Is Melania a whore? Say it and she will sue you

Or this: Never catch Tyra Banks, Kate Moss, Elle McPherson or others posing for shots like this.
I'd say Mrs. Trump's previous career was a bit checkered in the "modeling" profession.


Rarely does a model burst to the top of her profession

Most models trying to break out must "pay their dues"

The question is...What dues has Melania paid?
It's really not anyone's business. Long ago and before she married or had a child. What a woman does with her body by choice is not your business or anyone else's.

Whatever Melania had to do to worked

Not only did it get her increasingly lucrative modeling jobs, it also landed her a billionaire playboy looking for a fresh young wife

I can't really blame her. But it does make me question the judgment of Donald Trump and what he values in a spouse and women in general

Put your own wife's photo up here and let us see if we should give your own judgement any weight.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


The secret masturbatory fantasies of those on the left regarding Melania Trump never cease to amaze. I'd say get a life but we all know that's impossible.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


seems the mail order bride and her orange husband are getting cranky.
It's really not anyone's business. Long ago and before she married or had a child. What a woman does with her body by choice is not your business or anyone else's.
Oh horse shit.

The Dems will use anything they can, no matter how tasteless, no matter how false or contrived, no matter how hypocritical to attack the GOP nominee even if they have to attack him through his family.

Democrats are just that low a pile of shit.

You should know that, swimming among them as you do.
Oh horse shit? Really? It's not your business, either, no matter who you vote for. You don't have to get all cranky, you old bastard.
Or this: Never catch Tyra Banks, Kate Moss, Elle McPherson or others posing for shots like this.
I'd say Mrs. Trump's previous career was a bit checkered in the "modeling" profession.


Rarely does a model burst to the top of her profession

Most models trying to break out must "pay their dues"

The question is...What dues has Melania paid?
It's really not anyone's business. Long ago and before she married or had a child. What a woman does with her body by choice is not your business or anyone else's.

Whatever Melania had to do to worked

Not only did it get her increasingly lucrative modeling jobs, it also landed her a billionaire playboy looking for a fresh young wife

I can't really blame her. But it does make me question the judgment of Donald Trump and what he values in a spouse and women in general

Put your own wife's photo up here and let us see if we should give your own judgement any weight.

I have been married to my lovely wife for 35 years. An accomplishment Trump could never match

The reason is that I recognize the beauty and integrity of my wife through what she says and does for me, not just how she looks in some porn shot. I have never had any desire to trade her in for a younger model
How about actress?

If they appear nude in a movie, are they hookers?

Actresses face the same challenges that models do in what they have to do to "pay their dues"

The Hollywood casting couch is well known

Does that make them hookers, like you infer Mrs Trump is?

It brings her past up for question

Not just her Michelle Obama upbringing
Not just her bogus college education

But details of her modeling career. How did she get to be a top model? What price did she pay? What did she do to "land" a billionaire playboy?

It brings her past up for question

any proof she worked for the escort side of the business, or grasping for straws, and mudslinging?

Not just her Michelle Obama upbringing


I think most of the proof will be somewhere in Slovenia with personal accounts of how a young Melania succeeded. We know it wasn't her university degree that got her ahead. There usually isn't a written record of prostitution so expect mostly recollections that the Trumps will deny

I think there are also more nude shots and soft porn videos out there

Let the fundamentalist Christians and Mormons who are flocking to trump decide if they have any merit

think most of the proof will be somewhere in Slovenia with personal accounts of how a young Melania succeeded


She had no more chance than Michelle Obama at becoming a supermodel unless she slept around.
Michelle could not have made it either as a model or as a prostitute. She's so damn ugly, she'd have to spend long hours walking the streets on the seedy side of town offering blowjobs at $5.00 a pop.
Our First Lady is attractive and educated. Go back under your rock.

RWNJs hate the president and first lady for working for everything they have. They hate the Clinton's for the same reason. All four of them have done good works and that's against all RW/Repub rules of life. They also want to make this world a better place for the working class and poor and RW despise that.

And they love Drumpf for having inherited his fortune and doing absolutely nothing to make this a better world for him having been in it. He wants to take jobs away from the US and take money from the working class to give it to his 1% cronies.
There is a lot you can get away with in fair comment on a public figure. Accusations of a crime is slander per se. Prostitution is a crime. If you call Melania Trump a whore, be prepared to prove it.
Oh horse shit? Really? It's not your business, either, no matter who you vote for. You don't have to get all cranky, you old bastard.
Prostitution spreads disease, sexual and otherwise and it is in the public's interest to shut it down and send all the whores to a lepper colony in Botswana.
Or this: Never catch Tyra Banks, Kate Moss, Elle McPherson or others posing for shots like this.
I'd say Mrs. Trump's previous career was a bit checkered in the "modeling" profession.


Rarely does a model burst to the top of her profession

Most models trying to break out must "pay their dues"

The question is...What dues has Melania paid?
It's really not anyone's business. Long ago and before she married or had a child. What a woman does with her body by choice is not your business or anyone else's.

Whatever Melania had to do to worked

Not only did it get her increasingly lucrative modeling jobs, it also landed her a billionaire playboy looking for a fresh young wife

I can't really blame her. But it does make me question the judgment of Donald Trump and what he values in a spouse and women in general
That's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. You can't justify this sleazy OP. Don't continue with this "stone her" mentality, RW. It doesn't become you.
Oh horse shit? Really? It's not your business, either, no matter who you vote for. You don't have to get all cranky, you old bastard.
Prostitution spreads disease, sexual and otherwise and it is in the public's interest to shut it down and send all the whores to a lepper colony in Botswana.

well, that's one extremist theocratic lunatic view.

me? I think prostitution should be legalized and taxed and the health and condition of the women regulated.

but why address problems rationally when you can have a knee-jerk rightwingnut reaction that is neither legal, likely or rational?
Actresses face the same challenges that models do in what they have to do to "pay their dues"

The Hollywood casting couch is well known

Does that make them hookers, like you infer Mrs Trump is?

It brings her past up for question

Not just her Michelle Obama upbringing
Not just her bogus college education

But details of her modeling career. How did she get to be a top model? What price did she pay? What did she do to "land" a billionaire playboy?

It brings her past up for question

any proof she worked for the escort side of the business, or grasping for straws, and mudslinging?

Not just her Michelle Obama upbringing


I think most of the proof will be somewhere in Slovenia with personal accounts of how a young Melania succeeded. We know it wasn't her university degree that got her ahead. There usually isn't a written record of prostitution so expect mostly recollections that the Trumps will deny

I think there are also more nude shots and soft porn videos out there

Let the fundamentalist Christians and Mormons who are flocking to trump decide if they have any merit

think most of the proof will be somewhere in Slovenia with personal accounts of how a young Melania succeeded


She had no more chance than Michelle Obama at becoming a supermodel unless she slept around.

Michelle Obama had no need to sleep around. Unlike Melania, who had to lie about it, Michelle graduated from distinguished universities with honors

Also, unlike Melania, she married a man who was making less money than she was, she has remained married for over twenty years and did not have to become a goldigger to succeed
Or this: Never catch Tyra Banks, Kate Moss, Elle McPherson or others posing for shots like this.
I'd say Mrs. Trump's previous career was a bit checkered in the "modeling" profession.


Rarely does a model burst to the top of her profession

Most models trying to break out must "pay their dues"

The question is...What dues has Melania paid?
It's really not anyone's business. Long ago and before she married or had a child. What a woman does with her body by choice is not your business or anyone else's.

Whatever Melania had to do to worked

Not only did it get her increasingly lucrative modeling jobs, it also landed her a billionaire playboy looking for a fresh young wife

I can't really blame her. But it does make me question the judgment of Donald Trump and what he values in a spouse and women in general
That's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. You can't justify this sleazy OP. Don't continue with this "stone her" mentality, RW. It doesn't become you.

you think this o/p is sleezier than the typical garbage posted by the rightwingnut loons on the board?

just wondering since I don't recall you telling anyone to stop posting in a particular fashion before. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Oh horse shit? Really? It's not your business, either, no matter who you vote for. You don't have to get all cranky, you old bastard.
Prostitution spreads disease, sexual and otherwise and it is in the public's interest to shut it down and send all the whores to a lepper colony in Botswana.
Then I guess men ought to stop paying for it, huh?

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