Is it Time for Federal Election Standards?

A change needs to occur. Perhaps voting for FEDERAL positions should have FEDERAL standards.
IF there is a federal office on the ballot the federal rules apply.. States can fuck up thier elections all they want but for the federal offices stringent rules apply!

States can pick the electorates any way they wish... It is the states rights thing...

But I understand what you are saying... When the Good Old Boys started lynching Black people trying to vote... When the Cops open fire on a peaceful march protesting the Feds had to step in...

Problem you got is that Trump and other conservatives have stated quite clearly that they want to suppress the vote. GOP already get a massive bias towards their voters and still can't win...
Democrats have a 11% winning margin in the Senate and GOP has three more seats...

Trump set up a investigation into voter fraud and they found nothing....

But the biggest question, if there was vote rigging, how come GOP held the Senate? How did they gain seats in the House?
Answer that first.
They didn't cheat via partline voting...
But the biggest question, if there was vote rigging, how come GOP held the Senate? How did they gain seats in the House?
Answer that first.
As that great bidenite Mac1958 put it, I dont have a crystal ball that tells me the future.

I think a through investigation will answer those questions for you
The UN should send election observers

and maybe peacekeepers

I never rent....And I know if they want to try they will be refused. Where you get your references I have an idea through a weepy eyed existence every time you think of that genius..
I would think even a bitter anarchist like yourself would worry about democrat election fraud

but I guess not
As with everything the left does they assert rules and regulations by organizations to encroach on the rights of others. Why dont we make federal regulations under the Federal Elections Commission to guide states in conducting FEDERAL ELECTIONS? ANd make violations a reason to invalidate ballots counted when the rules are violated.

Voter ID mandated..
Time and date of vote count.
Time and dates of what constitutes a legal vote.
Voter verification procedures.
Ballot verification procedures and the presence of poll watchers.
Elimination of mail in voting and allowing only the controlled absentee system to remain.

We need to have standardized voting laws to eliminate what we are going through today.

I, and many like me, have absolutely NO CONFIDENCE this current process was fair or secured. Its time for change and I am going to work very hard to put Republicans who will make it law into the House and Senate in 2022...

Yes, I can understand that you do not have any confidence in the elections where the Republican party controls the state election process...that's quite understandable.

But, one thing that you forgot about is that if you truly want fair elections we should eliminate the electoral college and let the Presidency be decided by the popular vote.
A change needs to occur. Perhaps voting for FEDERAL positions should have FEDERAL standards.
IF there is a federal office on the ballot the federal rules apply.. States can fuck up thier elections all they want but for the federal offices stringent rules apply!

States can pick the electorates any way they wish... It is the states rights thing...

But I understand what you are saying... When the Good Old Boys started lynching Black people trying to vote... When the Cops open fire on a peaceful march protesting the Feds had to step in...

Problem you got is that Trump and other conservatives have stated quite clearly that they want to suppress the vote. GOP already get a massive bias towards their voters and still can't win...
Democrats have a 11% winning margin in the Senate and GOP has three more seats...

Trump set up a investigation into voter fraud and they found nothing....

But the biggest question, if there was vote rigging, how come GOP held the Senate? How did they gain seats in the House?
Answer that first.
When you drop 450,000 ballots with just Biden selected its not hard to see the fraud...
Yes. Since 2000, we have had Presidential Elections where both sides were not comfortable with the outcome based on the process and integrity and validation checks. In 2000, my guy won. At the same time, given what we went through in Florida, and that 50% of the people were not confident in the outcome due to irregularities, hanging chads, etc., I thought it was a good opportunity for us to collectively look at the voting process and see where/how we could improve that.

The Democrats are demanding unity. They are demanding non-Biden supporters and voters join in the healing process. You want unity? Start by Investing in recount like we did in 2000. More importantly, create a true bipartisan commission and Election system experts to address potential risks and vulnerabilities. For example, develop a standard where the registered lists can be cleaned up. Dead people and people who have moved out of the district or whom have otherwise not voted in that district in 6 years be removed. In my own opinion, I think Mail-In Ballots sent unsolicited based on a the registration list needs to be changed.

If we have a single system then it's easier to cheat it around the nation.

In this case we're blessed that the voting laws are different in every state, because they tried to implement a "One-size-fits-all" scheme to steal the votes in all the battleground states and isolated districts nationwide.
Is it Time for Federal Election Standards?

The bigger question BB is why wasn't there always a federal election standard to begin with???? I mean, IT'S A FEDERAL ELECTION!! Try applying for a job anywhere, they hold you to a standard to work for them. This is not an arbitrary standard, this is a FEDERAL standard by which you work as president of the country, not a state.
You fucktards have proven you like the ability to cheat/steal that which you can not get legally and it must stop. You can not be trusted to run ANYTHING...

What's been stolen? Who has cheated? Where?

You are being purposefully obtuse. Why?

Here is but ONE EXAMPLE....poll watchers not being allowed to watch the count in Philly.

You know the evidence is out there. Stop being a troll.

How did Jorgensen do? :rolleyes:

If we have a single system then it's easier to cheat it around the nation.

In this case we're blessed that the voting laws are different in every state, because they tried to implement a "One-size-fits-all" scheme to steal the votes in all the battleground states and isolated districts nationwide.
I disagree..

A set standard will show flaws and the ability to correct them over time. A hodge-podge of processes make fraud detection harder to find and deal with. As a retired LEO, having a set standard for federal elections limits voter fraud potential.
A change needs to occur. Perhaps voting for FEDERAL positions should have FEDERAL standards.
IF there is a federal office on the ballot the federal rules apply.. States can fuck up thier elections all they want but for the federal offices stringent rules apply!

States can pick the electorates any way they wish... It is the states rights thing...

But I understand what you are saying... When the Good Old Boys started lynching Black people trying to vote... When the Cops open fire on a peaceful march protesting the Feds had to step in...

Problem you got is that Trump and other conservatives have stated quite clearly that they want to suppress the vote. GOP already get a massive bias towards their voters and still can't win...
Democrats have a 11% winning margin in the Senate and GOP has three more seats...

Trump set up a investigation into voter fraud and they found nothing....

But the biggest question, if there was vote rigging, how come GOP held the Senate? How did they gain seats in the House?
Answer that first.
When you drop 450,000 ballots with just Biden selected its not hard to see the fraud...

Thank god this election wasn't close or the Wing Nuts would have lost their shit...
As with everything the left does they assert rules and regulations by organizations to encroach on the rights of others. Why dont we make federal regulations under the Federal Elections Commission to guide states in conducting FEDERAL ELECTIONS? ANd make violations a reason to invalidate ballots counted when the rules are violated.

Voter ID mandated..
Time and date of vote count.
Time and dates of what constitutes a legal vote.
Voter verification procedures.
Ballot verification procedures and the presence of poll watchers.
Elimination of mail in voting and allowing only the controlled absentee system to remain.

We need to have standardized voting laws to eliminate what we are going through today.

I, and many like me, have absolutely NO CONFIDENCE this current process was fair or secured. Its time for change and I am going to work very hard to put Republicans who will make it law into the House and Senate in 2022...
How funny is it that pseudocons want more federal control of elections and don't like states having the power to run their elections as they see fit?

Is there NOTHING you all have not proven to be complete hypocrites about?
You fucktards have proven you like the ability to cheat/steal that which you can not get legally and it must stop. You can not be trusted to run ANYTHING...
You seem to be under the mistaken impression I am a Democrat. :lol:

There's a reason I call you dolts pseudocons. Because you wouldn't know a conservative principle if you were kicked in the nuts with one.

That's because you're a Democrat
Yes. Since 2000, we have had Presidential Elections where both sides were not comfortable with the outcome based on the process and integrity and validation checks. In 2000, my guy won. At the same time, given what we went through in Florida, and that 50% of the people were not confident in the outcome due to irregularities, hanging chads, etc., I thought it was a good opportunity for us to collectively look at the voting process and see where/how we could improve that.

The Democrats are demanding unity. They are demanding non-Biden supporters and voters join in the healing process. You want unity? Start by Investing in recount like we did in 2000. More importantly, create a true bipartisan commission and Election system experts to address potential risks and vulnerabilities. For example, develop a standard where the registered lists can be cleaned up. Dead people and people who have moved out of the district or whom have otherwise not voted in that district in 6 years be removed. In my own opinion, I think Mail-In Ballots sent unsolicited based on a the registration list needs to be changed.

Democrats tried some of what you are asking... Any money for the elections was rejected by Mitch...

This whole fiasco was put in place by GOP state legislators... They wanted an early lead and hoped they could bitch and complain as they are caught...

Look to Florida and Ohio, the exact opposite happened... They were allowed to count the mail in first and Biden showed well early on... But Trump came through like a train.....
What's been stolen? Who has cheated? Where?

You are being purposefully obtuse. Why?

Here is but ONE EXAMPLE....poll watchers not being allowed to watch the count in Philly.

You know the evidence is out there. Stop being a troll.

Denying access to poll watchers, while unscrupulous and possibly criminal, is not hard evidence that any fraud took place.
I wouldn't mind federal election standards. It'd be a good opportunity to get some regressive states up to speed.

I've been in favor of a national voter database for a long time. We have the technology to track where people are, when they move and when they die. Might as well put it to good use.
Yes. Since 2000, we have had Presidential Elections where both sides were not comfortable with the outcome based on the process and integrity and validation checks. In 2000, my guy won. At the same time, given what we went through in Florida, and that 50% of the people were not confident in the outcome due to irregularities, hanging chads, etc., I thought it was a good opportunity for us to collectively look at the voting process and see where/how we could improve that.

The Democrats are demanding unity. They are demanding non-Biden supporters and voters join in the healing process. You want unity? Start by Investing in recount like we did in 2000. More importantly, create a true bipartisan commission and Election system experts to address potential risks and vulnerabilities. For example, develop a standard where the registered lists can be cleaned up. Dead people and people who have moved out of the district or whom have otherwise not voted in that district in 6 years be removed. In my own opinion, I think Mail-In Ballots sent unsolicited based on a the registration list needs to be changed.

Democrats tried some of what you are asking... Any money for the elections was rejected by Mitch...

This whole fiasco was put in place by GOP state legislators... They wanted an early lead and hoped they could bitch and complain as they are caught...

Look to Florida and Ohio, the exact opposite happened... They were allowed to count the mail in first and Biden showed well early on... But Trump came through like a train.....

What did the Democrats specifically want to put in besides unsolicited Mail In Bslloting and resisting to clean up voter registration lists like I described? See Ohio.

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