Is it time to stop using federal funds to treat unvaccinated covid patients?

drugs too
All of it. While you continue to hunt for something you think I want the government to spend on, I'll just save you some time.

A legitimate government is a government that is the least intrusive into the lives of the citizenry. People need to be retaught that only THEY are responsible for THEIR life.
That "we" who paid for it includes those who chose not to get the vaccine, moron
That does not excuse the unvaccinated from threatening health care workers they may pass on the street, an anonymous distance from death like a drunk passing a coked-out futures dealer on a Manhattan sidewalk.
All of it. While you continue to hunt for something you think I want the government to spend on, I'll just save you some time.

A legitimate government is a government that is the least intrusive into the lives of the citizenry. People need to be retaught that only THEY are responsible for THEIR life.
just didn’t think the OP went far enough…
if we can also stop using federal funds to pay for people that get sick from smoking, abortions, and from weight issues.

while we are at it, AIDs or other STDs….the flu as well…um alcohol too…
Well haven't RWers proposed that? Not that is isn't absurd. But the antivaccers should at least be ridiculed. Locke believed that by pointing out those who make poor decisions as being "losers" increased societal benefit and harmony.
Doesn't work like that. Or else every fat ass wouldn't get treated for Diabetes, or smokers wouldn't get cancer treatment. Just to name a couple.
It ought to worked for anyone who refused the ACA or medicaid. Let them that go without health ins fund it.
All of it. While you continue to hunt for something you think I want the government to spend on, I'll just save you some time.

A legitimate government is a government that is the least intrusive into the lives of the citizenry. People need to be retaught that only THEY are responsible for THEIR life.
I agree and it can be your life. Do you refuse all meds?
It ought to worked for anyone who refused the ACA or medicaid. Let them that go without health ins fund it.
Yeah, well it doesn't. If you can't refuse service to people here illegally, or people injured while committing violent felonies, you most certainly cannot for someone who refuses prophylaxis.
Well haven't RWers proposed that? Not that is isn't absurd. But the antivaccers should at least be ridiculed. Locke believed that by pointing out those who make poor decisions as being "losers" increased societal benefit and harmony.
Glad to see you on board with the "RWers" now.

And I am all for mocking and calling out anti-vaccers....

"I think it's the visibility," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsweek. "[There's] more eyeballs on the process than has ever occurred in the past. Vaccine development in the past has been very obscure. There has not been much transparency and the first time people hear about vaccines is when the CDC recommends them.

"This time because of the pandemic and because there's a lot of people for the first time saying we may be forced to take this, that a lot more people are looking at it. People for the first time are seeing how the sausage gets made."

"Frankly, I'm not going to trust the federal government's opinion and I wouldn't recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government's opinion," -Andy Cuomo

Democrat Biden warns against rushing out coronavirus vaccine​

But being anti-vaccine isn't new....Obama once suggested vaccines caused autism

“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate,” Obama said in April 2008 at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included.”

Obama continued, “The science is right now inconclusive, but we have to research it.” (It’s not clear whether he was referring to science linking vaccines and autism or science explaining the rise in autism cases in the United States. POLITICO has asked the White House for clarification.)
In 2012, the anti-vaccination movement was blamed for an outbreak of the whooping cough. Today, anti-vaxxers are being blamed for an outbreak of measles in the United States. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported on Sunday that at least 102 cases of measles have been recorded in 14 states this year
By April 2008, when Obama was claiming research was inconclusive, scientists had already overwhelmingly rejected any causal relationship between vaccinations and autism.
Yeah, well it doesn't. If you can't refuse service to people here illegally, or people injured while committing violent felonies, you most certainly cannot for someone who refuses prophylaxis.
Oh yeah right, you can't be refuse medical service. Is that what you are counting on? Is that for abortion services also??
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left wants to punish American citizens who refuse to be vaccinated by withholding medical treatment but they don't seem concerned about the 20 million disease ridden illegal aliens that continue to seek medical treatment.
All of it. While you continue to hunt for something you think I want the government to spend on, I'll just save you some time.

A legitimate government is a government that is the least intrusive into the lives of the citizenry. People need to be retaught that only THEY are responsible for THEIR life.
Of which none exist ever notice that?
Oh yeah right, you can't be refuse medical service. Is that what you are counting on? Is that for abortion services also??
No. I pay for medical insurance. I don't rely on fed funds. However, I don't think abortions should be federally funded. I also don't think fat asses, or smokers should have their healthcare covered by tax dollars either, unless they are federal employees. Most certainly not illegal aliens. They should get a bus ticket to the border.
However, if you treat all of the afore, and we do, you have to treat EVERYONE.

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