Is it that Obama simply lacks vision and wisdom or is he so stuck in the dogma of


Really nice Guy
Mar 21, 2011
liberalism that he is incapable of seeing further than the next talking point?

I mean look he has NO energy plan and in fact what little he does have is simply beyond bizarre.

He's failed at the ME derided that previous administration and the steps they took only to have him attack some other nation with ZERO consent from our congress now he's losing that as well and cannot afford to allow the dictator there to remain.

Has has absolutely NO JOB'S plan except to attack those Evil rich bastards as being the reason for his current failures.

His sole and only plan to bring our Nation back to a semblance of financial order is .....wait for it........ wait.... Raise taxes that's it.... his grand plan all wrapped up.

Who the hell is steering this ship because the current clown is completely and utterly lost.

Where's the Leadership? where's the great uniter bringing this nation together....oh that's right anyone who disagrees with this POS is labeled as the enemy.

We labeled this failure as an empty oh man were we ever wrong this clown had no plan to even put the suit on
We can't rely on anyone in political office being a leader. We need to prepare ourselves and step up to leadership roles ourselves. We the people are the solution.

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