Is it time to start prepping and what will the SHTF scenario look like?

Sorry man, but in the post-civilized world applies a different set of rules. And you called me dumbass. That´s fine for a forum but out there I´ll remember where the fattest discount winks.
You are a fool. Some old lady will cap your stupid ass.
Rural areas will see marauders shot to pieces in minutes. I don't think you have ever been to a rural area in your life if you think that way.

Hell in LA during the Rodney king riots there were neighborhood streets that were shut down so that rioters couldn't loot in the suburbs.

In rural areas it is far worse for marauding scumbags. EVERYONE knows they don't belong in the area, and EVERYONE knows what they are there to do.

And EVERYONE is armed.

No, your marauders will stay in the cities where they have always been.

I'm not sure I agree with you on that. People will begin to starve in the suburbs and rural areas as well. there will be problems everywhere.
I have been a homebrewer for years.
I have water filtering capacity to produce 1000s of gallons clean water.
At any given time I have enough sanitizing equipment to clean whatever for months.
I have 50-60 lbs. of grain that can make beer, but that would be a waste. Better to make flour. And I have my own grain mill. BUT - making bread would produce a potent smell people would sense for 100 yards in the right weather. Better to make simple flour/water unleavened fried flat bread which cooks fast. You can even boil it to make breads that emit almost no odor.
I am an expert at fermentation. And I have yeast, and know how to culture more.
In the event a marauding band raided me, especially if they are organized, I could pretty easily convince them my knowledge of making alcohol/fermentation and yeast is more valuable to them than the 50 lbs. of grain and foods I have stored.

Sounds like you have a plan, or at least have thought about it.

You bring up something else that I've considered. Bartering of skills. I'm a welder and blacksmith.
They will be identified within days.
Especially if they live anywhere near anyone else. Their secrecy and the smell of food will announce their presence.
And if they live in rural areas, marauders and gangs will find them sooner than later.
Neighbors will begin raiding other neighbors within the first 10 days. Starving people will do anything to find food. If you have it - they will find it.
Among the things preppers prep for; the unprepared are high on the list. It's laughable that you imagine such things haven't been considered...
Preppers are already prepped. That's the whole point. The one thing that you will want is an old vehicle, that doesn't use electronic ignition.

True but they should plan for every scenario.

You are talking about EMPs right? I have thought about that as well. My plan is to get a motorcycle, something light and capable of off road and strip it down to bare minumum. I will store it with the now minimized electrical system removed and stored separately. The battery will be stored in it's own Faraday Cage.
I have a massive stockpile of pool noodles as I am prepping for those rising sea levels sweeping us away in the middle of the night. Granted we are at 800 ft MSL so we will probably have some advanced notice but you just never know. I mean if you truly believe in climate change, you have got to be a proper prepper.

The most likely SHTF moment most people will ever encounter will be weather-related. If you have never sat in the dark for at least a week with no heat or AC, you just don't get why everybody needs to be a bit of a prepper. The storm that knocks you off grid for an extended period will be knocking your drive thrus, grocery stores and gas stations off line too.
Among the things preppers prep for; the unprepared are high on the list. It's laughable that you imagine such things haven't been considered...
You misunderstand me.
My point - the majority of ill prepared, and lower IQ preppers will be overtaken in no time. Any of them dumb enough to say they are a prepper will be the first. They lack the understanding of the real gravity of their situation.
I have considerable revolving goods. I have guns and I have a few tubs of ammo. I know 2 other guys like me. We have had discussions about scenarios, and we have two way radios with batteries stored in protected storage.
I believe in preparedness. But I also believe and know the majority of people are idiots, including most preppers who have a false sense of security.
Because of my skills and knowledge, I am worth more alive than dead and worth far more than the food I have. Just being a person who has years of experience and equipment to make a variety of alcoholic beverages gives me a HUGE advantage.
Ask yourself... if you were in a pack of gang survivors and ran across me - would you not be very interested in what I know how to do? And the fact, like I said, I have equipment and knowledge of how to ferment basically anything. Fermenting is HUGE. You can preserve foods for years that way.
And I know how to culture and reproduce yeast.
I have a massive stockpile of pool noodles as I am prepping for those rising sea levels sweeping us away in the middle of the night. Granted we are at 800 ft MSL so we will probably have some advanced notice but you just never know. I mean if you truly believe in climate change, you have got to be a proper prepper.

The most likely SHTF moment most people will ever encounter will be weather-related. If you have never sat in the dark for at least a week with no heat or AC, you just don't get why everybody needs to be a bit of a prepper. The storm that knocks you off grid for an extended period will be knocking your drive thrus, grocery stores and gas stations off line too.


I could be wrong but ever since Katrina, most of those natural disasters haven't really resulted in chaos and almost everyone preps for storms. Try buying bottled water or toilet paper just prior to a Hurricane's arrival in Florida sometime.
You misunderstand me.
My point - the majority of ill prepared, and lower IQ preppers will be overtaken in no time. Any of them dumb enough to say they are a prepper will be the first. They lack the understanding of the real gravity of their situation.
I have considerable revolving goods. I have guns and I have a few tubs of ammo. I know 2 other guys like me. We have had discussions about scenarios, and we have two way radios with batteries stored in protected storage.
I believe in preparedness. But I also believe and know the majority of people are idiots, including most preppers who have a false sense of security.
Because of my skills and knowledge, I am worth more alive than dead and worth far more than the food I have. Just being a person who has years of experience and equipment to make a variety of alcoholic beverages gives me a HUGE advantage.
Ask yourself... if you were in a pack of gang survivors and ran across me - would you not be very interested in what I know how to do? And the fact, like I said, I have equipment and knowledge of how to ferment basically anything. Fermenting is HUGE. You can preserve foods for years that way.
And I know how to culture and reproduce yeast.

The distinction here is the difference between serious preppers and those who plan at the last minute or don't spend any effort thinking and planning. personally, I have done quite a bit of planning and in fact, i started this thread to help me in that effort.
Agreed. Supply chain issues are already a problem, Bill Gates is buying up farmland and not farming, the Climate Change Scam will have us eating vegetables and bugs.

The problem I have with the gardening idea is that you need a LOT of land to grow enough to supply just yourselves with enough food to live, plus in times of food shortages, how will you prevent your neighbors from stealing your crops?

I do canning, that's a good plan. So is having a supply of medicines, just make sure you use them in rotation so when shit does hit the fan, you aren't relying on medicine that's been stored for many years.

I have a really good power generator that recharges from a solar panel and can run almost anything for quite a while.

What do you think about the currency situation? That's coming up real soon and may be the first thing we have to deal with. Do you think that gold and silver is the answer? What about bartering?
On the gardening....we do all of ours in planters/pots, now that we are older and not as flexible as when younger..... So we only grow a few things now, but in a limited area on my deck and by the shed....but of those few items... we grow enough to last a winter, for ourselves when canned. Stringbeans, green and then red peppers, and tomatoes, spinach is real real easy but I only grow enough to consume summer long, not to freeze or can...things to make food taste better like parsley, basil, rosemary all do great in pots, so does garlic....even onion can be grown in a pot....

But lazy man way to can more fresh grown food is just buy it, then dehydrate it like you grew it yourself.... Like I just bought celery and carrots, and dehydrated them to go with my bought minced onion dehydrated.... Many dishes I cook require all three in the recipes.... I know, I know, that's all small stuff, and when SHTF happens cooking fancy dancy won't likely happen anyway....but I can't help it! :) My sister buys frozen vegetables and dehydrates them and vacuum seals in jars, to add to soups and stews in case we no longer have use of freezers.

Just buy can goods, little by little if you have no where to garden... Buying things like your favorite already cooked jarred tomato sauce and boxes of spaghetti is quick and easy prep and meal.

As far as buying gold or silver, we have never went down that road....though we do have jugs of coins.... I've heard it is a good idea.

We plan to barter if shit ever hits the fan.... Wine, sugar, salt, and coffee, and dried cocoa (chocolate) :)

We have a gas generator that can almost run the full house...and smaller solar and electric charged doohickeys but we plan to get another generator that uses a different fuel or solar, so in case gas is hard to get the other may be used.... We have a water source, our well, with solar power pump and a river/creek 70 yards away, across a meadow....and all kinds of filtering things and purification stuff if we have to use river water.

There is no shortage of game for meat, right on my property. Turkey, rabbit, grouse, squirrel, deer, duck in the vernal pond....right now they are beloved creatures and we feed them....can't see us ever killing my baby animal friends, but if we had to, my neighbor, a hunter would do it for us.

We rotate medicines and food.

My sister who lived in Miami when Hurricane Andrew hit, began prepping after that...before she knew the word prepping....back in 1992, and she got Matt and I to begin such about 10 years later, after 9/11....we were slow to follow her and still are way behind her thorough prep, but she had to live a month and a half with no electricity, so she knew more about what she needed to prep.

I'm in the middle of the woods, few people. By the hundreds of more animal friends than people in these woods..
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If you are a prepper, no matter the extent of your preparations are, or if you are thinking about starting, let's discuss.

I have a few questions for starters:

1. What do you think the SHTF scenario will look like?

2. What ways are you preparing for it?

*SHTF = Shit Hits The Fan
I'm stocking up on men's 'guards' (I'm incontinent). :(
There is more to preparing for the SHTF than stocking up stuff. You need to be able to protect yourself and defend your stockpile. This would likely require you to gather with others in a 'compound' of some sort.
Better get prepping food supplies. Climate change in the form of drought and floods will drastically effect world food production and supply. Maybe soon. :omg:
On the gardening....we do all of ours in planters/pots, now that we are older and not as flexible as when younger..... So we only grow a few things now, but in a limited area on my deck and by the shed....but of those few items... we grow enough to last a winter, for ourselves when canned. Stringbeans, green and then red peppers, and tomatoes, spinach is real real easy but I only grow enough to consume summer long, not to freeze or can...things to make food taste better like parsley, basil, rosemary all do great in pots, so does garlic....even onion can be grown in a pot....


But lazy man way to can more fresh grown food is just buy it, then dehydrate it like you grew it yourself.... Like I just bought celery and carrots, and dehydrated them to go with my bought minced onion dehydrated.... Many dishes I cook require all three in the recipes.... I know, I know, that's all small stuff, and when SHTF happens cooking fancy dancy won't likely happen anyway....but I can't help it! :) My sister buys frozen vegetables and dehydrates them and vacuum seals in jars, to add to soups and stews in case we no longer have use of freezers.

Usually the very best way for most of us to prep food. I live in the suburbs without enough lad to grow food on even if my HOA would allow it. I have canned veggies and soups, but luckily for me I LOVE SPAM. Have a couple of cases and that shit never expires. lol.

Just buy can goods, little by little if you have no where to garden... Buying things like your favorite already cooked jarred tomato sauce and boxes of spaghetti is quick and easy prep and meal.

As far as buying gold or silver, we have never went down that road....though we do have jugs of coins.... I've heard it is a good idea.

If the Democrats win this coming election and I can't envision a scenario where they won't, you can be sure that cash will go away. You won't be able to use it anywhere. those coins won't be worth squat unless some of them are at least part silver. Silver and gold will sharply increase in value if the SHTF, but I wonder what the government will do to people who trade in it. Control is their goal and they probably will make trading precious metals highly illegal. that's my guess anyway.

We plan to barter if shit ever hits the fan.... Wine, sugar, salt, and coffee, and dried cocoa (chocolate) :)

Think about bartering skills you have as well. Hopefully they won't make bartering illegal too.

We have a gas generator that can almost run the full house...and smaller solar and electric charged doohickeys but we plan to get another generator that uses a different fuel or solar, so in case gas is hard to get the other may be used.... We have a water source, our well, with solar power pump and a river/creek 70 yards away, across a meadow....and all kinds of filtering things and purification stuff if we have to use river water.

I have a really good generator that comes with a solar panel to recharge it. It won't run a whole house though, i couldn't afford the one that can.

There is no shortage of game for meat, right on my property. Turkey, rabbit, grouse, squirrel, deer, duck in the vernal pond....right now they are beloved creatures and we feed them....can't see us ever killing my baby animal friends, but if we had to, my neighbor, a hunter would do it for us.

I'm jealous.

We rotate medicines and food.


My sister who lived in Miami when Hurricane Andrew hit, began prepping after that...before she knew the word prepping....back in 1992, and she got Matt and I to begin such about 10 years later, after 9/11....we were slow to follow her and still are way behind her thorough prep, but she had to live a month and a half with no electricity, so she knew more about what she needed to prep.

I'm in the middle of the woods, few people. By the hundreds of more animal friends than people in these woods..

What about guns and ammo?

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