Zone1 Is it time for Whites to boycott anything and everything not acted in, advertised by, sold by or made by Whites?

Only in your goofy head.
Right because in your head you live in Nazi Germany, not a country that has diversity quotas, affirmative action, special “history” months for every minority, ect ect.

Just the other day IM2 was bragging about how Biden prioritized black people for covid relief. The only favoritism the majority gets is in the amount of space they occupy in the minds of people like yourself.
Right because in your head you live in Nazi Germany, not a country that has diversity quotas, affirmative action, special “history” months for every minority, ect ect.

Just the other day IM2 was bragging about how Biden prioritized black people for covid relief. The only favoritism the majority gets is in the amount of space they occupy in the minds of people like yourself.
Yup, they did in a liberal county in Maryland too - Black people and elderly of any race were first.

Is it time for Whites to boycott anything and everything not acted in, advertised by, sold by or made by Whites?​

I would however encourage blacks to buy from black companies so as to support their own people. That’s how you build up a community.

Jews did that when they first arrived here, penniless, during the Great Immigration. They set up:little groceries, clothing shops, sewing and repair shops, etc., and they bought from each other as a way of support.
That makes sense. You just don't want to see race used as a criteria for purchasing decisions. I assume you'd also boycott a business that advertised as "white-owned"?
That makes sense. You just don't want to see race used as a criteria for purchasing decisions. I assume you'd also boycott a business that advertised as "white-owned"?
Thats the thing. No one is going to advertise their business as being “white owned” because the favoritism doesn’t go that way.
I won’t step foot into a dark person store or restaurant.
(1) I sense that you are very sincere in your feelings, and I congratulate you on putting your money where your mouth is.

(2) I am 86, and for various reasons, I have been threatened many times since the 1960s by the people under discussion.

(3) But I have also met some people of that group who have been nicer and less greedy than many people of the other ethnicities in this country.

(4) I have NO doubt that life in this nation will be very challenging as the Caucasian population continues its rapid decline in numbers.
I don't see pedicure shops advertising Asians, only pedicures.
Isn’t it sort of racist to characterize Asians as owning nail-salons? Fucking Apu got canceled for that crap.

Let me know when Yelp lists the best white owned businesses.

That makes sense. You just don't want to see race used as a criteria for purchasing decisions. I assume you'd also boycott a business that advertised as "white-owned"?
Yes, of course. That’s just as racist.

I only care about one color when I shop - green.

P.S. I owned a business. I never advertised my religion or race. I advertised how great a value my service was.
Hahaha…I’m deep in the fight and have been for years…I prefer to stay ahead of the curve.
As woke white-guilters and the like forbid Whites from taking part in ad campaigns, corporate identities etc etc…I won’t watch dark people sports, I don’t buy a single product pitched by dark people, I don’t watch any television headlined by dark people.
I won’t step foot into a dark person store or restaurant.
Don’t like it? Get out of the George Floyd created Twilight Zone you’re part of and let things get back to normal and organic.
Nobody cares what you do
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White Jews got direct financial assistance from the government like every other white group did during the New Deal and after rWW2. That's how they "made it."
(1) I sense that you are very sincere in your feelings, and I congratulate you on putting your money where your mouth is.

(2) I am 86, and for various reasons, I have been threatened many times since the 1960s by the people under discussion.

(3) But I have also met some people of that group who have been nicer and less greedy than many people of the other ethnicities in this country.

(4) I have NO doubt that life in this nation will be very challenging as the Caucasian population continues its rapid decline in numbers.
You've been threatened because of your racial attitude.
Right because in your head you live in Nazi Germany, not a country that has diversity quotas, affirmative action, special “history” months for every minority, ect ect.

Just the other day IM2 was bragging about how Biden prioritized black people for covid relief. The only favoritism the majority gets is in the amount of space they occupy in the minds of people like yourself.
So much better to live in this country then the one in your head.
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White Jews got direct financial assistance from the government like every other white group did during the New Deal and after rWW2. That's how they "made it."
Not sure why you chose to put down Jews on a thread totally unrelated, but both sets of my impoverished grandparents refused a penny of “Relief” during the Great Depression, and didn’t get any other federal assistance, either. Their kids all became successful middle class homeowners because they placed a high value on education, delayed gratification, were hard-working and discipline, and smart to boot.

Stop trying to discredit Jews for their success.
We all know it is…the race war is fully underway but ofcourse good White folks will be the last to admit it, the last to act, the last to fully engage in the war...they literally have no sense of self preservation.
They always seem to take the ‘if I pretend it isn’t happening maybe it will just go-away‘ approach….WHY!!!
The War On Whites is right in your face, it’s not at all subtle, nobody is trying to hide it or disguise it.
‘They’ do it because they know you won’t do a damn thing about it.

(now go-ahead and pretend you didn’t see this post)
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