Is LESS Police LESS Firemen LESS Teachers an effective campaign strategy?

We've all seen the now famous video of Mitt Romney saying "Cut Back On Government" and then identifying that government we need to cut back on as "Police, Firemen and Teachers".

Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube


It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.


Romney Challenged on How Much Class Size Matters - ABC News

“And I can’t think of a parent that would say I would like my teacher to be in a room with a lot of kids and only one teacher,” Morris continued. “So I’m wondering where this research comes from.”

That from a Philadelphia teacher. Romney's quick response:

“All the talk about we need smaller classroom size … that’s promoted by the teachers unions to hire more teachers,” he said.


And worst of all:

Monster wildfire rages in Colorado (+video) -


Honestly, I don't know what to say.


So the question is, "Is this really a winning strategy"?

I know USMB Republicans rush to defend Mitt and say his words were taken out of context OR they actually believe we need LESS Police, Firmen and Teachers.

I think the real problem for the right wing is this is the most complex country on earth, technologically and socially, at a time when the world is the most complex, and they want a tiny government that can't do anything. The problem is that such small thinking leaves the country open to attack in ways other than military. Cyber terrorism, trade wars, education, science. Just when we need a complex and flexible government, they want to tear down ours and replace it with "every man for himself". And the ridiculous chant of "you need government to do it for you", when the reality is, "There are some things only government can do", but Republicans simply can't imagine what they are. I'm guessing they are too busy imagining the President is a Kenyan Mau Mau Marxist.

So come on Right Wingers! DO YOU OR DON'T YOU AGREE WITH MITT????????


Spending less money on public employees doesn't necessarily mean that you have fewer of them. Don't be brainwashed into the concept that public employees deserve massive pensions and free healthcare for life. That's what the problem is. Especially in times when the stock market is not growing which requires the annual contributions to be larger. Teachers don't deserve six figure pensions and free healthcare from age 55 to 85. That's why localities go broke.
So you are saying you agree with his "message"?

deanie, i didn't even read it.

i assume anyone who can't speak english properly doesn't have a lot to offer.

An ignorant "elitist" schmuck! Who knew?

i'm neither ignorant nor elitist, deanie.

i just have no interest in you or what you post except to mock you.

you make it easy.
i rarely read 6% of what you post.
MORE neocon, W clone screwing the nonrich? Great idea. See sig pp1.

Jeebus the dupes are clueless...GET those thug teachers! lol
We've all seen the now famous video of Mitt Romney saying "Cut Back On Government" and then identifying that government we need to cut back on as "Police, Firemen and Teachers".

Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube


It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.


Romney Challenged on How Much Class Size Matters - ABC News

“And I can’t think of a parent that would say I would like my teacher to be in a room with a lot of kids and only one teacher,” Morris continued. “So I’m wondering where this research comes from.”

That from a Philadelphia teacher. Romney's quick response:

“All the talk about we need smaller classroom size … that’s promoted by the teachers unions to hire more teachers,” he said.


And worst of all:

Monster wildfire rages in Colorado (+video) -


Honestly, I don't know what to say.


So the question is, "Is this really a winning strategy"?

I know USMB Republicans rush to defend Mitt and say his words were taken out of context OR they actually believe we need LESS Police, Firmen and Teachers.

I think the real problem for the right wing is this is the most complex country on earth, technologically and socially, at a time when the world is the most complex, and they want a tiny government that can't do anything. The problem is that such small thinking leaves the country open to attack in ways other than military. Cyber terrorism, trade wars, education, science. Just when we need a complex and flexible government, they want to tear down ours and replace it with "every man for himself". And the ridiculous chant of "you need government to do it for you", when the reality is, "There are some things only government can do", but Republicans simply can't imagine what they are. I'm guessing they are too busy imagining the President is a Kenyan Mau Mau Marxist.

Police--Fireman and Teachers--are state--county-and-city funded and belong NO WHERE in the Federal Government's budget--although our COMMUNITY ORGANIZER thinks it does.


If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
Harry predicted it again....rdean if you keep making him look so perceptive, he really will start his own religion!

i counted approx. 15 threads that Dean started and ran from when the questions started.....the guy is a fraud.....Dudly doright and Chris are the same way....start a thread.....2 or 3 questions later.....:scared1:

15? Come on. You don't know that many numbers. Your fingers and thumbs are only tattooed to 10.

prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you
Wouldnt it have to be a campaign strategy before it can possibly be effective?
MORE neocon, W clone screwing the nonrich? Great idea. See sig pp1.

Jeebus the dupes are clueless...GET those thug teachers! lol

see Dean......this ^^^^is what you have to contend with........your threads are getting boring.....and at least Frankie will stick around for a while to defend the threads he starts......even though no one knows what the hell he is saying....
i counted approx. 15 threads that Dean started and ran from when the questions started.....the guy is a fraud.....Dudly doright and Chris are the same way....start a thread.....2 or 3 questions later.....:scared1:

15? Come on. You don't know that many numbers. Your fingers and thumbs are only tattooed to 10.

prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you

Don't expect much HD. deany will follow the commaqnds of his master desptite your challange. Deany could careless.
We've all seen the now famous video of Mitt Romney saying "Cut Back On Government" and then identifying that government we need to cut back on as "Police, Firemen and Teachers".

Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube


It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.


Romney Challenged on How Much Class Size Matters - ABC News

“And I can’t think of a parent that would say I would like my teacher to be in a room with a lot of kids and only one teacher,” Morris continued. “So I’m wondering where this research comes from.”

That from a Philadelphia teacher. Romney's quick response:

“All the talk about we need smaller classroom size … that’s promoted by the teachers unions to hire more teachers,” he said.


And worst of all:

Monster wildfire rages in Colorado (+video) -


Honestly, I don't know what to say.


So the question is, "Is this really a winning strategy"?

I know USMB Republicans rush to defend Mitt and say his words were taken out of context OR they actually believe we need LESS Police, Firmen and Teachers.

I think the real problem for the right wing is this is the most complex country on earth, technologically and socially, at a time when the world is the most complex, and they want a tiny government that can't do anything. The problem is that such small thinking leaves the country open to attack in ways other than military. Cyber terrorism, trade wars, education, science. Just when we need a complex and flexible government, they want to tear down ours and replace it with "every man for himself". And the ridiculous chant of "you need government to do it for you", when the reality is, "There are some things only government can do", but Republicans simply can't imagine what they are. I'm guessing they are too busy imagining the President is a Kenyan Mau Mau Marxist.

Police--Fireman and Teachers--are state--county-and-city funded and belong NO WHERE in the Federal Government's budget--although our COMMUNITY ORGANIZER thinks it does.


If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama


Federal grants to fund police positions announced - CNN

. The federal government definitely allocates money to help pay for teachers, firefighters and police. In fact, it’s done so to the tune of at least $370 billion since 1981, according to the figures we found.

Romney’s claim that the federal government doesn’t pay for teachers, firefighters, police - The Washington Post
15? Come on. You don't know that many numbers. Your fingers and thumbs are only tattooed to 10.

prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you

Don't expect much HD. deany will follow the commaqnds of his master desptite your challange. Deany could careless.

Actually, what happens is I start a thread with facts. Right wingers reply with ridiculous nonsense right from the "Bizarro World" of DC Comics. So I present more facts. Right wingers then scream I'm replying on "Huffington Post" and "Politico". Then I point out my links were Fox and The Christian Science Monitor and Ron Paul's site. Then right wingers say they don't read my links because it's not worth their time. Eventually, I get tired of trying to teach those who insist on not learning anything and find other interests. Then they say I ran away.

Sometimes I think they do read some of the links but just refuse to believe the truth. This was one of my all time favorites from when Republicans blackmailed the president. Still, no right wingers will admit it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Yawn! The boars are starting to bore me again.
prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you

Don't expect much HD. deany will follow the commaqnds of his master desptite your challange. Deany could careless.

Actually, what happens is I start a thread with facts. Right wingers reply with ridiculous nonsense right from the "Bizarro World" of DC Comics. So I present more facts. Right wingers then scream I'm replying on "Huffington Post" and "Politico". Then I point out my links were Fox and The Christian Science Monitor and Ron Paul's site. Then right wingers say they don't read my links because it's not worth their time. Eventually, I get tired of trying to teach those who insist on not learning anything and find other interests. Then they say I ran away.

Sometimes I think they do read some of the links but just refuse to believe the truth. This was one of my all time favorites from when Republicans blackmailed the president. Still, no right wingers will admit it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Yawn! The boars are starting to bore me again.

BOOSH! That's all you have, as Obama ROBS us blind.

It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.

Exactly how many police do we need to prevent these attacks?
We've all seen the now famous video of Mitt Romney saying "Cut Back On Government" and then identifying that government we need to cut back on as "Police, Firemen and Teachers".

Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube


It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.


Romney Challenged on How Much Class Size Matters - ABC News

“And I can’t think of a parent that would say I would like my teacher to be in a room with a lot of kids and only one teacher,” Morris continued. “So I’m wondering where this research comes from.”

That from a Philadelphia teacher. Romney's quick response:

“All the talk about we need smaller classroom size … that’s promoted by the teachers unions to hire more teachers,” he said.


And worst of all:

Monster wildfire rages in Colorado (+video) -


Honestly, I don't know what to say.


So the question is, "Is this really a winning strategy"?

I know USMB Republicans rush to defend Mitt and say his words were taken out of context OR they actually believe we need LESS Police, Firmen and Teachers.

I think the real problem for the right wing is this is the most complex country on earth, technologically and socially, at a time when the world is the most complex, and they want a tiny government that can't do anything. The problem is that such small thinking leaves the country open to attack in ways other than military. Cyber terrorism, trade wars, education, science. Just when we need a complex and flexible government, they want to tear down ours and replace it with "every man for himself". And the ridiculous chant of "you need government to do it for you", when the reality is, "There are some things only government can do", but Republicans simply can't imagine what they are. I'm guessing they are too busy imagining the President is a Kenyan Mau Mau Marxist.

For the last fucking time you idiot, incompetent, uneducated fucking liberals: the federal government does NOT pay for police, firemen, or teachers!!! That is a local government issue - you know, the branch of government the US President is NOT authorized to engage in?

Stop trying to change the conversation to cover the failures of YOUR ideology!
It seems to me this is not an "effective campaign strategy". Especially with headlines about terrorists shooting up movie theaters and attacking a religious site. I would think Americans want MORE Police.

Exactly how many police do we need to prevent these attacks?

Precisely. POLICE come along AFTER THE FACT. THEY...aren't protecting ANYONE.

They are the CLEAN-UP CREW.
prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you

Don't expect much HD. deany will follow the commaqnds of his master desptite your challange. Deany could careless.

Actually, what happens is I start a thread with facts. Right wingers reply with ridiculous nonsense right from the "Bizarro World" of DC Comics. So I present more facts. Right wingers then scream I'm replying on "Huffington Post" and "Politico". Then I point out my links were Fox and The Christian Science Monitor and Ron Paul's site. Then right wingers say they don't read my links because it's not worth their time. Eventually, I get tired of trying to teach those who insist on not learning anything and find other interests. Then they say I ran away.

Sometimes I think they do read some of the links but just refuse to believe the truth. This was one of my all time favorites from when Republicans blackmailed the president. Still, no right wingers will admit it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Yawn! The boars are starting to bore me again.

Now lets look at some real facts.

you start a thread with the opinions of other people, whose facts are questionable. Try to pass that off as your own brand of thinking, though we know you lack true critical thought, and then attack people who have become wise to your tactics as people with 'nonsense' to say.

Have I left anything out? Better go check for your opinion from one of those sites you link to that does all your thinking for you.
prove me wrong .....ill tell you what Dean....if i cant find 15 threads started by you and deserted by you....ill leave this place......if i do find them you

Don't expect much HD. deany will follow the commaqnds of his master desptite your challange. Deany could careless.

Actually, what happens is I start a thread with facts. Right wingers reply with ridiculous nonsense right from the "Bizarro World" of DC Comics. So I present more facts. Right wingers then scream I'm replying on "Huffington Post" and "Politico". Then I point out my links were Fox and The Christian Science Monitor and Ron Paul's site. Then right wingers say they don't read my links because it's not worth their time. Eventually, I get tired of trying to teach those who insist on not learning anything and find other interests. Then they say I ran away.

Sometimes I think they do read some of the links but just refuse to believe the truth. This was one of my all time favorites from when Republicans blackmailed the president. Still, no right wingers will admit it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Yawn! The boars are starting to bore me again.

sure Dean remember this one......

when i asked you to prove what you came back with.....

they are cutting the Education budgets.....why would they do that if they dont want to end it......

i showed you a link saying how something like 40 States have cut the Education State by 26%.....most of them had Democratic Governors......i asked you if these guys hate Education too?......remember your famous reply Dean?.......
Since when does the federal government hire local and state police, firemen and teachers?

Stop confusing local issues with federal

The federal government provides billions of dollars in grants to the states for the hiring and training of teachers, firemen, and cops.

Therefore, cutting those grants would reduce the number of teachers, firemen, and cops.

It is astonishing there are people who do not know this.

Have you people never listened to a State of the Union address?
The FED has ZERO business GRANTING SHIT to local governments for ANYTHING. All it does is get thier foot in the door to dictacte terms, and ENSLAVE them.:eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

Firefighters and Police force are a LOCAL MATTER.

Sorry...YOU FAIL.

"Since when does the federal government hire local and state police, firemen and teachers?"

The question was not whether the federal government should, dumbass. The question assumed the federal government does not.

The reality is the federal government does pay for teachers, firemen, and cops.

And that goes directly to the opening post and Mitt Romney's statement that means he would cut that federal funding.

The federal government provides billions of dollars in grants to the states for the hiring and training of teachers, firemen, and cops.

Which is unconstitutional, and thus, illegal asshole. People in Oregon are not supposed to have their money taken from them to pay for teachers in Florida. How fucking stupid are you liberals? I know you've never read the Constitution, but is there no end to your stupidity?

You fucking ignorant tools don't even know how your own government functions!!! What an embarassment to American's you people are...
The reality is the federal government does pay for teachers, firemen, and cops.

And that goes directly to the opening post and Mitt Romney's statement that means he would cut that federal funding.

OMG! You mean, Mitt Romney would actually abide by the law and respect the limitations of power placed on him by the United States Constitution?!?! Gasp!!! Nooooooo! But, but, but how could we live in the communist utopia of complete federal government control that liberals dream of?

Fucking idiot....

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