Zone1 Is Jesus God?

I was going to suggest you read through verse 29.
Good. Now, do you see what I see? Do you know what I know? Listen to what I say!

For behold, I am beginning to bring disaster on the city that bears My Name, so how could you possibly go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, for I am calling down a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Jeremiah 25:29. Obviously the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

The holy grail has been found and unveiled for all the world, every eye to see. Case closed.

I will now take a bow! :thanks:
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Again, the command has nothing whatever to do with clothing. Remember what Jesus asked people living under a literal interpretation of Mosaic Law under penalty of death. "Why worry about what you eat or what you wear" implying the subject isn't food or clothing.
Clearly, you are not reading the Word, because if you actually did instead of just making up what you want it to say, you'd realize that He wasn't talking about the Law at all.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

But no. I do not mix pagan beliefs with what God taught. Do you celebrate Mithras birth on December 25th?


Did you exchange gifts and "make merry" on that day, celebrating the birth of a triune mangod?

Yes? Are you Catholic, Protestant or any of the 30,000 denominations? Whats the difference?

Can you put a drop of poison in a cup and not contaminate the entire drink; vomit and go mad?
Ah, but you see, Yeshua clearly understood that the Law was literal, because He changed a number of things, such as raising the bar from not murdering to not hating, from literally counting steps on the Sabbath to the Sabbath being made for man, not the other way around, and others.

Now, since we've established you have no idea what the Word is actually saying, do you mix the fabrics in your clothes and still claim to follow the Law of God?
He wasn't talking about the Law at all.

Jesus asking people why worry about what you eat or what you wear is precisely about the law.

If they didn't follow a compulsory interpretation of the law according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, and worry about what to eat and what to wear, they were punished in a myriad of unkind ways.

Ah, but you see, Yeshua clearly understood that the Law was literal,

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Jesus understood that the subject of kosher law, the flesh of one creature or another whether clean or unclean, is about teaching not food.

"Its not what goes into your mouth that defiles a person its what comes out of it."

Again, the blood of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is dripping from your lips.

Wash yourself clean you filthy animal, your sorcery no longer has any effect on anyone..
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Jesus asking people why worry about what you eat or what you wear is precisely about the law.

If they didn't follow a compulsory interpretation of the law according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, and worry about what to eat and what to wear, they were punished in a myriad of unkind ways.
You don't know what you're talking about.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Jesus understood that the subject of kosher law , the flesh of one creature or another, whether clean or unclean, is about teaching, not food.

"Its not what goes into your mouth that defiles a person its what comes out of it."

Again, the blood of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is dripping from your lips.

Wash yourself clean you filthy animal, your sorcery no longer has any effect on anyone..
Yeshua was bringing a change, or He wouldn't have had to spell it out.
Yeshua was bringing a change, or He wouldn't have had to spell it out.
Right. Jesus was teaching a new way to understand and comply with the divine commands, the same way to follow the law that was originally taught by Moses that was lost to time after his death, the only way to understand and comply with the law that fulfills the promise of LIFE.

The only thing that changed about the law, the only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus, was the wrong way to follow the law, the same perverse way that you do.

If you even had an inkling about what Jesus taught you wouldn't have asked me if I mix fabrics.

Do you also get all sanctimonious about the sexual preferences of consenting adults? Pervert.

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Right. Jesus was teaching a new way to understand and comply with the divine commands, the same way to follow the law that was originally taught by Moses that was lost to time after his death, the only way to understand and comply with the law that fulfills the promise of LIFE.
Nope, Moses expected the people to follow the law literally. You could, but won't, try to support that statement beyond just repeating yourself that it's something completely different.
The only thing that changed about the law, the only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus, was the wrong way to follow the law, the same perverse way that you do.
The Law didn't change, the Covenant did. Please try to keep up.
If you had an inkling about what Jesus taught you would never have asked me if I mix fabrics. :auiqs.jpg:
When you try to apply an OT law and insist someone has to obey it, you need to follow all of the law perfectly, or it does you no good.
When you try to apply an OT law and insist someone has to obey it, you need to follow all of the law perfectly, or it does you no good.
I always do exactly as God commands. Just not in stupid way that you expect. The perverse way that you claim the law should be understood and followed is exactly what Jesus died opposing

Nope, Moses expected the people to follow the law literally

"For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from THE WAY that I taught you to follow [the law]." Deuteronomy 31:29

Didn't you know the earliest Christians called themselves "followers of the way"? Just go already.

You fucked up. Is that too hard to believe? I am in no mood to snuff out your smoldering wick.
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I always do exactly as God commands. Just not in stupid way that you expect. The perverse way that you claim the law should be understood and followed is exactly what Jesus died opposing
It's easy to say you do exactly as God commands when you interpret everything God says in ways to suit yourself instead of what He actually said.
"For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from THE WAY that I taught you to follow [the law]." Deuteronomy 31:29
Yup, he taught them to follow the Law literally. It makes zero sense to write Law that isn't meant to be taken literally, but that's where you're at. I mean, it would be entertaining to watch you attempt to convince a judge that the law against parking in a handicapped spot is just a metaphor for the struggle of left-handed Hottentots and you shouldn't be fined for parking there.
Didn't you know that the earliest Christians called themselves followers of the way? Just go away
Of course, they did, because Yeshua showed them the way. Just so you know, He is the Way to God, there is no other. I did notice that you failed to deal with what we saw in Revelation, where Yeshua is leading the armies of heaven, carrying the name "Word of God" and title, "Lord of lords". Haven't you gone back to imagine new meanings for words to explain it away?
Of course, they did, because Yeshua showed them the way. J
Right. He showed them that the words used in the law are figurative the subjects hidden and must be understood to be followed in the only right way that fulfills the promise of eternal life.

"Its not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, its what comes out of it." Jesus H. Christ!

If what Jesus said is true you are a very filthy unclean creature whose mind is quite defiled.

How old were you when you first lifted your skirt for so many vile and loathsome creatures?

Have you never considered cleansing your mind from the filth that you are regurgitating here?

You probably should start or at least give it a try, you faithless worm.. Your time is running out.
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Right. He showed them that the words used in the law are figurative the subjects hidden and must be understood to be followed, the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life. Simple.
Why then did Moses write the Law in code so that everyone would follow it wrong for 1,500 years? You do realize that you are espousing the king of all conspiracy theories, right? Then, you expect us all to believe that God kept all this hidden for another 2,000 years until He revealed it all to you in a smoky haze on night in your drum circle in college.

Simply amazing, and no way to grant you even a little credibility.
Why then did Moses write the Law in code so that everyone would follow it wrong for 1,500 years?
Moses said that the instructions in the law were easy to understand and do. And what is so mysterious to you about referring to other people as lower beasts according to their behavior?

People of every nation, language, kingdom, and tribe have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult ever since people could talk. How is that code above your grasp? Does this revelation shock you? God speaks through prophets in figurative language. Why would God when giving the Law speak through Moses a prophet in any other way? think. You can do it!

And yes, if Moses was right when he said the people would turn aside from the way he taught to follow law after his death then people were doing it wrong for 1500 years before Jesus was born.

And Christians have been doing it wrong for 1699 years, ever since 325CE when Rome assimilated and perverted Christianity with their existing Mithraic beliefs and practices, the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military that originated in Babylon.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles. Deal with it.
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Moses said that the instructions in the law were easy to understand and do. And what is so mysterious to you about referring to other people as lower beasts according to their behavior?
I don't, that's something that, yet again, you just made up.
People of every nation, language, kingdom, and tribe have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult ever since people could talk. How is that code above your grasp? Does this revelation shock you? God speaks through prophets in figurative language. Why would God when giving the Law speak through Moses a prophet in any other way? think. You can do it!
Because the Law is supposed to be the set of rules and regulations governing the Israelites' behavior. It was not written in code, it said, do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery. Plain and simple, no need to twist it or re-interpret it to allow you to do what you want.
And yes, if Moses was right when he said the people would turn aside from the way he taught to follow law after his death then people were doing it wrong for 1500 years before Jesus was born.
He taught them to follow the Law as it was written. There's no need for it to be in code. That's something you just made up.
And Christians have been doing it wrong for 1699 years, ever since 325CE when Rome assimilated and perverted Christianity with their existing Mithraic beliefs and practices, the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military that originated in Babylon.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles. Deal with it.
Sorry, you're simply not credible.
It was not written in code, it said, do not murder,
Jesus said " Satan was a murderer from the beginning" which is a reference to the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who literally didn't kill anyone. What he did was beguile A&E into defying the command of God by saying they would not die but would become like God, a lie.

What actually happened is they were expelled from paradise, losing their sanity for life. "The sweat of their brow, (thinking), producing only thorns and thistles."

In the same way you are here trying to beguile people into setting aside divine law to worship a human being which makes you a murderer in the same way that satan was a murderer.

Its not some mysterious code anymore than a talking serpent is a mysterious secret code

Your failure to grasp what any child playing in a schoolyard knows is very interesting, but stupid
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Jesus said " Satan was a murderer from the beginning" which is a reference to the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who literally didn't kill anyone. What he did was beguile A&E into defying the command of God by saying they would not die but would become like God, a lie.

What actually happened is they were expelled from paradise, losing their sanity for life.

In the same way you are here trying to beguile people into setting aside divine law to worship a human being which makes you a murderer.
Nonsense. I am not the one twisting and perverting the plain meaning of the Law to mean things it does not. That would be you.
Right. Its not code anymore than a talking serpent is code.
It's a law, which means it has to be clear as to what is expected and what earns punishment. Do you not understand that?
Your inability to grasp what any child playing in a schoolyard knows is very interesting, but stupid
Do you know what Satan was doing between the time he was thrown out of heaven and the time the earth became without form and void?
Do you know what Satan was doing between the time he was thrown out of heaven and the time the earth became without form and void?
I give up. Partying at the Copacabana?

If you ever have an intelligent question, ask someone else.
I give up. Partying at the Copacabana?

If you ever have an intelligent question, ask someone else.
You're trying to say that Yeshua wasn't saying what He was saying about Satan and the serpent he inhabited, so I simply asked if you had any real idea what you were talking about, and you came through with flying colors. You demonstrated yet again that you don't.
You're trying to say that Yeshua wasn't saying what He was saying about Satan and the serpent he inhabited
No. I am simply saying that the talking serpent in the story is a metaphor for a human archetype of which you are a perfect example and a direct descendant of that despicable human creature.

Would you like for me to open your eyes to see how that is the truth, the very truth?

You asked, "do you know what Satan was doing between the time he was thrown out of heaven and the time the earth became without form and void" WTF! which only reveals your confusion.

so I simply asked if you had any real idea what you were talking about, and you came through with flying colors. You demonstrated yet again that you don't.
I always find it extremely amusing that when a person doesn't comprehend something so simple as a talking serpent in a children's story they claim that I don't know what I am talking about instead of admitting that they just don't understand. Its actually more pitiful than amusing. Damn

"This, he told me, is the curse which is going out over all of the land; for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord God of Hosts, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers, and stones, and all," Zechariah 5:3

"And as soon as Judas received the bread, (at the last supper) Satan entered him" John 13:27

It may seem to you like I am the one who is confused but, I assure you, it only seems that way.
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No. I am simply saying that the talking serpent in the story is a metaphor for a human archetype of which you are a perfect example and a direct descendant of that despicable human creature.
And there you go, going juvenile again. When are you going to figure out it doesn't work?
Would you like for me to open your eyes to see how that is the truth, the very truth?

You asked, "do you know what Satan was doing between the time he was thrown out of heaven and the time the earth became without form and void" WTF! which only reveals your confusion.
It's a legitimate question. You didn't like Yeshua calling Sata a murderer, so I merely asked if you had any idea what he was up to. You know, because like you know stuff, and reasons.
I always find it extremely amusing that when a person doesn't comprehend something so simple as a talking serpent in a children's story they claim that I don't know what I am talking about instead of admitting that they just don't understand. Its actually more pitiful than amusing. Damn
Well, it's obvious you don't, because you insist every part of the Bible is written in code that no one until you came along was able to understand. So, no, you don't know what you're talking about.
"This, he told me, is the curse which is going out over all of the land; for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord God of Hosts, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers, and stones, and all," Zechariah 5:3

"And as soon as Judas received the bread, (at the last supper) Satan entered him" John 13:27

It may seem to you like I am the one who is confused but, I assure you, it only seems that way.
You forgot this part. See if you can spot the meaning behind the code:

9 Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.
And there you go, going juvenile again.
So your position is that the talking serpent is not a metaphor for a human archetype that you so perfectly display in your pathetic attempt to beguile people into defying the law of God, and teaching others to do the same, which amounts to murder, like satan was a murderer...Got it.

You do know that denying the truth does not make it a lie or make it disappear? Right?

It's a legitimate question. You didn't like Yeshua calling Sata a murderer, so I merely asked if you had any idea what he was up to
Who said I didn't like Jesus calling Satan a murderer? And I already told you what he was up to. He beguiled A&E into defying the command of God by telling them they would not die but will become like God, a lie which amounts to murder since death is the consequence for defying the Law of God. Death, a curse that you so perfectly obviously and obliviously are under. Professor.

You are as full of shit as Satan the fairy tale character was "in the beginning". Why do I say that?

You are saying and doing the exact same thing as satan. You claim that 'believers' can defy the law of God, worship Jesus, and not die but will receive eternal life instead, an obvious satanic lie.

Simple. Easy enough for any 8 year old child to clearly see. Its not rocket science or mysterious.

How do you hope to escape the condemnation of the hell that you're already in? Tell more lies?

Damn. And You are trying to convince someone that I am confused? Copra sanctum! :auiqs.jpg:
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So your position is that the talking serpent is not a metaphor for a human archetype that you so perfectly display in your pathetic attempt to beguile people into defying the law of God, and teaching others to do the same, which amounts to murder, like satan was a murderer...Got it.

You do know that denying the truth does not make it a lie or make it disappear? Right?
Your pathetic attempts to claim that Satan tempting Adam and Eve is about humans instead are quite amusing, and pathetic. Have I mentioned that they are pathetic?
Who said I didn't like Jesus calling Satan a murderer? And I already told you what he was up to. He beguiled A&E into defying the command of God by telling them they would not die but will become like God, a lie which amounts to murder since death is the consequence for defying the Law of God. Death a curse that you so perfectly obviously and obliviously are under. Professor.
Interesting, yet it wasn't him driving the serpent? Can you pick a horse and stay on it?
its the exact same thing that you are saying and doing. You claim that believers can defy the law of God and worship Jesus and not die but will receive eternal life instead, an obvious satanic lie.
Where do I claim "believers can defy the law of God"? And I will ask you again how you think you are escaping the Law when you mix the fabrics in your clothes. You seem to have a hard time with that one. And you still haven't dealt with Him leading the armies of heaven bearing the name "Word of God" and title "Lord of lords".
Simple. Easy enough for any 8 year old child to clearly see. Its not rocket science or mysterious.

How do you hope to escape the condemnation of the hell that you're already in? Tell more lies?

Damn. And You are trying to convince someone that I am confused? Copra sanctum! :auiqs.jpg:
Tsk, tsk, still trying to make it about me. It hasn't worked yet and it's not working now.

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