Is it really THIS easy to let Biden off the hook?

Unlike the former guy, who refused to return classified documents, Biden's team has been proactive in turning them in. No amount of spin can change that fact.

At the same time, this has to be investigated, and anyone -- including Biden -- who should be held accountable must be held accountable. Fully and fairly. This shit can't happen, and no one is above the law. Period.

The rest of this is the standard bullshit partisan noise.
Trumps people never refused to turn anything over…talk about partisan noise…
Bidens issues arent coming from the documents. His MASSIVE issue is all the other shit. Do you think that when Hunter is facing YEARS in prison, he wont roll over on his senile and nearly dead father? Hunter will desperately reach for any life raft thrown his way like a drowning man.
Hunter doesn't even really like his father; He knows who and what he is and probably blames him for the death of his mother.

Has him listed in his phone contacts as "Pedo Pete".
The moment Garland appointed a SP, these areas became a crime scene. Biden’s lawyers should have no access….What are they destroying? Can you answer that?
So you have to change the subject and attack. Excellent. DAMN I'm good.

If Biden and/or his team broke the law, nail them.

Too bad you don't have the balls or honor to say that about your orange deity.
So you have to change the subject and attack. Excellent. DAMN I'm good.

If Biden and/or his team broke the law, nail them.

Too bad you don't have the balls or honor to say that about your orange deity.
There is no orange deity, Mac.

That's projection on the part of stupid fucks that assume others think like they do.
So you have to change the subject and attack. Excellent. DAMN I'm good.

If Biden and/or his team broke the law, nail them.

Too bad you don't have the balls or honor to say that about your orange deity.
My orange deity? No….Trump will be off the hook now because of your demenTia ridden idiot….live with that…
Trumps people never refused to turn anything over…talk about partisan noise…
Of course they did. Multiple times.

That’s why the search warrant at Mar a Lago found a ton of documents marked classified.
Yet somehow the FBI found classified documents in his closet. Or are you still clinging to the whole "I thought about it and poof they were declassified" nonsense?

No, they didn't. They "found" empty folders.

Most likely things they brought with them in their backpacks.
You mean the docs they already had locked up, and told Trumps people to put another lock on? Why didn’t they take them right then?

Because they wanted a show, that’s why.
The FBI was told by Trump’s lawyer that there weren’t any more docs in the storeroom and explicitly forbid the FBI from looking through Trump’s boxes.

They couldn’t take anything because they had no legal right to without a warrant.

So they got a warrant.

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