Zone1 Is it time for Whites to boycott anything and everything not acted in, advertised by, sold by or made by Whites?

They say they love this country more than the right does...and yet they think that killing off the unborn and confusing and multilating the next generation is going to be good for the country. Opening the border to illegals, the insane, criminals, trash people, child traffickers, terrorists and america haters is going to be good for this country?? Already our country looks like shit.... cities deteriorating because they're catering to destructive demanding foreigners and WE:RE SUPPORTING THESE FOREIGNERS WITH OUR OWN is that good for the country?
It’s obvious that they’re intentionally trying to weaken the country by importing criminals and demeaning successful people.
I don't think I buy much that is made by blacks. I generally avoid woke entrainment, TV and busiensses. I get all my DVDs and Blu-rays from the library for free. TV? I watch the nightly news to keep up with the commie propaganda. Other than that, almost nil TV.

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Now, back when I lived in L.A., blacks were my best friends. Not much thinking about this subject. But as time passed over the decades we can see what is in the blacks' hearts nowadays.

And if nothing else...

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You don't know what's in our hearts and blacks are not the only people who are not white. Whites have stepped on every other non-white group in this country but somehow they think every other non-white group but blacks are their friends.
your politicians and media say there is and they desire that.
No they don't. But you think that whites are entitled to everything without challenge and when you find that people don't accept what you believe, you want to whine about how there is a war against you to try starting violence.
Sadly we have way too much baggage…Too many like BackAgain , these nutless pieces of filthy dogshit are scared fucking pussies.
idiot...these guys are like prophets telling you what's coming and you're so intent on the destruction of this country for woke and 'fairness' you can't see past yer own nose.
your politicians and media say there is and they desire that.
They’re trying to act like whites don’t exist as it is. I just got a 10-page advertising flyer from MACYs, advertising clothes and household stuff, and every page had black person featured front and center. Some pages were of a black woman and a child. Other pages were of black men. Throughout the entire inside pages, not one white was shown. Then, on the back, was a tiny square with a white woman and child.

It’s so over the top that it’s laughable.
idiot... these guys are like prophets telling you what's coming and you're so intent on the destruction of this country for woke and 'fairness' you can't see past yer own nose.
Why do you oppose social justice and fairness?
Sadly we have way too much baggage…Too many like BackAgain , these nutless pieces of filthy dogshit are scared fucking pussies.
I certainly am. More and more of my fellow citizens are flaking out. They're embracing a fascism, mired in fear and paranoia. I get the frustration with the "we-know-betterism" of the liberals, but that's no excuse to go full retard. Never go full retard
as long as progressive democrat teachers get to keep teaching them to hate this country and its founding... they must do this because they hate God.
No one is teaching these children to hate anything. They are being taught the truth so they don't grow up to be fucked up adults who believe a delusion.
I certainly am. More and more of my fellow citizens are flaking out. They're embracing a fascism, mired in fear and paranoia. I get the frustration with the "we-know-betterism" of the liberals, but that's no excuse to go full retard. Never go full retard
Who is going full retard?
I certainly am. More and more of my fellow citizens are flaking out. They're embracing a fascism, mired in fear and paranoia. I get the frustration with the "we-know-betterism" of the liberals, but that's no excuse to go full retard. Never go full retard
There is no such we know betterism.
We all know it is…the race war is fully underway but ofcourse good White folks will be the last to admit it, the last to act, the last to fully engage in the war...they literally have no sense of self preservation.
They always seem to take the ‘if I pretend it isn’t happening maybe it will just go-away‘ approach….WHY!!!
The War On Whites is right in your face, it’s not at all subtle, nobody is trying to hide it or disguise it.
‘They’ do it because they know you won’t do a damn thing about it.

(now go-ahead and pretend you didn’t see this post)

You whack-jobs have gone completely off the rails today. What's up? You Kukoos usually save this degree of mouth-foaming for days when something big, like a new indictment, happens.

What did I miss?

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