Is Kamala's Candidacy a Test Balloon?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
They have a dilemma. She is an airhead who acts like a high school girl. On the other hand, they have to look unified. Picking someone else would be chaotic, especially this late. I think their gay convention is next month.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
Certainly not out of the question.
They have a dilemma. She is an airhead who acts like a high school girl. On the other hand, they have to look unified. Picking someone else would be chaotic, especially this late. I think their gay convention is next month.
The last thing they want is an open convention that would descend into chaos and violence. Expect the clubs to come out at least a week before hand and all dissent to be squashed.
The polls are all over the place right now, and a handful that move as predicted are not terribly significant. This is her honeymoon, before the realities of her record get laid out for all to see, the inevitable black faces of the men she kept incarcerated past the time they were supposed to be released fill TV screens and endless loops of her cackling and word salads play over and over on social media. She will get another bump after the convention if they can prevent it from descending into chaos and violence, but then reality sets in.

So, grab gleefully onto whatever polls you want if they make you feel better. The truth is, as we are aware, the election will come down to a handful of swing states and independent voters. Overall popularity means nothing, as Hillary found out after ignoring vital parts of the country.
The polls are all over the place right now, and a handful that move as predicted are not terribly significant. This is her honeymoon, before the realities of her record get laid out for all to see, the inevitable black faces of the men she kept incarcerated past the time they were supposed to be released fill TV screens and endless loops of her cackling and word salads play over and over on social media. She will get another bump after the convention if they can prevent it from descending into chaos and violence, but then reality sets in.

So, grab gleefully onto whatever polls you want if they make you feel better. The truth is, as we are aware, the election will come down to a handful of swing states and independent voters. Overall popularity means nothing, as Hillary found out after ignoring vital parts of the country.
tRump is demented and fading away. He hasn't got a chance of beating her.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
So the Dem Elites just pick and choose nominees based on how they are polling as they go into the end-stage of the election cycle, and just ignore their voters? What happened to the democratic process that the Dems keep whining that Trump will destroy?

The nominee is being picked by Obama and his sycophants at the top.
The last thing they want is an open convention that would descend into chaos and violence. Expect the clubs to come out at least a week before hand and all dissent to be squashed.
An open convention might be the only way to reestablish a democratic party. It will be interesting to see how the pro-Hamas demonstrators will follow their masters' instructions.
tRump is demented and fading away. He hasn't got a chance of beating her.
That sounds eerily like the advice Hillary believed in 2016, but hold onto it, I hear it helps when the voices get too loud. This election is not a sure thing for anyone at this point, but here's a prediction. Since TRUMP! is a known commodity and there's very little new information going to come out before the election, the focus will be on Harris' record, which quite frankly, most voters know nothing about. Therefore, the focus will be on her NOT being Quid Pro Joe, which gives her a bump, then the convention, which will give her another short-lived bump IF they can keep it from sinking into chaos and violence. After that, reality will set in and her numbers will inevitably fall, because we'll see the black faces of men she kept in prison after they were supposed to be released as well as endless loops of her cackling and incoherent work salads.

I think, if she does not have at least a 5 point lead coming out of the convention, she will struggle to break even in November.
An open convention might be the only way to reestablish a democratic party. It will be interesting to see how the pro-Hamas demonstrators will follow their masters' instructions.
Since the disaster in 1968, they have been all about locked down control. They will not allow dissent at the convention. If it happens, they'll keep it blocks away.
An open convention might be the only way to reestablish a democratic party. It will be interesting to see how the pro-Hamas demonstrators will follow their masters' instructions.
Which Dem do you think will side with HAMAS and against Israel, and snub Netanyahu, the most?

I think it’s Kamala.
Since the disaster in 1968, they have been all about locked down control. They will not allow dissent at the convention. If it happens, they'll keep it blocks away.
They let the HAMAS supporters burn American flags and destroy public policy, with antisemitic graffit. But that’s different.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
if that happens Trump will have defeated 2 dem candidates for POTUS in 2024 !

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