Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Dude you are no where close to San Francisco. you are closer to Southern California.

.It is not just Palo Alto anymore..It is the whole bay area ..infested with a bunch of greed ass people jacking up the rents so high the only ones who can afford it are the ultra rich.
It is turning conservative.

San Francisco’s rightward turn: Why it may no longer be America’s iconic liberal city

Not "closer to," I am in Southern California.

Sadly though, we are still ruled by Sacramento, which ONLY cares about Elon Musk (welfare queen extraordinaire) Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, David Cheriton, et al.

All of these are radical left, all of these are DEEPLY religious in the AGW cult. And they run the state. Brown and his band of democrook clowns dance on the string of these elite rulers.
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop being such ridiculous whiners and drama queens.

Thank you....we get one fuckin black guy in the gotdamn white house and these mf's have been bat shit crazy ever since. I want my country back, the country is gone to hell, yada yada yada yada....never been so damn sick of conservative rednecks in my fuckin life!!

I assure you, had a white guy been in the White House these last seven years and had the exact agenda, all of us would have went after him, and despised him every bit as much as we have with Obama.

I will say however, a liberal black man is worse since not only does he bring a left wing agenda, but he also comes with a huge chip on his shoulder, as well as people like you who constantly harp that we hate him only because he's black.

Soon you'll be claiming we only go after Hillary because she's female and we're all sexist women haters who can't deal with a woman being in the White House.
aren't you all being persecuted for being Christians ? like when folks say "Happy Holidays " to you....

You'll have to ask a Christian.
If you are not a Christian you do a impressive imitation of an ignorant pissed off one.

I love my fellow Conservatives regardless of whether they are Christian or not. I love the fact that America has always been a Christian nation ( not a Christian government ).
I love the traditional culture here, and am saddened to see it polluted by the likes of people like you.
I would love to see you and other libs gone. It would be a great day if millions of you suddenly left for Canada. It would be a day worthy of an annual national holiday.
There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
Thank you....we get one fuckin black guy in the gotdamn white house and these mf's have been bat shit crazy ever since. I want my country back, the country is gone to hell, yada yada yada yada....never been so damn sick of conservative rednecks in my fuckin life!!

I assure you, had a white guy been in the White House these last seven years and had the exact agenda, all of us would have went after him, and despised him every bit as much as we have with Obama.

I will say however, a liberal black man is worse since not only does he bring a left wing agenda, but he also comes with a huge chip on his shoulder, as well as people like you who constantly harp that we hate him only because he's black.

Soon you'll be claiming we only go after Hillary because she's female and we're all sexist women haters who can't deal with a woman being in the White House.
aren't you all being persecuted for being Christians ? like when folks say "Happy Holidays " to you....

You'll have to ask a Christian.
If you are not a Christian you do a impressive imitation of an ignorant pissed off one.

I love my fellow Conservatives regardless of whether they are Christian or not. I love the fact that America has always been a Christian nation ( not a Christian government ).
I love the traditional culture here, and am saddened to see it polluted by the likes of people like you.
I would love to see you and other libs gone. It would be a great day if millions of you suddenly left for Canada. It would be a day worthy of an annual national holiday.
America is not and never has been a Christian country .
It is a country where all religions and no religion are welcome and celebrated.
Note the distinction.
There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Jonesy, you do realize every time you and your fellow loons comment and trash Christians that makes you bigots, right? You really are fucking stupid
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...

That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Another question on the topic ,
If Christians left America would that include the gay lesbian and transgender ones?
What about the criminal and mentally ill ones etc.
There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Of course some do

But certainly some on the left also discriminate against those same Christians.

Because discrimination is HUMAN NATURE. You will NEVER legislate discrimination from existence. Now what you can do is make harming another person illegal, and that is right and just, but the the government simply isn't empowered to make discrimination illegal.

That is what many liberals can't understand, discrimination in and of itself is not harmful to another person. If hearing or seeing things that offend you harms you, too bad get over it, we have Constitutional protections for a reason.
I assure you, had a white guy been in the White House these last seven years and had the exact agenda, all of us would have went after him, and despised him every bit as much as we have with Obama.

I will say however, a liberal black man is worse since not only does he bring a left wing agenda, but he also comes with a huge chip on his shoulder, as well as people like you who constantly harp that we hate him only because he's black.

Soon you'll be claiming we only go after Hillary because she's female and we're all sexist women haters who can't deal with a woman being in the White House.
aren't you all being persecuted for being Christians ? like when folks say "Happy Holidays " to you....

You'll have to ask a Christian.
If you are not a Christian you do a impressive imitation of an ignorant pissed off one.

I love my fellow Conservatives regardless of whether they are Christian or not. I love the fact that America has always been a Christian nation ( not a Christian government ).
I love the traditional culture here, and am saddened to see it polluted by the likes of people like you.
I would love to see you and other libs gone. It would be a great day if millions of you suddenly left for Canada. It would be a day worthy of an annual national holiday.
America is not and never has been a Christian country .
It is a country where all religions and no religion are welcome and celebrated.
Note the distinction.
If that is so, explain the thread title, and the slobrot's comments...
It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...

That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.
There is a vast gap between "compassion and respect" and allowing them to traipse all over the rights of others. Jesus Christ, what is going on in this country when people believe that some peoples' rights are more important than others? That's a serious question and applies to the fascists on the left and on the right.
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Of course some do

But certainly some on the left also discriminate against those same Christians.

Because discrimination is HUMAN NATURE. You will NEVER legislate discrimination from existence. Now what you can do is make harming another person illegal, and that is right and just, but the the government simply isn't empowered to make discrimination illegal.

That is what many liberals can't understand, discrimination in and of itself is not harmful to another person. If hearing or seeing things that offend you harms you, too bad get over it, we have Constitutional protections for a reason.
The right has been attempting to legislate away everything that they find offensive.
You can stow that bullshit right now
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...

That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.

Oh the irony
Can you answer this for me I have often come the Christian community supported Slavery and a slavery in which a human being was considered a 'farm animal" how come the Christians supported that ...........

It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Of course some do

But certainly some on the left also discriminate against those same Christians.

Because discrimination is HUMAN NATURE. You will NEVER legislate discrimination from existence. Now what you can do is make harming another person illegal, and that is right and just, but the the government simply isn't empowered to make discrimination illegal.

That is what many liberals can't understand, discrimination in and of itself is not harmful to another person. If hearing or seeing things that offend you harms you, too bad get over it, we have Constitutional protections for a reason.

What an insightful retort.
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...

That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.
Btw the sole supporter sympathy getting bullshit is a fine example of my point.
It wasn't just Christians who believed that at the time, and Christians also helped lead the charge to abolish slavery.

Also, what exactly does that have to do with today?
The Christians are still the white supremacists...its is Christians behind the attempt to punish and degrade the LGBT s ...
Let's say that some bigots who are Christian use their religion as "justification" to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Of course some do

But certainly some on the left also discriminate against those same Christians.

Because discrimination is HUMAN NATURE. You will NEVER legislate discrimination from existence. Now what you can do is make harming another person illegal, and that is right and just, but the the government simply isn't empowered to make discrimination illegal.

That is what many liberals can't understand, discrimination in and of itself is not harmful to another person. If hearing or seeing things that offend you harms you, too bad get over it, we have Constitutional protections for a reason.

What an insightful retort.
Spot on!
That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.

Oh the irony
Anyone ever tell you that you should only use words you know?
That is a hasty, and stupid, generalization.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.
Btw the sole supporter sympathy getting bullshit is a fine example of my point.
Why are you responding to yourself?

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