Zone1 Is Jesus God?

How many of you are there? If you are a sinner, why don't you just strive to become a better person? Pinning the consequences for your sins on Jesus, an innocent man, is not only a delusion its reprehensible. Do you really think you have escaped the penalty for your own sins?

Do you believe that you can sin with impunity for life and not die because Jesus was crucified?


I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed with your faith and your deep and abiding love for him.

I am.

Why would I pin my sins on Jesus? Most Christian are mindful of the commandments... although there are some who lie, steal and cheat.You have some really sick ideas.
Do you really have no inkling how absurd that post is? Copra sanctum!

I am very impressed by the many wonderful things swallowing bullshit has done for your mind.
I think it's you who has no inkling. The Greek word for repent is "metanoia." Metanoia means to change your mind. Our thoughts, the flow of consciousness which determines our behaviors, can change. Metanoia has to do with moral activity, but goes beyond that. Jesus was teaching that we could change our mind about how we treat people. We don’t have to be unforgiving, cynical and cruel. We can change our mind about being negative. We can think positive thoughts and walk in faith instead of doubt. We can change our minds about sin. Rather than being caught in the strongholds of consistent habits of lust or selfishness, for example, we can experience freedom and selflessness. Jesus would not have told us to change unless it was possible and attainable. The Bible is full of words that speak about change. Repentance, metamorphosis, transformation, conversion, resurrection, rebirth, renewal, regeneration, healing and transfiguration.

Jesus taught everyone how to become the best version of themselves. Being perfect does not mean doing perfect things. It means to BE perfect. To exist perfectly. So when one makes mistakes - which we all will - we should be truthful to ourselves about ourselves. That's how we exist perfectly. It's an ongoing process.

What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
If scripture is true then you died and descended into hell, the realm of the dead, in the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life to give, and is not God

Didn't you ever hear about cause and effect? And I really thought you were a believer. :eusa_dance:
I don't worry about the destination. I live in the present and focus on my journey.

What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
Why would I pin my sins on Jesus?
I really don't know and I really don't understand how you can live with yourself.

Seems reprehensible to me, hoping that the murder of an innocent man, as a sacrifice, will absolve you from the death consequent to your own sin. But thats what you are actually doing.

Most Christian are mindful of the commandments... although there are some who lie, steal and cheat.
Most Christians have absolutely no inkling that Jesus taught a more rational way to interpret and comply with the words used in the Law that actually reflects Divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of Life, here and now on earth, not after your body dies and not at the end of time.

You have some really sick ideas
I have some really sick ideas but you believe that Jesus died for your sins. Got it.
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I don't worry about the destination. I live in the present and focus on my journey.

Maybe you should think about your destination as you prance around like you are hopelessly insane laughing at your own pathetic aberrations oblivious to the fact that you are well on your way down the road that leads to destruction. I believe that Jesus said some such shit.

But if thinking proves too difficult, fruitless, then by all means enjoy your delusions!
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I really don't know. But thats what you are actually doing.

Most Christians have no inkling that Jesus taught a more rational way to interpret the words used in the Law that actually reflects Divine wisdom.

I have some really sick ideas but you believe that Jesus died for your sins. Got it.

You project and assume. You don't listen. Are you an adult?
I really don't know. But thats what you are actually doing.

Most Christians have no inkling that Jesus taught a more rational way to interpret the words used in the Law that actually reflects divine wisdom.

I have some really sick ideas but you believe that Jesus did for your sins. Got it.
I think you are the one who has no inkling what Jesus taught.
Maybe you should think about your destination as you prance around like you are hopelessly insane laughing at your own pathetic aberrations oblivious to the fact that you are well on your way down the road that leads to destruction. I believe that Jesus said some such shit.

But if thinking proves too difficult, fruitless, then by all means enjoy your delusions!
I think you are trying way too hard to subordinate Christian beliefs. As for focusing on the journey instead of the destination, it' wasn't called The Way for no reason.
it' wasn't called The Way for no reason.
Right, it was called THE WAY because THE WAY that Jesus taught to understand and comply with the laws demands is the only WAY that fulfills the promise of life in the sanctuary of God and is the same WAY that Moses taught people to follow, THE WAY that was set aside after he died.

"For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from THE WAY that I taught you to follow [the Law]"
Right, it was called THE WAY because THE WAY that Jesus taught to understand and comply with the laws demands is the only WAY that fulfills the promise of life in the sanctuary of God
No. It was called The Way because life is a journey and should be conducted a certain way for the best results.
No. It was called The Way because life is a journey and should be conducted a certain way for the best results.
Alrighty then. Just remember, reality to the delusional is a consuming fire that will never go out.


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