in the world. Who is a mentally ill chronic liar and as ugly as a man can get. And has only support now of q anon wacks. And Biden is a honest, respected citizen who lies about 1/100the of the times that scum bag does.
This is what will happen, all the witnesses against trump will be exactly like the witnesses in the jan6th hearings. All hate party people, all his allies and supporters. All testifying what a piece of shit he is. So tell me who will be the witnesses against Biden. Now the ultimate fact is this is not apples and apples this is two entirely different ways that these two people responded to the facts and charges, Now put this into perspective .Trump's government information was weighed in as 18 wheelers, all of Biden's could be tucked under one person's arm.
Now this is what will happen, first they will charge trump because of the facts, and they probably won't charge Biden because of the completely different facts. Now this will decide by a jury, let's just say they both have a court hearing . There is no jury that will find scum bag not guilty. and you probably can't find a court(judge) that would even take this case against Biden , even if the judge was put into office by scum bag himself.
This whole thing is stupid.
The FBI was told by Trump’s lawyer that there weren’t any more docs in the storeroom and explicitly forbid the FBI from looking through Trump’s boxes.

They couldn’t take anything because they had no legal right to without a warrant.

So they got a warrant.
Here is a surprisingly good article from Yahoo at the time...
Both Trump and Biden have done crimes that if i did them i would be ruined as a young ex-marine who served in iraq and afghanistan. LOCK THEM BOTH UP!
Ooops sorry...Here it is...

Sorry, but that column is hardly very interesting to me. For starters, a lot of it is predicated on the incorrect belief that Garland wasn't involved. He was. It was written shortly after the raid when very little was known about the circumstances.

We learned a lot since then, primarily through court documents that the DoJ filed only in response to Trump's lawsuit that showed the lengths to which the DoJ went to get the documents back and only used the raid as a last resort.

A lot of the column talks about "blowback" and all kinds of political considerations, including whether the raid made Trump more or less popular. I don't think the whining of Trump supporters is a sufficient reason to not do their jobs.

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