Zone1 Is Jesus God?

You sure are special.
Yeah yeah yeah, thats what they all say. But enough about me, worry about yourself. Your mind has been defiled and contaminated. Purify your mind and be refined. You have a lot of work to do

There is no magic pill, no magic wand, no matzo to eat, no one can do it for you. Not even Jesus.
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You should look deeper into the meaning of the name. Ask Maimonides. And for your information, I have never been happier or more at peace in my entire life because I am doing my duty as the avenger of blood, the blood of Jesus, whose name has been brought into disrepute among intelligent people because of the many stupid things Christians profess to believe about what he said and did, perpetuating the lies of his enemies that he claimed to be God which would make him insane, obviously a false prophet misleading people spewing delusional narcissistic hubris.
It’s sad that attacking the faith of others make you happy. As for being at peace, that’s not possible when you attack others. Your hatefulness belies your words.
It’s sad that attacking the faith of others make you happy. As for being at peace, that’s not possible when you attack others.
What is it about what I posted that makes you feel attacked while others feel joy? What gives?

Does it make you feel dumb? Ashamed? Embarrassed? Confounded? Schnookered? How is that an attack? Is it like holy water burning the possessed? I'm sorry but you can't pin your feelings, your reaction to and your rejection of the truth on me as if I was attacking you. Prove me wrong.

Did you think that you would feel like a superhero? A staunch defender of the faith? Sucker.

It would be so much easier for you if you just admitted that I made logical and rational points essential to salvation and searched scripture to see if what I said holds water, because it does.

And then do something about your religiously addled mind clinging to the flotsam of a dying age.

Or not and go down with the ship and everyone without a functioning brain will think you're a hero. :113:
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Thats a shame. You do have my condolences.
You are only harming yourself. It’s not what you put in your mouth that harms you, it’s what comes out of your mouth that harms you.
It’s not what you put in your mouth that harms you, it’s what comes out of your mouth that harms you.

Awesome! Its just like watching a baby take its first step! Now reconcile that with what you spew.

You can do it!
He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24). In short, He died for our sins.
He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24). In short, He died for our sins.
How many of you are there? If you are a sinner, why don't you just strive to become a better person? Pinning the consequences for your sins on Jesus, an innocent man, is not only a delusion its reprehensible. Do you really think you have escaped the penalty for your own sins?

Do you believe that you can sin with impunity for life and not die because Jesus was crucified?


I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed with your faith and your deep and abiding love for him.

I am.
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Is there a Holy Spirit anywhere in the Bible?
read John 16:7-15 and understand that Jesus is speaking about a person being sent by God to do specific things. Its not about God sending a ghost that makes people squeak and gibber...
There is no darkness greater than the darkness in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie. (Hobelim 3:14)
There is no darkness when one dies to self. There is only reality.
Do you believe that you can sin with impunity for life and not die because Jesus was crucified?
No. I believe through the mystery of Christ we become born anew. And that through the acts of thankfulness, forgiveness, charity and prayer Christ transforms us into a new person.

So it’s not even close to sinning for life with impunity. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

What you intended for evil, God is using for good.
There is no darkness when one dies to self. There is only reality.
Thats really funny coming from someone who professes to believe that spiritual life can be made by human hands and handed out like a cheap snack food. Some reality you're living in there.

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No. I believe through the mystery of Christ we become born anew. And that through the acts of thankfulness, forgiveness, charity and prayer Christ transforms into us into a new person.
Do you really have no inkling how absurd that post is? Copra sanctum!

I am very impressed by the many wonderful things swallowing bullshit has done for your mind.
So it’s not even close to sinning for life with impunity. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
If scripture is true then you died and descended into hell, the realm of the dead, in the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life to give, and is not God

Didn't you ever hear about cause and effect? And I really thought you were a believer. :eusa_dance:
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