Is it time to start prepping and what will the SHTF scenario look like?

There is more to preparing for the SHTF than stocking up stuff. You need to be able to protect yourself and defend your stockpile. This would likely require you to gather with others in a 'compound' of some sort.

In an apocalyptic scenario yes. that is certainly something that needs to be prepared for but let's not forget the lesser scenarios such as food shortages, lawlessness, extreme government oppression, terrorist attacks, and weather.
It's what I started with & it works great.
Even has a book of recipes with easy to follow directions.

potatoes = vodka
corn = whiskey
molasses = rum
But it all tastes like rocket fuel

5 gall still = 1 gallon very potent (120+ proof) ethanol


Wow! Is it really not as intimidating as I think it is? I live about 100 yards from a big-ass feed corn field! This field is really healthier than any of the other cornfields I regularly drive past.

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Better get prepping food supplies. Climate change in the form of drought and floods will drastically effect world food production and supply. Maybe soon. :omg:

It won't be Climate Change, it'll be oppression from governments in the name of climate change but the result will be the same. They are planning it now. Eliminating Nitrogen fertilizers, buying up farmland and not farming it, ruining independent farmers, cutting production, and dismantling supply chains.
So if I was a real bad guy, one of the first things I would hoard would be ip addresses from online posts like this one that would help me find all the "prepping for attention" people who posted on them.
Just pointing out the obvious.
In an apocalyptic scenario yes. that is certainly something that needs to be prepared for but let's not forget the lesser scenarios such as food shortages, lawlessness, extreme government oppression, terrorist attacks, and weather.
Those are lesser??? :omg:
It won't be Climate Change, it'll be oppression from governments in the name of climate change but the result will be the same. They are planning it now. Eliminating Nitrogen fertilizers, buying up farmland and not farming it, ruining independent farmers, cutting production, and dismantling supply chains.
Early scamdemic days were the precursor for whatever SHTF scenario. That was a practice run and just a taste of what could happen. lockdowns, empty store shelves, 'tell on your neighbor', riots, and no LEO to help, etc.

Stockpiling lots of stuff is one thing........but do you know how to use it??

Water will be the most important of all..........for drinking, cooking, cleaning, gardening, rehydrating all that dehydrated stuff.

Actually rice & beans are a very important source of protein and amino acids. They alone can keep you alive, but can get very tiring after awhile

Gardening.....learn different types of gardening to get more yield from a smaller area and to extend the season. Row covers to protect from early and late frosts can both jump start earlier growing and later into the fall, companion planting, successive planting, etc. Just be sure to pay attention to and protect and feed that soil so it can provide plants enough nutrition to produce a crop(s). You'd be surprised on how much a small garden can actually produce, if done right.

Do you know how to make a healthy meal with minimal ingredients???

Learn about foraging for wild edibles and even medicinals........and how to prepare them for best effectiveness.

List could go on........but probably the most important things are water and skill set, all the rest is gravy.......and btw, do you know how to make gravy???
The collapse of civilization has been imminent for a hundred years now. You guys just keep pushing it back
Lol, you idiots are not smart enough to know who the bad actors are Gates and Soros are small potatoes 🥔. Corporations have been buying up the family farms long before Gates and Soros came on the scene. Free market economy? Lol, bull shit just about every industry is controlled by 5 companies or less. Has been since the 1980s. Kill citizens united and the patriot act or life as we know it are done. They were the final nail in the coffin. Lack of inforcement of anti monopoly laws was the start way back when Ike was president. He warned us we did nothing. Lol, blame it on the democrats is hilarious. Every law benefitting the monopoly in the past 100 years was introduced by the Republicans. This does not relieve the Dems from responsibility they have had majorities over the years where they could have repealed some these laws and did not do it. The fact is if you spent time looking through campaign finance reports both sides are beholden to the same contributors. As far as prepping goes you are delaying the inevitable. Don't get me wrong I am all for it. Just long term ability to sustain way of life is a laughable goal. The best you can hope for is striking some small wounds to those who are taking control.

I could be wrong but ever since Katrina, most of those natural disasters haven't really resulted in chaos and almost everyone preps for storms. Try buying bottled water or toilet paper just prior to a Hurricane's arrival in Florida sometime.

Well I think maybe you have watched too many TV shows if you think that protecting yourself in chaos has primacy in a survival situation. Food, water and shelter are always going to be number 1 and you are almost always going to be better off to bunker in place where you already know what you know about most things related to your surroundings. People with no food and water aren't going to last a week to 10 days at most and will be targeting each other at the dollar store for the last case of water. Just lay low and wait it out.

Now, all that said, in your post apocalyptic vision come to life, I know where the closest fresh water sources are to me in the way of springs. People can be fighting it out on the creekbank and I will be up in the woods where the old springs in this area are at getting mine. I have a pretty good knowledge of the edibles v. nonedibles in my area as far as foraging. I have land; I have a variety of seeds that take different times to maturity; I have skills beyond those which I employ because generally I am lazy, but I can turn that if necessary; and we usually have enough crap about the place to keep is going awhile even with no store-bought food and water. I know which neighbors I can band together with if need be. I have a lot of upright wood that can harvested. My wife has medical skills as does the lady across the road and the EMT around the corner which would be handy to have available. Just being ecologically aware and bolstering up the wildlife on my property could be a benefit in the doomsday scenario. All that said, I would probably just rather be taken out than to face a dark ages future.

Usually the very best way for most of us to prep food. I live in the suburbs without enough lad to grow food on even if my HOA would allow it. I have canned veggies and soups, but luckily for me I LOVE SPAM. Have a couple of cases and that shit never expires. lol.

If the Democrats win this coming election and I can't envision a scenario where they won't, you can be sure that cash will go away. You won't be able to use it anywhere. those coins won't be worth squat unless some of them are at least part silver. Silver and gold will sharply increase in value if the SHTF, but I wonder what the government will do to people who trade in it. Control is their goal and they probably will make trading precious metals highly illegal. that's my guess anyway.

Think about bartering skills you have as well. Hopefully they won't make bartering illegal too.

I have a really good generator that comes with a solar panel to recharge it. It won't run a whole house though, i couldn't afford the one that can.

I'm jealous.


What about guns and ammo?
We have enough, between us and a neighbor who we've partnered with....I just don't usually talk about it.

In fact this prepping is now just a way of life, a way of thinking when making purchases of improvement, it is hardly discussed.... And we upped it after moving to Maine...because we learned about an ice storm that knocked all poles from Canada.... electricity was out in my area for a month and a half.... Most people in my area of the woods are just natural preppers, it is like said, simply a way of life. We lose electric, a lot due to weather in the winter.

Maine recently passed a law that no govt, can stop you from growing food in your yard or deck or balcony, and you can barter among friends with food, without needing FDA or Maine State approval and crap....something like that.....

I see the shit hitting the fan as more of a natural disaster like Yellowstone massive eruption, a CMT, droughts etc ...but am prepared for any world political event as well.... Though I'm certain I could be even more prepared as my older sister is.... We both are democrats. My hubby is a republican though...
I'm not sure I agree with you on that. People will begin to starve in the suburbs and rural areas as well. there will be problems everywhere.

Rural areas know how to hunt. They will have far fewer problems than urban areas which will run out of food in a couple of days.
We have enough, between us and a neighbor who we've partnered with....I just don't usually talk about it.

In fact this prepping is now just a way of life, a way of thinking when making purchases of improvement, it is hardly discussed.... And we upped it after moving to Maine...because we learned about an ice storm that knocked all poles from Canada.... electricity was out in my area for a month and a half.... Most people in my area of the woods are just natural preppers, it is like said, simply a way of life. We lose electric, a lot due to weather in the winter.

Maine recently passed a law that no govt, can stop you from growing food in your yard or deck or balcony, and you can barter among friends with food, without needing FDA or Maine State approval and crap....something like that.....

I see the shit hitting the fan as more of a natural disaster like Yellowstone massive eruption, a CMT, droughts etc ...but am prepared for any world political event as well.... Though I'm certain I could be even more prepared as my older sister is.... We both are democrats. My hubby is a republican though...

Just remember to thank Joe Biden when you are suffering the most.
So if I was a real bad guy, one of the first things I would hoard would be ip addresses from online posts like this one that would help me find all the "prepping for attention" people who posted on them.
Just pointing out the obvious.

Big talk but I doubt you have the guts.
Early scamdemic days were the precursor for whatever SHTF scenario. That was a practice run and just a taste of what could happen. lockdowns, empty store shelves, 'tell on your neighbor', riots, and no LEO to help, etc.

Spot on.

Stockpiling lots of stuff is one thing........but do you know how to use it??


Water will be the most important of all..........for drinking, cooking, cleaning, gardening, rehydrating all that dehydrated stuff.

I live on a lake, no problem for me but good advice. many companies sell water purification devices but simply filtering and boiling works well too.

Actually rice & beans are a very important source of protein and amino acids. They alone can keep you alive, but can get very tiring after awhile

White rice and most other commercially sold rice is almost devoid of nutrients. Proteins in beans yes.

Gardening.....learn different types of gardening to get more yield from a smaller area and to extend the season. Row covers to protect from early and late frosts can both jump start earlier growing and later into the fall, companion planting, successive planting, etc. Just be sure to pay attention to and protect and feed that soil so it can provide plants enough nutrition to produce a crop(s). You'd be surprised on how much a small garden can actually produce, if done right.

Maybe, but few people know how to do it right, me being one of them. Here in the suburbs, I'm pretty sure hungry neighbors will steal from my garden whenever they get a chance.

Do you know how to make a healthy meal with minimal ingredients???


Learn about foraging for wild edibles and even medicinals........and how to prepare them for best effectiveness.

Good advice. i bought a good source for that a while ago. Can't remember the name of it but it's a survival guide. Did you know that parts of the Cat Tails that grow in lakes are edible and nutricious?

List could go on........but probably the most important things are water and skill set, all the rest is gravy.......and btw, do you know how to make gravy???

The collapse of civilization has been imminent for a hundred years now. You guys just keep pushing it back

It's not a total collapse of Civilization that will be the problem. There will be a civilization, it'll just be a communist/fascist/socialist nightmare which will cause the deaths of billions world wide.

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