Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Tsk, tsk, still trying to make it about me. It hasn't worked yet and it's not working now.
I'm sure that it seems that way to you but I assure you it only seems that way. Your shame and nakedness has been exposed, your lies thoroughly extirpated, the curse you are under revealed for all to see, and there isn't a damn thing that you or anybody can do about it now or ever. Fool.

Maybe you should find another hobby. Maybe tap dancing for nickels? Maybe get a job with trump? I heard he's looking for someone without a soul to bend over. You really do suck at acting
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I'm sure that it seems that way to you but I assure you it only seems that way. Your shame and nakedness has been exposed, your lies thoroughly extirpated, the curse you are under revealed for all to see, and there isn't a damn thing that you or anybody can do about it now or ever. Fool.
You're not arguing against me, you're arguing against the Word of God.
Below is a list of some of the titles of God found in the Hebrew Scriptures. Are you really trying to say that these are all the same Hebrew words? I do believe that, by taking away God's titles and replacing them all with just one name, you attempt to strip God of His expression of the many facets of His character through His names and titles. That is an extremely foolish thing to do.

Attiyq Youm

"The Word of God" and "Lord of lords" are seen together on the same person, Yeshua. "Lord of lords" is one of God's titles and no one wears it but Him.

And again, you robotically repeat the same things over and over. Apparently, you've read something in the Watch Tower but don't have the detail on it.
I believed Jesus-John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and know the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.
You see it means eternal life to know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus as well. Triniitarians are being mislead because they will not believe Jesus over that error capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1--Paul teaches only the Father is God-1Cor 8:6--Jesus teaches-John 4:22-24-The true followers will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth---Not Father, son and holy spirit as the false religions teach.
When ones teachers do not match Jesus-RUN FROM THEM.
Again, the command has nothing whatever to do with clothing. Remember what Jesus asked people living under a literal interpretation of Mosaic Law under penalty of death. "Why worry about what you eat or what you wear" implying the subject isn't food or clothing. But no. I do not mix pagan beliefs with what God taught. Do you celebrate Mithras birth on December 25th?


Did you exchange gifts and "make merry" on that day, celebrating the birth of a triune mangod?

Yes? Are you Catholic, Protestant or any of the 30,000 denominations? Whats the difference?

Can you put a drop of poison in a cup and not contaminate the entire drink; vomit and go mad?
Good questions. The teaching of Jesus did not abandon the Law. "I have not come to abolish the Law but to fulfil it." Jesus taught a deeper, spiritual teaching of the Bible - something that most people/teachers had strayed away from at the time. By all accounts, Jesus understood the Old Testament and referenced it repeatedly.

I celebrate Christmas, exchange gifts, and I am Catholic. As far as a drop of poison - how can one put a drop of poison in a drink and not contaminate the entire drink?
Good. Now, do you see what I see? Do you know what I know? Listen to what I say!

For behold, I am beginning to bring disaster on the city that bears My Name, so how could you possibly go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, for I am calling down a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Jeremiah 25:29. Obviously the sword is a curse in a cup of wine.

The holy grail has been found and unveiled for all the world, every eye to see. Case closed.

I will now take a bow! :thanks:
I only see what I am able to see. I am grateful for my life and the many blessings given to me. Although at times I may feel that I am unworthy for the blessings given to me, they are always blessings and never a "curse". God rewards the humble and meek at heart.

I am intrigued by your interpretation. But by your own words, you mock the very teachings you quote. Why? How can one who understands things so deeply mock the very same substance that gives one understanding?

By your words, you are here to turn wine into water. If, by your own words, the cup that contains the wine is "a curse", are you words intended to lift this "curse"?
So your position is that the talking serpent is not a metaphor for a human archetype that you so perfectly display in your pathetic attempt to beguile people into defying the law of God, and teaching others to do the same, which amounts to murder, like satan was a murderer...Got it.

You do know that denying the truth does not make it a lie or make it disappear? Right?

Who said I didn't like Jesus calling Satan a murderer? And I already told you what he was up to. He beguiled A&E into defying the command of God by telling them they would not die but will become like God, a lie which amounts to murder since death is the consequence for defying the Law of God. Death, a curse that you so perfectly obviously and obliviously are under. Professor.

You are as full of shit as Satan the fairy tale character was "in the beginning". Why do I say that?

You are saying and doing the exact same thing as satan. You claim that 'believers' can defy the law of God, worship Jesus, and not die but will receive eternal life instead, an obvious satanic lie.

Simple. Easy enough for any 8 year old child to clearly see. Its not rocket science or mysterious.

How do you hope to escape the condemnation of the hell that you're already in? Tell more lies?

Damn. And You are trying to convince someone that I am confused? Copra sanctum! :auiqs.jpg:
I do not think you are confused.

You were and are deeply hurt because the divine understanding within your spirit has been mocked, misunderstood and confronted by a first century cult. The pain within has built itself up and has turned itself into the very thing you oppose - anger, frustration, division within yourself - which expels itself with words that create discord - the very opposite of the meaning of your name, Hobelim.

Is Jesus God?​

That's a tricky question but I have to answer no. God was in Jesus, a carpenter from Nazareth, worked through him, but Jesus was not in God except as God wished and permitted. If Jesus had been God, he would have done things on his own through plenary powers, instead, he depended on prayer. It was still God who acted.
I believed Jesus-John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and know the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.
You see it means eternal life to know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus as well. Triniitarians are being mislead because they will not believe Jesus over that error capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1--Paul teaches only the Father is God-1Cor 8:6--Jesus teaches-John 4:22-24-The true followers will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth---Not Father, son and holy spirit as the false religions teach.
When ones teachers do not match Jesus-RUN FROM THEM.
And we see Him leading the armies of heaven carrying the name "Word of God" and the title "Lord of lords". You do know that, right? Did you look it up in your new rewrite and realize that the name of God had been put in there because you wanted to eliminate His titles, and that's why you're ignoring it?
That's a tricky question but I have to answer no. God was in Jesus, a carpenter from Nazareth, worked through him, but Jesus was not in God except as God wished and permitted. If Jesus had been God, he would have done things on his own through plenary powers, instead, he depended on prayer. It was still God who acted.
Have you not seen where He intentionally lowered Himself, but didn't think it robbery to be equal with God? That's the sin that got Lucifer kicked out of heaven, remember?

That's why He depended on prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, because He was in every way just like us.

The Bible Student movement had connections at the very beginning (in the early 2nd half of 19th century) with the Millerite movement. Charles Taze Russell later stated that "I confess indebtedness to Adventists as well as to other denominations". In light of this, the Bible Student Movement was influenced by Adventists roots, but did not emerge from the Millerism movement.[48]

Followers of the Baháʼí Faith also credit Miller's analysis of the time of Christ's return.[49] See also Day-year principle for a more complete review of how William Miller's analysis of the 2,300-day prophecy of Daniel 8 matches the Baháʼí understanding. Baháʼís believe that, although William Miller's understanding of the location and method of Christ's return was not accurate, his calculation of the timing was entirely correct.
Nonsense. Without adding, subtracting, or changing a single word I have revealed in full view of believers and unbelievers alike new meaning hidden in figurative language, in plain sight, that has never been seen or heard of before. And now its impossible to not see it and it can't be undone.


To me its astonishing that something so obvious has escaped the notice of billions of people for thousands of years. It just goes to show that God reigns over the mind of mankind, either denying, to actors and lying frauds, or allowing comprehension, peace on earth to honest people
What about the people that follow God's commands, honest people and yet, cannot find peace on Earth. (You, maybe?) What about those folks? What are they doing wrong?
Good questions. The teaching of Jesus did not abandon the Law. "I have not come to abolish the Law but to fulfil it." Jesus taught a deeper, spiritual teaching of the Bible - something that most people/teachers had strayed away from at the time. By all accounts, Jesus understood the Old Testament and referenced it repeatedly.

I celebrate Christmas, exchange gifts, and I am Catholic. As far as a drop of poison - how can one put a drop of poison in a drink and not contaminate the entire drink?

When a lie, such as spiritual life can be handed out and eaten like a cheep snack food, has found its way into your Church into which I was also born then the entire teachings of Jesus perverted by that vile and degrading practice were effectively buried under a mountain of blasphemy.

And don't get me wrong I have also celebrated Christmas as a family gathering but not anymore, because it celebrates a perverse maudlin lie, that God became human so the could die for "us".
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When a lie, such as spiritual life can be handed out and eaten like a cheep snack food, has found its way into your Church into which I was also born then the entire teachings of Jesus perverted by that vile and degrading practice were effectively buried under a mountain of blasphemy.
The power of communion cannot be denied. It's real.
I am intrigued by your interpretation. But by your own words, you mock the very teachings you quote. Why? How can one who understands things so deeply mock the very same substance that gives one understanding?
I am not mocking the teachings I quote. I am mocking the ignorant, literal, reality defying, superstitious interpretations of the figurative words used by Jesus, "Till now I have been using figures of speech" that render the life giving teachings of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, null and void. Is that wrong? If I was doing the very thing scripture teaches leads to death and hell because I had been beguiled or indoctrinated, brainwashed, I would want someone to alert me.

By your words, you are here to turn wine into water.

No. I am turning blood back into wine, by showing where right and wrong and judgment lie.

If, by your own words, the cup that contains the wine is "a curse", are you words intended to lift this "curse"?
The curse has already been lifted for many but it is because of their own faith in revealed truth.
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I do not think you are confused.

You were and are deeply hurt because the divine understanding within your spirit has been mocked, misunderstood and confronted by a first century cult. The pain within has built itself up and has turned itself into the very thing you oppose - anger, frustration, division within yourself - which expels itself with words that create discord - the very opposite of the meaning of your name, Hobelim.
You should look deeper into the meaning of the name. Ask Maimonides. And for your information, I have never been happier or more at peace in my entire life because I am doing my duty as the avenger of blood, the blood of Jesus, whose name has been brought into disrepute among intelligent people because of the many stupid things Christians profess to believe about what he said and did, perpetuating the lies of his enemies that he claimed to be God which would make him insane, obviously a false prophet misleading people spewing delusional narcissistic hubris.
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What about the people that follow God's commands, honest people and yet, cannot find peace on Earth. (You, maybe?) What about those folks? What are they doing wrong?

If a person interprets the law literally the image and likeness of God is comparable to that of a capricious and puerile cruel petty tyrant, and believers will strive to reflect that. If one finds the deeper implication implied by those same exact words the image and likeness of God becomes that of a loving dedicated wise and benevolent Father, and believers will strive to reflect that.

I always do exactly as God commands and so I am always at peace. Try to understand that even when scolding dingbats I am at peace even if they misinterpret that expression of love as anger.

Try to understand I am not criticizing nor condemning anyone. Some accept my words with joy, other revile and deride them which shows that their own conscience condemns them. Not me
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If a person interprets the law literally the image and likeness of God is comparable to that of a capricious and puerile cruel petty tyrant, and believers will strive to reflect that. If one find the deeper implication implied by those same exact words the image and likeness of God becomes that of a loving dedicated wise and benevolent Father, and believers will strive to reflect that.

I always do exactly as God commands and so I am always at peace. Try to understand that even when scolding dingbats I am at peace even if they misinterpret that expression of love as anger.

Try to understand I am not criticizing nor condemning anyone. Some accept my words with joy, other revile and deride them which shows that their own conscience condemns them. Not me
You sure are special.

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