Is John McCain A War Hero? Trump Says No.

Will you vote for a lying chicken hawk who slandered a war hero?

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WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

McCain is a spineless career politician, hes a so called "maverick" in the politically correct sense...
That being a political windsock... Lol

Let's see you land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier and endure what he endured. I don't agree with his politics but to say he is not a hero is disgusting.

Trump is a bully and a draft dodger. Trump would have shit his pants had he been in combat.

McCain is a career US senator. So what? The people of Arizona seem to think he's doing what they want.

McCain is and was unfit to be president. His choice of Palin proved that but he has a hell of a lot more integrity than Bush, Romney or Trump.

He's nothing more than a spineless career politician... Really just a progressive.
His type is what's all wrong with Washington... Lol
George H.W.Bush was a war hero so was Bob Dole yet the left nominated elected and relected as President the draft dodger Bill Clinton so forgive me if I find the sudden concern about a draft dodger being elected more than a little phony.

Bill Clinton was a conscientious objector and that is also heroic. Bush Jr went AWOL, Cheney was a draft dodger, Republican hero Ted Nugent is a pedophile draft dodger.

Clinton fixed the economy that HW Bush wrecked or did you forget that.

And BTW asshole, this thread is about Trump trashing American hero John McCain and how his supporters don't care. This is not about Bob Dole, HW Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can bet that if a Dem candidate trashed McCain's or Dole's war record most Dems would drop him like a hot rock. Republican voters are lack character and love for America.
George H.W.Bush was a war hero so was Bob Dole yet the left nominated elected and relected as President the draft dodger Bill Clinton so forgive me if I find the sudden concern about a draft dodger being elected more than a little phony.

Bill Clinton was a conscientious objector and that is also heroic. Bush Jr went AWOL, Cheney was a draft dodger, Republican hero Ted Nugent is a pedophile draft dodger.

Clinton fixed the economy that HW Bush wrecked or did you forget that.

And BTW asshole, this thread is about Trump trashing American hero John McCain and how his supporters don't care. This is not about Bob Dole, HW Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can bet that if a Dem candidate trashed McCain's or Dole's war record most Dems would drop him like a hot rock. Republican voters are lack character and love for America.
McCain = progressive shit bag...
WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

McCain is a spineless career politician, hes a so called "maverick" in the politically correct sense...
That being a political windsock... Lol

Let's see you land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier and endure what he endured. I don't agree with his politics but to say he is not a hero is disgusting.

Trump is a bully and a draft dodger. Trump would have shit his pants had he been in combat.

McCain is a career US senator. So what? The people of Arizona seem to think he's doing what they want.

McCain is and was unfit to be president. His choice of Palin proved that but he has a hell of a lot more integrity than Bush, Romney or Trump.

He's nothing more than a spineless career politician... Really just a progressive.
His type is what's all wrong with Washington... Lol

John McCain has more courage in his little finger than you have in your whole body if you lived 1000 lifetimes.

McCain is a real man while most other Republicans like Cheney, Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Trump, Jeb Bush, Fat ass Christie, Ben Carson and Kasich. I think the only one who served of the Republican candidates was Lindsey Graham and the GOP morons rejected him. This is more proof that Republican voters are trash.
George H.W.Bush was a war hero so was Bob Dole yet the left nominated elected and relected as President the draft dodger Bill Clinton so forgive me if I find the sudden concern about a draft dodger being elected more than a little phony.

Bill Clinton was a conscientious objector and that is also heroic. Bush Jr went AWOL, Cheney was a draft dodger, Republican hero Ted Nugent is a pedophile draft dodger.

Clinton fixed the economy that HW Bush wrecked or did you forget that.

And BTW asshole, this thread is about Trump trashing American hero John McCain and how his supporters don't care. This is not about Bob Dole, HW Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can bet that if a Dem candidate trashed McCain's or Dole's war record most Dems would drop him like a hot rock. Republican voters are lack character and love for America.
McCain = progressive shit bag...

Trump = Chicken Hawk, Liar, womanizer, bigot, serial cheater, crook, fraudster.... Hmmmm... It's no wonder Republicans love Trump. He's a scumbag just like them.

You CONS are pathetic!
WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

McCain is a spineless career politician, hes a so called "maverick" in the politically correct sense...
That being a political windsock... Lol

Let's see you land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier and endure what he endured. I don't agree with his politics but to say he is not a hero is disgusting.

Trump is a bully and a draft dodger. Trump would have shit his pants had he been in combat.

McCain is a career US senator. So what? The people of Arizona seem to think he's doing what they want.

McCain is and was unfit to be president. His choice of Palin proved that but he has a hell of a lot more integrity than Bush, Romney or Trump.

He's nothing more than a spineless career politician... Really just a progressive.
His type is what's all wrong with Washington... Lol

John McCain has more courage in his little finger than you have in your whole body if you lived 1000 lifetimes.

McCain is a real man while most other Republicans like Cheney, Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Trump, Jeb Bush, Fat ass Christie, Ben Carson and Kasich. I think the only one who served of the Republican candidates was Lindsey Graham and the GOP morons rejected him. This is more proof that Republican voters are trash.
You can't help being pussy whipped??
McCain is a progressive career politician = lowest of life forms.
You really should get out of your mothers basement every now and again... And see the real world.
Courage is going against the politically correct winds, the so called "maverick" has utterly failed in this. Which mean he has been a pussyfied progressive all along...
George H.W.Bush was a war hero so was Bob Dole yet the left nominated elected and relected as President the draft dodger Bill Clinton so forgive me if I find the sudden concern about a draft dodger being elected more than a little phony.

Bill Clinton was a conscientious objector and that is also heroic. Bush Jr went AWOL, Cheney was a draft dodger, Republican hero Ted Nugent is a pedophile draft dodger.

Clinton fixed the economy that HW Bush wrecked or did you forget that.

And BTW asshole, this thread is about Trump trashing American hero John McCain and how his supporters don't care. This is not about Bob Dole, HW Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can bet that if a Dem candidate trashed McCain's or Dole's war record most Dems would drop him like a hot rock. Republican voters are lack character and love for America.
McCain = progressive shit bag...

Trump = Chicken Hawk, Liar, womanizer, bigot, serial cheater, crook, fraudster.... Hmmmm... It's no wonder Republicans love Trump. He's a scumbag just like them.

You CONS are pathetic!
I have not decided on anyone... I may just write in Elmer Fudd.
WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

McCain is a spineless career politician, hes a so called "maverick" in the politically correct sense...
That being a political windsock... Lol

Let's see you land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier and endure what he endured. I don't agree with his politics but to say he is not a hero is disgusting.

Trump is a bully and a draft dodger. Trump would have shit his pants had he been in combat.

McCain is a career US senator. So what? The people of Arizona seem to think he's doing what they want.

McCain is and was unfit to be president. His choice of Palin proved that but he has a hell of a lot more integrity than Bush, Romney or Trump.

He's nothing more than a spineless career politician... Really just a progressive.
His type is what's all wrong with Washington... Lol

John McCain has more courage in his little finger than you have in your whole body if you lived 1000 lifetimes.

McCain is a real man while most other Republicans like Cheney, Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Trump, Jeb Bush, Fat ass Christie, Ben Carson and Kasich. I think the only one who served of the Republican candidates was Lindsey Graham and the GOP morons rejected him. This is more proof that Republican voters are trash.
You can't help being pussy whipped??
McCain is a progressive career politician = lowest of life forms.
You really should get out of your mothers basement every now and again... And see the real world.
Courage is going against the politically correct winds, the so called "maverick" has utterly failed in this. Which mean he has been a pussyfied progressive all along...

Clearly you are lowlife POS who should be thrown in a cage with AIDS infected pit bulls.

The old pathetic mother's basement insult. I would tell you the same but trailers don't have basements.

You probably hate the fact that McCain is working with Elizabeth Warren to reinstate Glass Steagal but you are probably to fucking stupid to know what Glass Steagal is. If you google it which you are too lazy to do and wallowing in your ignorance you would not understand why it is important. Eat a gun loser.
WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

Hey teabagger... do you like it better when a guy washes his balls first, or do you like the taste of when they're sweaty and dirty when you get them dropped in your mouth? I mean hey... anybody who would chose a board name as TEABAGGER must be a CONSUMATE BALL SACK LICKER.... right?

As far as Trump goes.... gee... I wonder if we could come up with anything shitty the little kenyan in the white mosque has said...

McCain did what he, and the armed forces, considered his duty. That is not usually considered the formula for heroism, but words mean whatever we wish.
WARNING: This post contains facts.

FACT: On October 26, 1967, McCain's A4 Skyhawk was hit by a North Vietnamese surface-to air-missile and was upside down and out of control by the time he was able to eject into a lake in the middle of Hanoi.

FACT: McCain's father was a big shot Navy admiral and McCain could have easily chicken hawked out like George W. Bush and joined some Air National Guard and gone AWOL but instead he flew dangerous missions off aircraft carriers which in an of itself takes brass balls.

FACT: McCain was in terrible pain from broken legs, but believed that since Hanoi was a Geneva signatory, he would be taken care of until he was taken to a hospital. It didn't happen. He received no medical attention, and the interrogation and the torture continued.

FACT: When Hanoi learned the identity of McCain's father they crowed, "We have the crown prince!" and he was asked, "Do you want to be released?" McCain refused that offer.

McCain admits that he was tempted. He was in dire need of serious medical attention, he had dysentery and was rapidly losing weight he could not afford to lose. His chances of surviving this seemingly endless war were diminishing. He said he'd have to think about it.

A few days later he says his interrogator said, "The senior officer wants to know your answer."

"My answer is no," McCain said.

When asked why, McCain said, "Our Code of Conduct says we must not accept parole, amnesty or special favors."

FACT: McCain knew that the likelihood of of dying in that torture chamber was high yet he stayed.

FACT: In Trump's own words: "He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Will you vote for a chicken hawk draft dodger who lied and slandered John McCain whi is clearly war hero? If you voted for Bush you already did. Bush told horrible lies about McCain.

McCain's medals for heroism and valor.

I'm probably one of Trump's biggest critics, but even I'm appalled at the blatant bias in your post and poll.

With that said, I think Trump is a scumbag and John McCain is probably my favorite senator (I'm a vet and heavily follow the Armed Services Committee, which he chairs). But come on man...venting to start out a topic without even trying to work under the guise of being objective, no matter how thinly veiled, just comes off as offensive and distasteful...even from somebody who supports the general message you are communicating.
He stuck to his code when his life was on the line, knowing that 'no' might be the last coherent thing he ever says.

That speaks volumes to what a long career in politics can do to a man.

face painful death girded by words you spoke
then fall to pandering for money and power.

Think about that, think about all the people that never had to face anything real, or so unreal as torture.

Do you really want to vote 'for' anything like that?
McCain is a spineless career politician, hes a so called "maverick" in the politically correct sense...
That being a political windsock... Lol

Let's see you land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier and endure what he endured. I don't agree with his politics but to say he is not a hero is disgusting.

Trump is a bully and a draft dodger. Trump would have shit his pants had he been in combat.

McCain is a career US senator. So what? The people of Arizona seem to think he's doing what they want.

McCain is and was unfit to be president. His choice of Palin proved that but he has a hell of a lot more integrity than Bush, Romney or Trump.

He's nothing more than a spineless career politician... Really just a progressive.
His type is what's all wrong with Washington... Lol

John McCain has more courage in his little finger than you have in your whole body if you lived 1000 lifetimes.

McCain is a real man while most other Republicans like Cheney, Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Trump, Jeb Bush, Fat ass Christie, Ben Carson and Kasich. I think the only one who served of the Republican candidates was Lindsey Graham and the GOP morons rejected him. This is more proof that Republican voters are trash.
You can't help being pussy whipped??
McCain is a progressive career politician = lowest of life forms.
You really should get out of your mothers basement every now and again... And see the real world.
Courage is going against the politically correct winds, the so called "maverick" has utterly failed in this. Which mean he has been a pussyfied progressive all along...

Clearly you are lowlife POS who should be thrown in a cage with AIDS infected pit bulls.

The old pathetic mother's basement insult. I would tell you the same but trailers don't have basements.

You probably hate the fact that McCain is working with Elizabeth Warren to reinstate Glass Steagal but you are probably to fucking stupid to know what Glass Steagal is. If you google it which you are too lazy to do and wallowing in your ignorance you would not understand why it is important. Eat a gun loser.






Now go hide... Lol
Last edited:
George H.W.Bush was a war hero so was Bob Dole yet the left nominated elected and relected as President the draft dodger Bill Clinton so forgive me if I find the sudden concern about a draft dodger being elected more than a little phony.

Bill Clinton was a conscientious objector and that is also heroic. Bush Jr went AWOL, Cheney was a draft dodger, Republican hero Ted Nugent is a pedophile draft dodger.

Clinton fixed the economy that HW Bush wrecked or did you forget that.

And BTW asshole, this thread is about Trump trashing American hero John McCain and how his supporters don't care. This is not about Bob Dole, HW Bush or Bill Clinton.

You can bet that if a Dem candidate trashed McCain's or Dole's war record most Dems would drop him like a hot rock. Republican voters are lack character and love for America.
McCain is a retarded zionist neocon DOUCHEBAG. How anyone can characterize him as a hero is fucking bizarre.

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