Zone1 Is it time for Whites to boycott anything and everything not acted in, advertised by, sold by or made by Whites?

There is no war on whites.
Are white kids getting into colleges for the color of their skin?
Are white kids getting grants for the color of their skin?
Are white farmers being funded by government for the color of their skin?
Are white Supreme Court Justices being appointed for the color of their skin?
Are whites being selected Vice President for the color of their skin?
Are whites starring in every commercial for the color of their skin?
Are politicians celebrating and encouraging a whiter composition?
Are private sector firms openly supporting business owners for their white skin?

Amazon promotes Black-owned businesses for Black History Month

Isn’t the right trying to adhere to the intent of our framers?
Why does that make you piss yourself?
No, they aren't. And if white supremacy was the intent, that ended with the 14th Amendment at minimum.
Are white kids getting into colleges for the color of their skin?
Are white kids getting grants for the color of their skin?
Are white farmers being funded by government for the color of their skin?
Are white Supreme Court Justices being appointed for the color of their skin?
Are whites being selected Vice President for the color of their skin?
Are whites starring in every commercial for the color of their skin?
Are politicians celebrating and encouraging a whiter composition?
Are private sector firms openly supporting business owners for their white skin?

Amazon promotes Black-owned businesses for Black History Month

The Naturalization Act of 1790 states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as they lived in the United States for at least two years and in the state where the application was filed for at least one year.

Whites have been getting all those things because of the color of their skin since the start of this country. Go re learn American history, cuck.
I don't really think it is bigoted seein' as the left has been crowing and celebrating what they think is the demise of white america. So there's definitely a bias going in that whites who don't think too far ahead.

I don't get why any american of any color would work against the survival of their country, This Country......seems counter productive to me.
They way people work now is no encouragement just insults.
I don't support such a court system. That court system is in your imagination. You should not oppose social justice.
“Social justice” is just a philosophy of justified violence. Burning down cities, looting and the murder of 30 people was your “social justice” of 2020. The Final Solution was the “social justice” of 1930’s Germany.
“Social justice” is just a philosophy of justified violence. Burning down cities, looting and the murder of 30 people was your “social justice” of 2020. The Final Solution was the “social justice” of 1930’s Germany.

Then why are so many black people in prison?

You better learn to stick to the script that white liberals gave you.
Yes, that needs to be worked on, but not to the extent the Orange Perv can pervert our justice system.


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We all know it is…the race war is fully underway but ofcourse good White folks will be the last to admit it, the last to act, the last to fully engage in the war...they literally have no sense of self preservation.
They always seem to take the ‘if I pretend it isn’t happening maybe it will just go-away‘ approach….WHY!!!
The War On Whites is right in your face, it’s not at all subtle, nobody is trying to hide it or disguise it.
‘They’ do it because they know you won’t do a damn thing about it.

(now go-ahead and pretend you didn’t see this post)

No. I want the non-racial obsessed people of other races to be on my side far more than I want to side with race obsessed people of my own race.

Those people suck.
No. I want the non-racial obsessed people of other races to be on my side far more than I want to side with race obsessed people of my own race.

Those people suck.
That’s a noble theory…how has that been working out for you?
Giving into Balkanization isn't the answer. Sticking to the notion of a legally color blind society is the only way out of this.
I’m pretty sure we’re being left with no choice in the matter. They have showed you their hand and played their cards, we can’t keep pretending they haven’t….can we?
I’m pretty sure we’re being left with no choice in the matter. They have showed you their hand and played their cards, we can’t keep pretending they haven’t….can we?

Always a choice, and the loud obnoxious ones don't have the actual support they claim to have. They are more leftists than racialists, at least most of them are.
Always a choice, and the loud obnoxious ones don't have the actual support they claim to have. They are more leftists than racialists, at least most of them are.

That’s what I keep saying…..but the liberals on this site say advocating for race-blind policies is racist.
I’m done sitting on my hands…pretending…and letting them bring the fight to me…I’m all in.

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