Is Linux as good as many people say??

Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Again...full of shit.
Soundmax? That is your fault...what kind of system do you have anyway
Fool. It was a high-end motherboard Linux users can only dream of. Cost: 190 €
M2R32-MVP - Overview

Surfstick is a German thing, not here...and apparently works in Suse who is probably the only distro where it would make sense to include support.
I don´t use surfsticks anymore. I now have a normal prepaid card I can also use to call people and I can buy 5GB LTE for 15 € as often as I want in a month. I also have a LTE phone, an LG E975.



You can keep repeating it...but that doesn't make it true. Ubuntu/Mint works flawlessly with at minimum 90% of any modern hardware...I have installed Mint on at least 50 PCs or Laptops and haven't had hardware problems in years. And even when I do...the fix is usually very easy to find, and most often requires a simple apt-get command.
Sure, no problems. Clear thing.
Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Some people are full of shit. Like you. What does your post have to do with anything?
Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Some people are full of shit. Like you. What does your post have to do with anything?
Android is Linux but what do you know with your Tourette Linux...
Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.

You don't see the fallacies in his post? really? Can't get sound to work in Youtube? Can't connect a printer? really?
He is not full of shit because of anything he disagrees with, he is full of shit because his post is full of shit.
Even when "sound to work with youtube" was something you needed to fix because of the makers of codecs refused to give permissions for Linux distros to include in install - that has nothing to do with the OS.
I realize however that this has been repeated to you to infinity, but you still cling to your beliefs...which makes you what...oh - biased.
When I firstly installed Ubuntu there was no sound. It was a Soundmax onboard device. My Surfstick didn´t work ether. When I installed Korora on the notebook, the cam didn´t work. While the sound problem is an OS problem indeed (out of the box promise) the other problems were caused by a lack of the support for Linux by the manufacturers.
It doesn´t matter in the end. Half the stuff will not work, people claiming otherwise lie.
Hey dumbfuck, you could have tested it first, instead you installed a distro that wasn't compatible with your hardware and blame the OS.
Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Some people are full of shit. Like you. What does your post have to do with anything?
Android is Linux but what do you know with your Tourette Linux...
It's modified by Google, who used Linux Mint mostly last I heard. Dumbfuck!
Why are people full of shit just because they don´t share your opinion? You can use a broken OS like you want but please leave those alone who want to use their computers properly.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Some people are full of shit. Like you. What does your post have to do with anything?
Android is Linux but what do you know with your Tourette Linux...
It's modified by Google, who used Linux Mint mostly last I heard. Dumbfuck!
Of course, its modified. And Google is not a person, moron.
People like you are full of shit because you either lie or are ignorant about what you're talking about. It really is that simple. Go back to sucking the M$ pacifier.
Oh, I am a big user of Linux. I use Android every day. However, I use a Microsoft lock screen, lol, yeah, really:
Android "launchers" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is rated the best lockscreen by androidpit: Best Android apps of 2015: 26 apps you must try - AndroidPIT

I have also a small collection of apps you should not miss:
My tiny App-Pack | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So people are full of shit?
Some people are full of shit. Like you. What does your post have to do with anything?
Android is Linux but what do you know with your Tourette Linux...
It's modified by Google, who used Linux Mint mostly last I heard. Dumbfuck!
Of course, its modified. And Google is not a person, moron.
What's wrong with you? Seriously.
Lets kick this up a notch. Anyone over 16 who plays computer games is a fucking MORON to begin with.
If you aren't smart enough to run a Linux setup, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Ditto for those who watch the "B00B" tube.
Ditto for those who eat fast food.

Have a nice day.
Who's using Debian?
Hell, you act like you walk on water........ :lmao:
In 20 years Linux has never ever worked as an operating system for the average user, and if they can't get it right in 20 years they never will. It has it's good points, it is a fantastic OS for coders and programmers and webmasters and the like, but for the rest of us? Uhh... no. Really. NO. It's horrible, you can use it to get online and you might even succeed in getting the sound to work on YouTube, but try anything advanced like, oh I dunno, say connecting a printer or playing a game, and it is a nightmare.

Tens of millions of people download Linux, I've downloaded several versions myself several times, but I don't use it. I don't use it because it doesn't work. And it never will work.
But on the other hand, with the advent of Windows 10 and it's seriously invasive properties that turn your computer into an eye for Big Brother, my future choices when Windows 7 becomes obsolete are either Apple's OSX or an alternative open-source OS like Linux. Windows 7 is very likely the last Microsoft OS I will ever own because it's the last Microsoft system that (with a lot of tweaking of the settings) is safe to use.


Well, the thing that Linux fans don't get is that the only qualification anyone needs to comment on the usability of an operating system is simply to be an average computer user. And the simple fact is that the average computer user cannot use Linux. Get over it, Linux as a toolbox for programmers is very good, but as an operating system for the masses it is a hopeless failure. Everyone knows about Linux these days and everyone wants something for nothing, but even at a price of $0.00 people are snubbing Linux in favor of Windows, because they try it out and discover it to be unworkable, give up and shell out their hard earned cash for Windows, the OS that works - or download a pirate copy.
Hello everyone question i am wondering if the Linux operating system is as good as many people say it is many other people i have talked to both online & real life say it is better then Windows & works very well at least from there experiences i have used computers since late 1995 & all my life i have been ether a Mac or Windows person so i ask you guys today is Linux really a good system yes or no & what should i know & learn about it??.

If all you do is web browsing, it's great.

But then, so is an iPad.
Well, the thing that Linux fans don't get is that the only qualification anyone needs to comment on the usability of an operating system is simply to be an average computer user. And the simple fact is that the average computer user cannot use Linux. Get over it, Linux as a toolbox for programmers is very good, but as an operating system for the masses it is a hopeless failure. Everyone knows about Linux these days and everyone wants something for nothing, but even at a price of $0.00 people are snubbing Linux in favor of Windows, because they try it out and discover it to be unworkable, give up and shell out their hard earned cash for Windows, the OS that works - or download a pirate copy.

Interest POV.

Personally I would never program in Linux. .Net is the IDE which trounces all. I code mostly in C# and played with an IDE in Ubuntu, but it was a toy. I make my living off of coding, at least that is my roots. I need a serious and professional development tool. .Net is the only one I would ever consider. If I write to the Linux OS I can link out to a Linux build from Visual Studio. No way in hell I would use Linux and the IDE toys found there.

On the other hand, I'm writing this post on an Ubuntu machine. Nearly all the time I spend on this forum is on a Linux VM. I have it pretty much sniffer proof.

Linux is a great platform for bootlegging media. Most of the people I know who are fanatics steal huge volumes of movies and music. They like Linux because it makes IRC and the Torrents safer. I don't steal, so that isn't a factor for me.

Oh and Windows 10 is free, so cost isn't a factor at this point. (but the fuckers started pushing advertising on my desktop, pissed me off, even though I could disable it in about 10 minutes.)
In 20 years Linux has never ever worked as an operating system for the average user, and if they can't get it right in 20 years they never will. It has it's good points, it is a fantastic OS for coders and programmers and webmasters and the like, but for the rest of us? Uhh... no. Really. NO. It's horrible, you can use it to get online and you might even succeed in getting the sound to work on YouTube, but try anything advanced like, oh I dunno, say connecting a printer or playing a game, and it is a nightmare.

Tens of millions of people download Linux, I've downloaded several versions myself several times, but I don't use it. I don't use it because it doesn't work. And it never will work.
But on the other hand, with the advent of Windows 10 and it's seriously invasive properties that turn your computer into an eye for Big Brother, my future choices when Windows 7 becomes obsolete are either Apple's OSX or an alternative open-source OS like Linux. Windows 7 is very likely the last Microsoft OS I will ever own because it's the last Microsoft system that (with a lot of tweaking of the settings) is safe to use.


Well, the thing that Linux fans don't get is that the only qualification anyone needs to comment on the usability of an operating system is simply to be an average computer user. And the simple fact is that the average computer user cannot use Linux. Get over it, Linux as a toolbox for programmers is very good, but as an operating system for the masses it is a hopeless failure. Everyone knows about Linux these days and everyone wants something for nothing, but even at a price of $0.00 people are snubbing Linux in favor of Windows, because they try it out and discover it to be unworkable, give up and shell out their hard earned cash for Windows, the OS that works - or download a pirate copy.
Nice propaganda. Did you come up with that all on your own or did a screwed up adult have to tell you what to write?
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You know that MS invented tablets?

And the smart phone, and stylus computing, and touch screen.

Before Apple can steal a technology, Microsoft must first create it.
Again, who cares?
Since when was this a "my operating system can beat up your operating system" tit for tat?
Both have their positives and negatives, ya like one over the other then that's great, don't like the other for some personal reason? Who the fuck cares?

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