Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Maybe daws is like 14 years-old or something?

Duhs was THAT kid. You know the kind. Born into an upper middle class family with a doting mother who worshipped him. Put into every sport, Pop Warner, Little League, AYSO, etc. but not worth a shit at any of them because the coaches didn't appreciate how very special he was.

Given everything he wanted, the kind that stands in the middle of Target at 8 years old screaming at his mom what a stupid fucking bitch she is while she tries to coddle her little darling. Got a brand new car the day of his 16th birthday, totalling it a week later, only to have mommy buy him another the next day. Sent to the best University that they could bribe him into, all paid for by mommy, where he concentrated on drinking and smoking pot. Was given "Gentlemans C" on all his classes and walked out with an underwater basket weaving degree, But daddy's connections still landed him a job where he had a decent income and never had to produce.
aren't you all being persecuted for being Christians ? like when folks say "Happy Holidays " to you....

You'll have to ask a Christian.
If you are not a Christian you do a impressive imitation of an ignorant pissed off one.

I love my fellow Conservatives regardless of whether they are Christian or not. I love the fact that America has always been a Christian nation ( not a Christian government ).
I love the traditional culture here, and am saddened to see it polluted by the likes of people like you.
I would love to see you and other libs gone. It would be a great day if millions of you suddenly left for Canada. It would be a day worthy of an annual national holiday.
America is not and never has been a Christian country .
It is a country where all religions and no religion are welcome and celebrated.
Note the distinction.
If that is so, explain the thread title, and the slobrot's comments...
Asked and answered.
Slobrot was trained by gubmint skools to hate white Christians.
You are a product of public schools, so is that your excuse for being an ignorant and hateful asshole?
I'm not ignorant nor hateful.

I attended public schools. My family, however, taught their own morality and culture at home, and we did NOT substitute government garbage for our family values. In the instances where the school and our family were teaching different things, we were taught to reject the government version and stick with our own.

You, on the other hand, are the product of a slum upbringing, where you had no family values and your only source of food, entertainment, and education came straight from the government.

I am the sole supporter of my family and have been for many years. My older children are not dead, not in prison, have been in stable relationships for a decade, and work to support themselves and their children. My younger children are honor roll students who are active in their community and extra curricular activities (that I have to pay for...we don't get subsidies for those, either).

You, on the other hand....
Bullshit! you are all that and more .
Absolutely everything you post is crammed to the rafters with bile spewing hatred and bigotry.
Own it.
Btw the sole supporter sympathy getting bullshit is a fine example of my point.
Why are you responding to yourself?
Why do you give a shit?
Besides you know it's about you .
Maybe daws is like 14 years-old or something?

Duhs was THAT kid. You know the kind. Born into an upper middle class family with a doting mother who worshipped him. Put into every sport, Pop Warner, Little League, AYSO, etc. but not worth a shit at any of them because the coaches didn't appreciate how very special he was.

Given everything he wanted, the kind that stands in the middle of Target at 8 years old screaming at his mom what a stupid fucking bitch she is while she tries to coddle her little darling. Got a brand new car the day of his 16th birthday, totalling it a week later, only to have mommy buy him another the next day. Sent to the best University that they could bribe him into, all paid for by mommy, where he concentrated on drinking and smoking pot. Was given "Gentlemans C" on all his classes and walked out with an underwater basket weaving degree, But daddy's connections still landed him a job where he had a decent income and never had to produce.


Only not as smart.
These fuc*king people make Christians look so bad. This is not ok, they probably leave the protest and go cheat on their spouse.
BTW there were no bathrooms in Jesus time...

I could care less who uses my bathroom as long as they put the seat down ..


I never even bother yo LIFT the seat. Some woman would complain either way.
Maybe daws is like 14 years-old or something?

Duhs was THAT kid. You know the kind. Born into an upper middle class family with a doting mother who worshipped him. Put into every sport, Pop Warner, Little League, AYSO, etc. but not worth a shit at any of them because the coaches didn't appreciate how very special he was.

Given everything he wanted, the kind that stands in the middle of Target at 8 years old screaming at his mom what a stupid fucking bitch she is while she tries to coddle her little darling. Got a brand new car the day of his 16th birthday, totalling it a week later, only to have mommy buy him another the next day. Sent to the best University that they could bribe him into, all paid for by mommy, where he concentrated on drinking and smoking pot. Was given "Gentlemans C" on all his classes and walked out with an underwater basket weaving degree, But daddy's connections still landed him a job where he had a decent income and never had to produce.
The award for the best fantasy in a thread goes to unhinged.
What's hilarious about your bullshit is you actually believe it.
The award for the best fantasy in a thread goes to unhinged.
What's hilarious about your bullshit is you actually believe it.

So Duhs, what is your bachelors in? We both know you have one. Cultural studies? Old World History? Ancient Languages?

Seriously, what is it in?

Mine was Management Information Systems, from Cal Poly Pomona. (Yep, I went to a state school, it was all I could afford. I wasn't that kid.)
The award for the best fantasy in a thread goes to unhinged.
What's hilarious about your bullshit is you actually believe it.

So Duhs, what is your bachelors in? We both know you have one. Cultural studies? Old World History? Ancient Languages?

Seriously, what is it in?

Mine was Management Information Systems, from Cal Poly Pomona. (Yep, I went to a state school, it was all I could afford. I wasn't that kid.)
None of the above .
I graduated from UC Fullerton with a master's in film and technical theater
The show biz equivalent of an engineering degree.
I paid for it by working and saving .
You are far closer to being that kid then I could ever be.
I got my BA at OCC.
As to the rest of your bullshit .
My dad was a lifer in the Marines after that he was and assembly worker at ford in Pico rivera.
He never got me any jobs ever
My parents had 7 children .
Making all your assumptions fantasy.
I assure you, had a white guy been in the White House these last seven years and had the exact agenda, all of us would have went after him, and despised him every bit as much as we have with Obama.

I will say however, a liberal black man is worse since not only does he bring a left wing agenda, but he also comes with a huge chip on his shoulder, as well as people like you who constantly harp that we hate him only because he's black.

Soon you'll be claiming we only go after Hillary because she's female and we're all sexist women haters who can't deal with a woman being in the White House.
aren't you all being persecuted for being Christians ? like when folks say "Happy Holidays " to you....

You'll have to ask a Christian.
If you are not a Christian you do a impressive imitation of an ignorant pissed off one.

I love my fellow Conservatives regardless of whether they are Christian or not. I love the fact that America has always been a Christian nation ( not a Christian government ).
I love the traditional culture here, and am saddened to see it polluted by the likes of people like you.
I would love to see you and other libs gone. It would be a great day if millions of you suddenly left for Canada. It would be a day worthy of an annual national holiday.
America is not and never has been a Christian country .
It is a country where all religions and no religion are welcome and celebrated.
Note the distinction.
Wrong dufuss....all the original states started out with different denominations of Christianity as their state religions. The feds just didn't endorse any DENOMINATION. They had no plans for muzzies, Buddhists, Sikhs, or any other random religious group immigrating here.
The award for the best fantasy in a thread goes to unhinged.
What's hilarious about your bullshit is you actually believe it.

So Duhs, what is your bachelors in? We both know you have one. Cultural studies? Old World History? Ancient Languages?

Seriously, what is it in?

Mine was Management Information Systems, from Cal Poly Pomona. (Yep, I went to a state school, it was all I could afford. I wasn't that kid.)
None of the above .
I graduated from UC Fullerton with a master's in film and technical theater
The show biz equivalent of an engineering degree.
I paid for it by working and saving .
You are far closer to being that kid then I could ever be.
I got my BA at OCC.
As to the rest of your bullshit .
My dad was a lifer in the Marines after that he was and assembly worker at ford in Pico rivera.
He never got me any jobs ever
My parents had 7 children .
Making all your assumptions fantasy.

I though OCC was a JC?

My youngest daughter went to Fullerton.

I went to Mt. Sac to get an AA
Then to Poly for the BS.
Did not live at home, had to support myself.
I worked tending bar or busing tables to pay for it.
My employer paid for my MBA costs
My employer is paying for the costs (most of them) of my Ph.D.
My parents never gave me a dime.
Dad is a CPA, mother a legal secretary. (both old and retired)
Wrong dufuss....all the original states started out with different denominations of Christianity as their state religions. The feds just didn't endorse any DENOMINATION. They had no plans for muzzies, Buddhists, Sikhs, or any other group immigrating here.

7 out of 13 colonies.

Not all.
There was no federal law that all states couldn't have an established denomination of christianity. It had nothing to do with any other religion. That was my point. Thanks for the correction
Nope. I'm never leaving America. Liberals are the anti-Americans who threaten to leave when things don't go their way.
Nope. I'm never leaving America. Liberals are the anti-Americans who threaten to leave when things don't go their way.
sure they don't...does the phrase "'Civil war" mean anything to ya?
The Texas secession debate is getting kind of real
Washington Post‎ - 2 days ago
Texas Republicans may be forced into debating or even voting on the issue.

Young Americans Heavily Favor Transgender Bathroom Rights

Technically they would still be Americans and wouldn't be leaving. haha, That was some darn good Liberal logic I just used there!!! :)

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