Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Good post. Jesus is the Son of YHWH and the beginning of His creation. The firstborn, literally. His first created being. I'd say Gabriel is the second born who embodies the Holy Spirit power of YHWH. All angels under Gabriel's authority receive the Holy Spirit's power and glory and can act on behalf of YHWH. The angels on the Ark of the Covenant represent Jesus/Archangel Michael and Gabriel, facing YHWH who is between them.

Gabriel is one of the angels that is in the presence of YHWH, with the Firstborn Archangel and Son of YHWH.
False. Yeshua created all things that were created.
God is the sum of every plane of existence and reality plus a little more, otherwise, part of existence would be outside God, which clearly isn't possible.
God is existence. Which does not mean he is part of everything which exists. That would be the painter being the painting or better known as pantheism. God supplies reality to every part of existence at all times and all places.
I just told you. Do you imagine that there is any part of creation that is NOT part of God?

If something could NOT be part of God, then it would be outside of God therefore not created by God.

Basic Boolean logic.
You said that God couldn't relate to us unless he were a part of us. But I can relate to other animals without being a part of them.

Actually your beliefs are pantheistic beliefs.

I think what you are trying to say is that everything which exists comes from God's nature not necessarily is God or is a part of God.
God is existence. Which does not mean he is part of everything which exists.
Better think again, Ding. You just stated an invalid contradiction.

That would be the painter being the painting
But in an abstract sense, the painter IS the painting. The painting first occurs in the painter's mind, then he recreates that on the canvas for others to see what was in his mind's eye.

God supplies reality to every part of existence at all times and all places.
There you go proving my point that the universe is part of God.
But in an abstract sense, the painter IS the painting. The painting first occurs in the painter's mind, then he recreates that on the canvas for others to see what was in his mind's eye.
And yet the painter is literally not his painting. You can say the painter poured himself into his work but his work is still his work. It's not him.
You said that God couldn't relate to us unless he were a part of us.
Did I really say that?

But I can relate to other animals without being a part of them.
There you go falsely assuming that God relates to us no different or deeper than we do to an animal.

Actually your beliefs are pantheistic beliefs.
That is your assumption to label them as beliefs then to ascribe them some philosophical appellation.

I think what you are trying to say is that everything which exists comes from God's nature not necessarily is God or is a part of God.
Everything comes from God but is also part of God. God is everything.
Did I really say that?
Let's check...

God created the universe, but the universe is also part of God. It has to be otherwise neither Jesus nor God could be here to relate to us mortals.
Sure seems like that's what you said. I don't have to be part of my dog to relate to my dog. I can relate to my dog just fine without being a part of him.
Yes, all of it. We aren't gods. We aren't part of gods. We are God's creatures.

So you think God created us and dropped us off at the street corner bus stop then drove away.

How can you be so confused to think that to be part of God, that means we must BE Gods ourselves?

You better go back and rethink what you think you know because you are very confused.

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