Is Jeb Bush a real Republican

OK so now facts are nonsense? ....

The only facts you presented apply equally to democrats. The rest was just more brainless partisan hackery from just another dime-a-dozen asshole who mistakes his opinion for reality.
OK so now facts are nonsense? ....

The only facts you presented apply equally to democrats. The rest was just more brainless partisan hackery from just another dime-a-dozen asshole who mistakes his opinion for reality.

Stop lying...

Bush kids have arrest records and that is a fact... Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, Caroline Kennedy, Sasha and Malia Obama are all class acts.

Prescott Bush the father of HW helped the Third Riech come to power.

Sara Palin raised and drunken brawling a slut for a daughter. Both Bush twins have been charged with underage drinking. Jeb's daughter Noel has been arrested on drug charges and forgery. Rand Paul's son was arrested.

Laura Bush killed he boyfriend. Jeb's wife is a known smuggler.

Mitt Romney has an arrest record.

Dick Cheney has a DWI or two plus he's a chicken hawk.

This is just part of my rebuke of you fact free statement and lies.

Why do you CONS hate facts so damn much?
I mean he is very moderate to moderate for a Republican. I think he should be more interested in economics and should accordingly be more supported by the tea-party movement
If he has any Tea Party tendencies, he needs to shut up about them.

It doesn't matter what Tea Partiers, Militia types, and Dottoheads think. Those people will never vote Democratic.

The more increasingly unpopular Tea Party rhetoric he spews, the more things Democrats will have to use against him in the general election.

If a Republican is not elected to the White House in 2016, we're all domed to 4-8 more years of political uselessness out of Washington no matter which side you're on.

The Republicans need uninhibited control of Washington so their ideas can be put to the test, and people will see what actually happens if they do. Right now they enjoy prime real estate in the realm of political back seat driving and blame shifting

I'm a swing voter, and from California, so it doesn't matter what I think either. But the Republican candidate is going to have to appeal to swing voters in NH, VA. NC, OH, IA, and the other states that decide the Presidential elections.
Yeah, right. Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is the black leader of the Spokane NAACP and Jeb Bush is presidential material. Fortunately, with each passing day more and more people are waking up.

What probability do you estimate that someone other than Bush will be the Republican nominee?

I would think that the guy leading in the polls would be the candidate. Who's leading in the polls?




Republican voters LOVE Trump!

What probability do you estimate that Trump will be the nominee? 50%? 60%? More?

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