Is it time to stop using federal funds to treat unvaccinated covid patients?

Apparently some folks can't think that far ahead. Heh heh. It's funny.
Some of them cannot or think they cannot afford it. Many others (probably most that do not take out insurance) are just to damned cheap and prefer to sponge of others. I have nothing to back that up. Just a feeling, whether right or wrong.
Glad to see you on board with the "RWers" now.

And I am all for mocking and calling out anti-vaccers....

"I think it's the visibility," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsweek. "[There's] more eyeballs on the process than has ever occurred in the past. Vaccine development in the past has been very obscure. There has not been much transparency and the first time people hear about vaccines is when the CDC recommends them.

"This time because of the pandemic and because there's a lot of people for the first time saying we may be forced to take this, that a lot more people are looking at it. People for the first time are seeing how the sausage gets made."

"Frankly, I'm not going to trust the federal government's opinion and I wouldn't recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government's opinion," -Andy Cuomo

Democrat Biden warns against rushing out coronavirus vaccine​

But being anti-vaccine isn't new....Obama once suggested vaccines caused autism

“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate,” Obama said in April 2008 at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included.”

Obama continued, “The science is right now inconclusive, but we have to research it.” (It’s not clear whether he was referring to science linking vaccines and autism or science explaining the rise in autism cases in the United States. POLITICO has asked the White House for clarification.)
In 2012, the anti-vaccination movement was blamed for an outbreak of the whooping cough. Today, anti-vaxxers are being blamed for an outbreak of measles in the United States. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported on Sunday that at least 102 cases of measles have been recorded in 14 states this year
By April 2008, when Obama was claiming research was inconclusive, scientists had already overwhelmingly rejected any causal relationship between vaccinations and autism.
An Arab fronting as a black would know something about autism.
As long as it's going to be used a political tool, lazy and ambitionless people still get money and benefits for doing nothing, businesses are still punished for covid, people still run around using covid as an excuse and so on then yes it should be used to pay for the unvaccinated.

You can't punish just a few while you continue to punish others and use the whole covid thing as leverage.
Now that wouldn't work. They'd still be carriers. But could we put them in reeducation camps and force them to work in slave labor to pay the costs of their room and board?

(admittedly, I'm parodying some of the RW threads about beign forced to pay for shit they don't like. Although, culling the heard of those less able to make decisions might not be a negative. Wildabeasts and lions so to speak )
are you ready to get your booster shot?
when will it stop?

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:
Most of the unvaccinated are insured--unlike the vaccinated, they take care of their own health care and don't need a nanny state to tell them when and where to take a shit or wipe their asses when their done.
Now that wouldn't work. They'd still be carriers. But could we put them in reeducation camps and force them to work in slave labor to pay the costs of their room and board?

(admittedly, I'm parodying some of the RW threads about beign forced to pay for shit they don't like. Although, culling the heard of those less able to make decisions might not be a negative. Wildabeasts and lions so to speak )
Go back to school moron.
if we can also stop using federal funds to pay for people that get sick from smoking, abortions, and from weight issues.

while we are at it, AIDs or other STDs….the flu as well…um alcohol too…
Gender reassignment surgery in the military and prisons

Is it time to stop using federal funds to treat unvaccinated covid patients?​

Absolutely. Then we can likewise stop using federal funds to treat the ill:
  1. If they are obese or have ever eaten junk food and aren't on an approved strict diet.
  2. If they have ever expressed an unpopular idea on social media.
  3. If they have ever worked in a job exposing them to toxic conditions.
  4. If they drive a gas guzzler or other non-approved non-EV car.
  5. If they ever smoked even when is was widespread and common.
  6. If they live in a high crime area or city.
  7. Or if their purchase history shows them engaging in any high risk, unapproved interests or hobbies like buying a gun, skiing, drinking, sky-diving, etc., or have an excess of speeding tickets.
The idea of the Left is to bait everyone into needing the government to live then criminalizing everything the government doesn't like or want to blackmail you into being their ideal model citizen whose life, behavior and thought are all 100% controlled by them.
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How does that work in the real world given the economic realities of working families and the cost of health care? Give an honest answer. No bullshit
How does it work?

You pay for your healthcare. When Hospitals and Doctors and healthcare provider realize they won't be getting anymore free money from Uncle sugar tits, and that they'll go broke if they don't accept what people can afford to pay, the prices will adjust.
How does it work?

You pay for your healthcare. When Hospitals and Doctors and healthcare provider realize they won't be getting anymore free money from Uncle sugar tits, and that they'll go broke if they don't accept what people can afford to pay, the prices will adjust.
What will happen is that there won't be any doctors or hospitals and a lot of sick and dead people. Clearly you have not thought this out.

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