Zone1 Is Jesus God?

They are not my words, they are Scripture. You argue against Scripture.
No, I argue against the most ignorant superficial perverse interpretation of scripture possible as if "believers", you never read a fairy tale studied literature or science or ever went to school at all

And that my friend is proof of the death, a curse, consequent to setting aside divine law and worshipping a Jewish man who never claimed to be God except in the minds of the delusional.

See? I point out whats going on and you prove it with every pathetic post in denial of the truth.
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No, I argue against the most ignorant superficial perverse interpretation of scripture possible as if "believers", you never read a fairy tale studied literature or science or ever went to school at all

And that my friend is proof of the death, a curse, consequent to setting aside divine law and worshipping a Jewish man who never claimed to be God except in the minds of the delusional.

See? I point out whats going on and you prove it with every pathetic post in denial of the truth.
When you literally have to invent scenario after scenario and new word meaning after meaning with no backing whatsoever, you are simply not believable.
When you literally have to invent scenario after scenario and new word meaning after meaning with no backing whatsoever, you are simply not believable.
No backing whatsoever? Bullshit. What other meaning can a talking serpent have if not as a metaphor for a specific human archetype? What do you imagine? An invisible disembodied entity that whispers into peoples heads tricking them into doing naughty things to piss off God? Pft.

Satan may be invisible to you but not me. They are everywhere and people are dying in droves, their unburied corpses eaten by maggots while rotting in the heat of the rising sun of a new day.

People have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult in every nation, language, kingdom, people, tribe, village, or group ever since people could talk. Dodo.

Not believable? Yeah right. The truth couldn't be more simple or obvious.
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No backing whatsoever? Bullshit. What other meaning can a talking serpent have if not as a metaphor for a specific human archetype? What do you imagine? An invisible disembodied entity that whispers into peoples ear tricking them into doing naughty things to piss off God? Pft.

People have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult in every nation, language, kingdom, people, tribe, village, or group ever since people could talk. Dummy.
You claim you are unique in history, that you have special enlightenment that billions have missed before you. No, without solid backing you are not believable.
You claim you are unique in history, that you have special enlightenment that billions have missed before you. No, without solid backing you are not believable.
You wouldn't believe if someone rose from the dead and was speaking truth to your face. so relax. I am not trying to take your pacifier away, You can keep your blankie, and your rattler.

I am only conversing with you at all for the benefit of others standing around, watching.
You wouldn't believe if someone rose from the dead and was speaking truth to your face. so relax. I am not trying to take your pacifier away, You can keep your blankie, and your rattler.

I am only conversing with you at all for the benefit of others standing around, watching.
Actually, someone did rise from the dead and spoke truth that I now believe, and He shares His wisdom with all who ask, not hiding it with just one person. You might have heard of Him.
Actually, someone did rise from the dead and spoke truth that I now believe, and He shares His wisdom with all who ask, not hiding it with just one person. You might have heard of Him.
When in your entire life has the risen Christ appeared to you and spoke with you? Never? lol...


If you believed in Jesus and have eaten his flesh, you would believe what I said to you because everything that I have made known to you I have drawn from what Jesus taught. Everything.
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When in your entire life has the risen Christ appeared to you and spoke with you? Never? lol...

He spoke truth to those who recorded His words and today speaks truth to those who accept Him. I'm guessing you don't hear from Him?
If you believed in Jesus and have eaten his flesh, you would believe what I said to you because everything that I have made known to you I have drawn from what Jesus taught. Everything.
No, I do not believe you, because you deliberately pervert and twist the clear meaning of the Scriptures.
No, I do not believe you, because you deliberately pervert and twist the clear meaning of the Scriptures.

To the watchers watching...........

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
To the watchers watching...........

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
Also to the watchers, do not take upon yourself the mantle of exclusive knowledge of hidden wisdom that contradicts all that is known lest thou become a laughingstock.
wisdom that contradicts all that is known lest thou become a laughingstock.

wisdom like setting aside the entire book of the law and the writings of the prophets, not to mention all that is known about reality, with the ridiculous claim that an unequaled coequal trinity diddled a virgin to became a sacrificial mangod so you can violate the laws of God and not die, and continue to sin with impunity for life as long as you perpetuate this addled religious bullshit.

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Through Him everything was made that was made. Go back to Genesis and who is creating all things? God is. You cannot simultaneously claim that Yeshua created all things yet is not God when it's clear in the Scriptures that God created, full stop.
THROUGH Jesus--Means another did it=YHVH(Jehovah),Jesus' God and Father. He gives God all credit at Prov 8--He is Gods master worker( 8:30)= The one beside God during the creation process.
Col 1:15,16--Jesus is the firstborn of all creation= created direct, first and last, all other things created through him. There is 0 doubt its speaking of the creation at the beginning in 15 and 16.
wisdom like setting aside the entire book of the law and the writings of the prophets, not to mention all that is known about reality, with the ridiculous claim that an unequaled coequal trinity diddled a virgin to became a sacrificial mangod so you can violate the laws of God and not die, and continue to sin with impunity for life as long as you perpetuate this addled religious bullshit.

None of which I believe. See, this is what happens when you run out of substance and just make up crap, you say stupid stuff that applies to no one. Tell us, how do you avoid mixing the fabrics in your clothes, since you revere the Law?
THROUGH Jesus--Means another did it=YHVH(Jehovah),Jesus' God and Father. He gives God all credit at Prov 8--He is Gods master worker( 8:30)= The one beside God during the creation process.
Col 1:15,16--Jesus is the firstborn of all creation= created direct, first and last, all other things created through him. There is 0 doubt its speaking of the creation at the beginning in 15 and 16.
He was before everything that was created. That means He was not created, especially since he did the creating. You are also ignoring His title "Lord of lords", which as we see is yet another title of God's titles.
He was before everything that was created. That means He was not created, especially since he did the creating. You are also ignoring His title "Lord of lords", which as we see is yet another title of God's titles.
Firstborn of all creation= created direct-first and last=reality. God rested after the beginning creation and is still resting.
Firstborn of all creation= created direct-first and last=reality. God rested after the beginning creation and is still resting.
“And He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

First, "The image of the invisible God". That means when you look at Him, you look at God. Notice as well that it says "firstborn", NOT first created. In the culture of the day, "firstborn" refers to rank, not physically being born first. Remember that David was the youngest of his brothers, but God said in Psalms that He would make David the firstborn. It's a rank. Then, of course, you have to blatantly say the Scriptures don't mean what they explicitly say when they say ALL THINGS were created by Him. Not all things "except Himself", all things. Also, you have to deal with Him being BEFORE all things. The only way you can make that say something different is if you add what isn't there, namely, "except Himself". If you accept Scripture as it is written and in the context of the time and culture it was written, the ONLY conclusion you can draw is that it is saying Yeshua is God.

Remember what I posted earlier, where I showed that Yeshua is seen leading the armies of heaven, bearing the name "The Word of God", and the title, "Lord of lords"? Are you ignoring that part, or did they just not teach you how to twist or downplay it?
“And He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

First, "The image of the invisible God". That means when you look at Him, you look at God. Notice as well that it says "firstborn", NOT first created. In the culture of the day, "firstborn" refers to rank, not physically being born first. Remember that David was the youngest of his brothers, but God said in Psalms that He would make David the firstborn. It's a rank. Then, of course, you have to blatantly say the Scriptures don't mean what they explicitly say when they say ALL THINGS were created by Him. Not all things "except Himself", all things. Also, you have to deal with Him being BEFORE all things. The only way you can make that say something different is if you add what isn't there, namely, "except Himself". If you accept Scripture as it is written and in the context of the time and culture it was written, the ONLY conclusion you can draw is that it is saying Yeshua is God.

Remember what I posted earlier, where I showed that Yeshua is seen leading the armies of heaven, bearing the name "The Word of God", and the title, "Lord of lords"? Are you ignoring that part, or did they just not teach you how to twist or downplay it?
You use error translation. Every translation on earth with YHVh removed in over 7000 places and replaced with titles was done by wicked men from satans will to mislead. Only false religions that support satans will over Gods will on that reality use those altered translations. God put his name in his bible over 7000 places, because God wants his name in every single one of those places. This is reality. You are being mislead. LOOK.
You use error translation. Every translation on earth with YHVh removed in over 7000 places and replaced with titles was done by wicked men from satans will to mislead. Only false religions that support satans will over Gods will on that reality use those altered translations. God put his name in his bible over 7000 places, because God wants his name in every single one of those places. This is reality. You are being mislead. LOOK.
Interesting. The KJV is older than the one you're using and the only way you can discount it is to just claim it was in error. What's your source for that? I've seen you claim it multiple times.
Interesting. The KJV is older than the one you're using and the only way you can discount it is to just claim it was in error. What's your source for that? I've seen you claim it multiple times.
In 2015 the divine name kjv came out with Gods name back in nearly 6800 spots in OT and over 200 spots in NT. Why? Because God willed his name in those spots because God wants his name in those spots. Seems like any religion using the kjv as main bible would use the divine name one now. But with that name back in, it exposes all the trinity religions as false religion, that's why they wont use it. YHVH(Jehovah), the Father, is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
In 2015 the divine name kjv came out with Gods name back in nearly 6800 spots in OT and over 200 spots in NT. Why? Because God willed his name in those spots because God wants his name in those spots. Seems like any religion using the kjv as main bible would use the divine name one now. But with that name back in, it exposes all the trinity religions as false religion, that's why they wont use it. YHVH(Jehovah), the Father, is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
Which is to say that you finally got tired of being shown example after example after example of how the Bible clearly states that Yeshua is God incarnate, so you decided to simply rewrite the King James Bible so as to replace anything that leads to the inescapable conclusion that He is with the name of God.

Now, you have not given me a source that credibly states how and why the KJV is in error or mistranslated, you just mindlessly pushed your own brand-new rewrite of the Bible, which represents your latest attempt to remove Yeshua's divinity, since every time you've rewritten it before someone comes along and shows you where even your rewrite declares it.

And don't think it escaped me that you haven't gotten word yet on how to deal with Yeshua leading the armies of heaven under the name "Word of God" and the title "Lord of lords", which, as I showed again, is a title for God Himself.

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