Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Is that what you think hell is?
Not for me. I always do exactly as God commands and so life is a blessing, not a curse.

But for anyone living under any delusion that contradicts logic, reasoning, and reality it is....

If you don't believe me, be honest with yourself. You defy the law of God, advocate human sacrifice, desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and mislead others to do the same which is murder. You die every single time you go to church to defy the Law of God, never finding peace in death

Pop quiz!

How ethical are your religious beliefs?
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You will never see reality until you die to self.
Rome has used the power of death consequent to brazenly defying the law of God and openly desecrating the teaching of Jesus to subjugate the gullible people of every nation on earth..

You will never experience reality unless you rise from the dead. Till then, if ever, enjoy hell.
You will never experience reality unless you rise from the dead. Till then, if ever, enjoy hell.
Anyone can see reality. They just need to be objective instead of subjective. And to that they must die to self.
You who seek to exalt yourself will be humbled.
:auiqs.jpg:Grrrrr! I do not seek to exalt myself. You seek to dishonor me. Guess what! It isn't working.

"Therefore anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:19

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "LEAST", see Genesis 3:14.... HAVE A NICE DAY!
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"Therefore anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:19

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "LEAST", see Genesis 3:14.... HAVE A NICE DAY!
Watch out for pride, that's all I need to say.
So you are saying the higher the IQ, the more in touch with God you are?
No, its not about high IQ. Its about having the courage to be faithful and true. Thats smart.

Any child can do it, even an old fart who has been living a lie for their entire life can do it.
I don’t know. What do you believe and why?

I already told you. Yes, God created the universe, but the universe is also part of God. It has to be otherwise neither Jesus nor God could be here to relate to us mortals. God is the sum of every plane of existence and reality plus a little more, otherwise, part of existence would be outside God, which clearly isn't possible.

God is beyond time, God is beyond space, but God is also right here in a leaf, in a fish, in every one of us.

It is foolish to try to conceptualize God as our finite minds can never fully grasp something which is greater than the greatest and beyond limit. That is why God comes to and appears to us in ways our limited minds can understand.
But faith and truth are gifts of God. God gives us faith if he deems us worthy and pure enough.
And? What then? Purify your mind and be refined and you too can be worthy to receive the gifts.

Remember? Blessed are the pure of mind for they shall see God.
And? What then? Purify your mind and be refined and you too can be worthy to receive the gifts.

Not everyone is ready to purify themselves. Steps on a ladder. Purification is the process of shedding one's ego illusion identity as master of our own lives. We suffer on Earth because we saw ourselves as separate from God without need of him and people only find faith again when they have finally climbed that ladder back high enough to be ready to rejoin him at the end of this life. Then God gives us the faith to help us see him.

So God gives faith to those with a taste for God; those not ready have no such taste and are repelled by the thought and must stay here longer.
All who can think for self reasonably will answer-NO to the question.

One greater than Jesus gave him all authority in heaven and on earth- Matt 28:18---Fact-God has always had the authority, none can give it to him.
One greater than Jesus gave him the judging duties-John 5:27--God was already judge.
God was king-1Chron 16:31--One greater than Jesus appointed him to a kingship( Dan 7:13-15)--But then Jesus must hand back the kingdom( 1Cor 15:24-28) to his God and Father and subject himself---God is in subjection to no one.
Jesus and his real teachers teach Jesus has a God=his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, Eph 1:3, Col 1:3--1Pet 1:3) God does not have a God.
Jesus teaches he can do 0 of his own( John 5:19, 30)--God did all the powerful works-THROUGH-Jesus( Acts 2:22, 1 Cor 8:5-6)--God created all things-99.9% -THROUGH- Jesus( Col 1:16)--He created Jesus first and last direct=The firstborn of all creation( Col 1:15) The only begotten son.

There is no capitol G God to the word at John 1:1 in the Greek lexicons- The true God called-Ton Theon=God, the word called Theon=god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon as 2 Cor 4:4 clearly shows, its why there is a difference. translating works the same at both spots.

All being mislead into worshipping a non existent trinity created at the councils of Catholicism are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Not somewhere one wants to be standing.---Think about these facts, God warned all-GET OUT OF HER.

Good post. Jesus is the Son of YHWH and the beginning of His creation. The firstborn, literally. His first created being. I'd say Gabriel is the second born who embodies the Holy Spirit power of YHWH. All angels under Gabriel's authority receive the Holy Spirit's power and glory and can act on behalf of YHWH. The angels on the Ark of the Covenant represent Jesus/Archangel Michael and Gabriel, facing YHWH who is between them.


Gabriel is one of the angels that is in the presence of YHWH, with the Firstborn Archangel and Son of YHWH.
And? What then? Purify your mind and be refined and you too can be worthy to receive the gifts.

Remember? Blessed are the pure of mind for they shall see God.
That is not in scripture.

And here is where your blasphemy is revealed. Note how cleverly you attempted to twist the actual words Yeshua uttered to mean something different. Here's a hint in case you forgot, He didn't say anything about "pure of mind". He went deeper than that.

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