Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

As soon as I read someone calling gays offensive names like "faggot" I think what a Losah ....
I don't care what you think. They're faggots.
I don't care what you think a losah are scared of "faggots"...they remind you of your suppressed feelings so you hate on them...
No, I hate faggots. I'm far from scared of them.
You are scared shit less of gays ,women, people who are smarter and more educated then you.
The hate and anger you spew can only come from one source and that's fear , abject pants shitting fear.
Nope. I just hate faggots.
That is called "caring" care and stay focused on what gays do ..... you a losah
No, that is called hating faggots.
its called caring about the gays ..its something that fascinates you....
No, it is called hoping Martin Skrelli buys up all the AIDS meds and charges a billion dollar a pill that sodies have to take 6 times a day, and watching them shrivel up and die in agony for their faggotry.

Don't see how that's caring in anyway.
Nope. I just hate faggots.
That is called "caring" care and stay focused on what gays do ..... you a losah
No, that is called hating faggots.
its called caring about the gays ..its something that fascinates you....
No, it is called hoping Martin Skrelli buys up all the AIDS meds and charges a billion dollar a pill that sodies have to take 6 times a day, and watching them shrivel up and dies in agony for their faggotry.

Don't see how that's caring in anyway.
Classic placing the blame on the "other"!
I do not need anything to feel good about myself...I am very comfortable in my skin as they say....I am not scared of gays, Blacks , foreigners none of that ...the Police do make me nervous....


There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
2000 years later ..

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