Is Jeb Bush a real Republican

Since Republican does not refer to an ideology, but rather a party, all one has to do to be a real Republican is join the Republican Party. Since Jeb is a member of the Republican Party, whatever his ideology, he is a real Republican. I assume you mean "Is Jeb a real conservative?"
"Real conservative" is an ever shifting standard defined by the endless search for the rock bottom of human decency.
Sorry, but liberal is not a synonym for, and conservative is not an antonym for, human decency. You don't have a monopoly or get to define it just because you disagree with someone politically.
Bullshit, conservatism is nothing but a collection of rationalizations to ignore the ills of world and do nothing while feeling morally superior to the unfortunate. It appeals to the selfish, the narcissistic, the sadist, the authoritarian and the racist. Instead of preaching to me get after these holier-than-thou teabaggers who revel in being cruel and uncaring while claiming exclusive rights to the moral high ground and Jesus Christ himself.
"Republican", these days, is a relative thing.

Is Jeb a Republican?

Perhaps. I'd place him on the spectrum as somewhat less so than Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky but definitely between she and Our Own Jammie-Jake!
conservatism is nothing but a collection of rationalizations to ignore the ills of world and do nothing while feeling morally superior to the unfortunate. It appeals to the selfish, the narcissistic, the sadist, the authoritarian and the racist. Instead of preaching to me get after these holier-than-thou teabaggers who revel in being cruel and uncaring while claiming exclusive rights to the moral high ground and Jesus Christ himself.

A bizarre rant that bears no semblance to reality. Conservative economic policies have lifted more people out of poverty and created more general prosperity and opportunity than liberal redistribution schemes have ever done.
conservative economic policies have done nothing of the sort

regulated social market democracy has lifted more people from poverty than any economic system in the history of mankind
Conservative economic policies have lifted more people out of poverty and created more general prosperity and opportunity than liberal redistribution schemes have ever done.

Too bad the facts don't support your bogus claim.


Poverty in the 50 years since The Other America in five charts - The Washington Post
conservative economic policies have done nothing of the sort

regulated social market democracy has lifted more people from poverty than any economic system in the history of mankind

Not on this planet.

What kind of economic system existed in America from the founding until the 1930s, the system that generated staggering economic growth and that fueled such crucial inventions as motorized flight, railroads, the advent of modern medicine, etc.?

How did we pay off debt and revitalize the economy after WW II? By slashing taxes and federal spending.

How did we generate huge economic growth in the 1980s? By cutting taxes and reducing regulation. That growth carried into the 90s because Clinton mostly kept the Reagan tax cuts in place and approved other tax cuts and holding federal spending to its lowest growth rate since JFK.

Every country that has fully embraced socialism has been an economic basket case for most of its citizens, while the authoritarian elites running the show have lived high off the hog.
All of that from 1906 was the continuing development of regulation of social market democracy.

You deny the truth.
Since Republican does not refer to an ideology, but rather a party, all one has to do to be a real Republican is join the Republican Party. Since Jeb is a member of the Republican Party, whatever his ideology, he is a real Republican. I assume you mean "Is Jeb a real conservative?"
"Real conservative" is an ever shifting standard defined by the endless search for the rock bottom of human decency.

Endless because democrats do and always have occupied that space.
Since Republican does not refer to an ideology, but rather a party, all one has to do to be a real Republican is join the Republican Party. Since Jeb is a member of the Republican Party, whatever his ideology, he is a real Republican. I assume you mean "Is Jeb a real conservative?"
"Real conservative" is an ever shifting standard defined by the endless search for the rock bottom of human decency.
Sorry, but liberal is not a synonym for, and conservative is not an antonym for, human decency. You don't have a monopoly or get to define it just because you disagree with someone politically.
Bullshit, conservatism is nothing but a collection of rationalizations to ignore the ills of world and do nothing while feeling morally superior to the unfortunate. It appeals to the selfish, the narcissistic, the sadist, the authoritarian and the racist. Instead of preaching to me get after these holier-than-thou teabaggers who revel in being cruel and uncaring while claiming exclusive rights to the moral high ground and Jesus Christ himself.
Speaking of holier-than-thou. "Everything I believe is good and right, and everyone who disagrees is a narcissist." The irony is mind boggling.
I mean he is very moderate to moderate for a Republican. I think he should be more interested in economics and should accordingly be more supported by the tea-party movement

Jeb is a true Republican.

1. He's filthy rich.

2. He comes from a crime family.

3. His kids have arrest records and drug problems.

4. His wife is a smuggler

5. Never actually held a job where he had to actually work

6. He's a skilled and prolific liar.

7. He governed the most corrupt state that is even worse that Chris Christie's New Jersey.

8. His father and brother are war criminals.

9. Father HW was part of a Whitehouse gay pedophile prostitution ring. CLICK HERE

10. He's a fucking asshole.

More about Jeb's Republican Pedigree Click HERE
I mean he is very moderate to moderate for a Republican. I think he should be more interested in economics and should accordingly be more supported by the tea-party movement

Jeb is a true Republican.

1. He's filthy rich.

2. He comes from a crime family.

3. His kids have arrest records and drug problems.

4. His wife is a smuggler

5. Never actually held a job where he had to actually work

6. He's a skilled and prolific liar.

7. He governed the most corrupt state that is even worse that Chris Christie's New Jersey.

8. His father and brother are war criminals.

9. Father HW was part of a Whitehouse gay pedophile prostitution ring. CLICK HERE

10. He's a fucking asshole.

More about Jeb's Republican Pedigree Click HERE

Idiotic partisan nonsense by another mindless drone.
I mean he is very moderate to moderate for a Republican. I think he should be more interested in economics and should accordingly be more supported by the tea-party movement

Jeb is a true Republican.

1. He's filthy rich.

2. He comes from a crime family.

3. His kids have arrest records and drug problems.

4. His wife is a smuggler

5. Never actually held a job where he had to actually work

6. He's a skilled and prolific liar.

7. He governed the most corrupt state that is even worse that Chris Christie's New Jersey.

8. His father and brother are war criminals.

9. Father HW was part of a Whitehouse gay pedophile prostitution ring. CLICK HERE

10. He's a fucking asshole.

More about Jeb's Republican Pedigree Click HERE

Idiotic partisan nonsense by another mindless drone.

OK so now facts are nonsense? Actually RepubliCONS have also had an aversion to facts.

Jeb is a true Republican. FACT!

1. He's filthy rich. FACT!

2. He comes from a crime family. FACT!

3. His kids have arrest records and drug problems. FACT!

4. His wife is a smuggler FACT!

5. Never actually held a job where he had to actually work. FACT!

6. He's a skilled and prolific liar. FACT!

7. He governed the most corrupt state that is even worse that Chris Christie's New Jersey. FACT!

8. His father and brother are war criminals. FACT!

9. Father HW was part of a Whitehouse gay pedophile prostitution ring. CLICK HERE FACT!

Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush
‘Call boys' took midnight tour of White House

Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald
The Washington Times
June 29, 1989

A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal.

One of the ring's high-profile clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3, of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male prostitutes.

Federal authorities, including the Secret Service, are investigating criminal aspects of the ring and have told male prostitutes and their homosexual clients that a grand jury will deliberate over the evidence throughout the summer, The Times learned.

Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit-card vouchers, drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable to the escort service operated by the homosexual ring. Many of the vouchers were run through a so-called "sub-merchant" account of the Chambers Funeral Home by a son of the owner, without the company's knowledge.

Among the client names contained in the vouchers - and identified by prostitutes and escort operators - are government officials, locally based US military officers, businessmen, lawyers, bankers, congressional aides and other professionals.

Editors of The Times said the newspaper would print only the names of those found to be in sensitive government posts or positions of influence. "There is no intention of publishing names or facts about the operation merely for titillation," said Wesley Pruden, managing editor of The Times.

The office of US Attorney General Jay B. Stephens, former deputy White House counsel to President Reagan, is coordinating federal aspects of the inquiry but refused to discuss the investigation or grand jury actions.

Several former White House colleagues of Mr. Stephen are listed among clients of the homosexual prostitution ring, according to the credit card records, and those persons have confirmed that the charges were theirs.

Mr. Stephen's office, after first saying it would cooperate with The Times' inquiry, withdrew the offer late yesterday and also declined to say whether Mr. Stephens would recuse himself from the case because of possible conflict of interest.

At least one highly placed Bush administration official and a wealthy businessman who procured homosexual prostitutes from the escort services operated by the ring are cooperating with the investigation, several sources said.

Among clients who charged homosexual prostitutes services on major credit cards over the past 18 months are Charles K. Dutcher, former associate director of presidential personnel in the Reagan administration, and Paul R. Balach, Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole's political personnel liaison to the White House.

In the 1970s, Mr. Dutcher was a congressional aide to former Rep. Robert Bauman, Maryland Republican, who resigned from the House after admitted having engaged in sexual liaisons with teen-age male prostitutes. Mr. Dutcher also worked on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle when he represented an Indiana district in the House.

A charge also was discovered against the credit card of a former White House staffer who prepared the president's daily news summary in the Reagan administration. Todd A Blodgett said he had not made the charge.

One of the ring's big spending clients is Craig J. Spence, Washington socialite and international trade consultant, according to documents and interviews with operators and prostitutes who say they engaged in sexual activities with Mr. Spence.

10. He's a fucking asshole. FACT!

More about Jeb's Republican Pedigree Click HERE

Maybe a good therapist can cure your fact phobia? Just keep in mind that facts can not cause you any harm.
Yeah, right. Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is the black leader of the Spokane NAACP and Jeb Bush is presidential material. Fortunately, with each passing day more and more people are waking up.

What probability do you estimate that someone other than Bush will be the Republican nominee?
Yeah, right. Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is the black leader of the Spokane NAACP and Jeb Bush is presidential material. Fortunately, with each passing day more and more people are waking up.

What probability do you estimate that someone other than Bush will be the Republican nominee?

I would think that the guy leading in the polls would be the candidate. Who's leading in the polls?




Republican voters LOVE Trump!
Yeah, right. Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is the black leader of the Spokane NAACP and Jeb Bush is presidential material. Fortunately, with each passing day more and more people are waking up.

What probability do you estimate that someone other than Bush will be the Republican nominee?

I would think that the guy leading in the polls would be the candidate. Who's leading in the polls?




Republican voters LOVE Trump!
You have more faith in polls 16 months before the election than.......

Damn near everyone!

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