Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

Of course a lot of people found it offensive as a memorial in a town center, but there have to be Civil War or military museums where it would have been appropriate.
To a Talibani like yourself, only that which supports your narrow worldview can be permitted.

Your hyperbole is so stupid. Have I argued for coming to your home and smashing your statues? Being against the public policy and the using of tax payer money to venerate slavers does not make me the Taliban. The Taliban don't think people who disagree with them should have a say in government policy. I do. Do you? Or do you only agree if they share the same view of art as you do?
I'll go you one better, you pathetic Psycho.

The Sherman statue in Central Park honoring genocidal psychopath Sherman was created by Saint-Gaudens.
Congratulations. Guess what, I don't care. 😄 Why do you think your love of Saint Gaudens means no one else gets a say?
A monument to a mass murderer of indigenous people.

Gotta be melted down, right Psycho?
That would be my preference yes. You're the one triggered by that difference of opinion. 😄
And here are some more questions for you.

Name ONE of the slaves who built the pyramids you want blown up.
Who said I want to blow up Pyramids? 😄 We're talking American domestic policy you clown. I'm American, I get a say. I don't get a say in what Egyptians, or South Americans or the Sudanese do with their pyramids. Maybe drink a little decalf and calm yourself down so you can have a rational conversation where you're not foaming at the mouth. 😄
Name ONE of the slaves who built the White House you want burned down.

Go ahead, Psycho - educate us. :)
That's kind of my point you dumb Bingo. The people you want to venerate erased those people and their culture and made them chattel. You ever wonder why Black American last names are Washington or Jefferson or Jackson?
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"A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was a focal point of a deadly white nationalist protest in 2017 has been melted down and will be repurposed into new works of art. The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, a Charlottesville-based Black history museum, said Thursday that the statue had been destroyed. The Charlottesville City Council voted in 2021 to donate the statue to the heritage center, after it proposed a Swords into Plowshares project that would melt the statue and repurpose it into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city."

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As Elon Musk seems to imply, the melting down of this statue is basically white genocide....they (whoever they are) wants the extinction of white people or at the very least, white Confederates. However, if this is the case, why would anyone think they are the target of "white genocide" today if the Confederacy hasn't existed for 150 plus years....who would these "Confederates" be today? and why would a statue being melted down trigger them to the point that they believe they are the target of genocide?

If black folks being systematically murdered BY THE STATE for years (even after the end of the Civil War) didn't constitute genocide, how the fuck would melting down a piece of metal be even remotely close to something considered genocide?
Nobody but you said white genocide.

He was responding to a poster who claimed to be a direct relative of Lee…

Why do you feel the need to lie?

Your hyperbole is so stupid. Have I argued for coming to your home and smashing your statues? Being against the public policy and the using of tax payer money to venerate slavers does not make me the Taliban. The Taliban don't think people who disagree with them should have a say in government policy. I do. Do you? Or do you only agree if they share the same view of art as you do?

Congratulations. Guess what, I don't care. 😄 Why do you think your love of Saint Gaudens means no one else gets a say?

That would be my preference yes. You're the one triggered by that difference of opinion. 😄

Who said I want to blow up Pyramids? 😄 We're talking American domestic policy you clown. I'm American, I get a say. I don't get a say in what Egyptians, or South Americans or the Sudanese do with their pyramids. Maybe drink a little decalf and calm yourself down so you can have a rational conversation where you're not foaming at the mouth. 😄

That's kind of my point you dumb Bingo. The people you want to venerate erased those people and their culture and made them chattel. You ever wonder why Black American last names are Washington or Jefferson or Jackson?
Do you know why the statues to Confederates were allowed. Do you know which party was in power when the statues were proposed? You had better do a little research on those questions before you spout your misinformation. I posted the facts on another thread recently.
Do you know why the statues to Confederates were allowed.
Yeah. White people. Have you looked around old man? They're are fewer and fewer of you by the day. 😄 Demographic change is going to bring with it a change in who this society of growing non whites, venerate.
Do you know which party was in power when the statues were proposed? You had better do a little research on those questions before you spout your misinformation. I posted the facts on another thread recently.
Yes that party was the Democratic party. If you want me to think that the Democratic party of today is tainted by its association with pieces of human shit like Robert E Lee in the 1800s then that must mean you think that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit as well. But we both know you don't. You can't pretend that you think the Democratic party of today is tainted and worth your hate when you love the slaver Democrats. You're just proving how the parties switched. Moron. 😄
I have been on two plantations. George Washington's and Thomas Jefferson's .

It amazed me that slaves working on plantations were able to be educated in growing, harvesting, making things like nails, and even some construction jobs.
Why blacks want to deny this seems unworthy.a

Give Democrats enough time and they will burn down the plantations I visited.
They will burn down the plantations because they destroyed the memory of the great men who lived there.
Yeah. White people. Have you looked around old man? They're are fewer and fewer of you by the day. 😄 Demographic change is going to bring with it a change in who this society of growing non whites, venerate.

Yes that party was the Democratic party. If you want me to think that the Democratic party of today is tainted by its association with pieces of human shit like Robert E Lee in the 1800s then that must mean you think that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit as well. But we both know you don't. You can't pretend that you think the Democratic party of today is tainted and worth your hate when you love the slaver Democrats. You're just proving how the parties switched. Moron. 😄
Robert E. Lee was a patriotic American until the day he died. Lee was given command of my Regiment and was the Superintendent of West Point. Lincoln offered him command of the Union army but he turned it down and resigned to fight for his state, Virginia.
Yeah. White people. Have you looked around old man? They're are fewer and fewer of you by the day. 😄 Demographic change is going to bring with it a change in who this society of growing non whites, venerate.

Yes that party was the Democratic party. If you want me to think that the Democratic party of today is tainted by its association with pieces of human shit like Robert E Lee in the 1800s then that must mean you think that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit as well. But we both know you don't. You can't pretend that you think the Democratic party of today is tainted and worth your hate when you love the slaver Democrats. You're just proving how the parties switched. Moron. 😄

Robert E Lee - Our patron saint


Curried Goats - Whatever

Robert E. Lee was a patriotic American until the day he died. Lee was given command of my Regiment and was the Superintendent of West Point. Lincoln offered him command of the Union army but he turned it down and resigned to fight for his state, Virginia.
It is up to the people to educate their children of American history and the great Americans, like Robert E. Lee.
Robert E. Lee was a patriotic American until the day he died. Lee was given command of my Regiment and was the Superintendent of West Point. Lincoln offered him command of the Union army but he turned it down and resigned to fight for his state, Virginia.
Great. So why pretend as if I should hate Democrats today because of piece of shit slavers like Lee when you in fact love Lee? Why live a life of pretend you moron? Be a proud Bingo. Be honest that if I want to be against the culture that venerates Lee that I'd be against you. Don't be a bitch about it.
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Of course a lot of people found it offensive as a memorial in a town center, but there have to be Civil War or military museums where it would have been appropriate.
But wrong as hiding it in a dusty corner would be, they never wanted that.

They're cultural terrorists wielding a fiery guillotine.

They are Talibani.
Great. So why pretend as if I should hate Democrats today because of piece of shit slavers like Lee when you in fact love Lee. Why live a life of pretend you moron? Be a proud Bingo. Be honest that if I want to be against the culture that venerates Lee that I'd be against you. Don't be a bitch about it.

Lee wasn't a "slaver." Lee was a soldier and an American patriot. You can't go back and designate monikers people because of your illiteracy and ignorance. And you still haven't told us why the U.S. government pushed the idea of erecting Confederate monuments and statues. Afraid to read and acknowledge?
But wrong as hiding it in a dusty corner would be, they never wanted that.

They're cultural terrorists wielding a fiery guillotine.

They are Talibani.
Yep. That Taliban. Always with the making of decisions through the Democratic process.... 😄
Lee wasn't a "slaver." Lee was a soldier and an American patriot. You can't go back and designate monikers people because of your illiteracy and ignorance. And you still haven't told us why the U.S. government pushed the idea of erecting Confederate monuments and statues. Afraid to read and acknowledge?
I'm not the illiterate one. Lee owned slavers and was therefore a slaver. And I already answered that question for you. White people. Deplorable ones.

Your hyperbole is so stupid. Have I argued for coming to your home and smashing your statues? Being against the public policy and the using of tax payer money to venerate slavers does not make me the Taliban. The Taliban don't think people who disagree with them should have a say in government policy. I do. Do you? Or do you only agree if they share the same view of art as you do?

Congratulations. Guess what, I don't care. 😄 Why do you think your love of Saint Gaudens means no one else gets a say?

That would be my preference yes. You're the one triggered by that difference of opinion. 😄

Who said I want to blow up Pyramids? 😄 We're talking American domestic policy you clown. I'm American, I get a say. I don't get a say in what Egyptians, or South Americans or the Sudanese do with their pyramids. Maybe drink a little decalf and calm yourself down so you can have a rational conversation where you're not foaming at the mouth. 😄

That's kind of my point you dumb Bingo. The people you want to venerate erased those people and their culture and made them chattel. You ever wonder why Black American last names are Washington or Jefferson or Jackson?
Hey Talibani psycho.

Why don't you try creating something instead of calling for the destruction of the slave-built pyramids and White House and other great works of human endeavor imperfectly created and/or honoring the imperfect?

Oh that's right.

You're a pathetic Psycho who doesn't know how to create anything, only destroy.

Do you actually ejaculate when precious art is destroyed, or is it only foreplay for you?

You're not fooling anyone other than your fellow Talibani psychos with your arbitrary purity standards.

Your pathetic Psycho argument that you don't want tax dollars used to venerate the imperfect is a fig leaf for your need to destroy.

If you want to honor imperfect people who were NOT slave owners (but possibly rapists, beaters, murderers, etc.), go right ahead and do it.

I not only won't object, I'll cheer you on.

But you can't.

All you can do is cheerlead destruction.

You're a Nazi.

Own it.


Lee did manage to kill a hell of a lot of white folks.

He also prevented the Civil War from continuing as an guerilla insurrection by surrendering and directing his troops to not fight on.

That is Lee's lasting legacy.
Yeah. White people. Have you looked around old man? They're are fewer and fewer of you by the day. 😄 Demographic change is going to bring with it a change in who this society of growing non whites, venerate.

Yes that party was the Democratic party. If you want me to think that the Democratic party of today is tainted by its association with pieces of human shit like Robert E Lee in the 1800s then that must mean you think that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit as well. But we both know you don't. You can't pretend that you think the Democratic party of today is tainted and worth your hate when you love the slaver Democrats. You're just proving how the parties switched. Moron. 😄
^ That was pretty much the Taliban decree when blowing up the Buddhas.

Death to the infidels and their history by whatever names, right Psycho?
I'm not the illiterate one. Lee owned slavers and was therefore a slaver. And I already answered that question for you. White people. Deplorable ones.
You never answered squat. What promises were made to the southern states in exchange for what?
Great. So why pretend as if I should hate Democrats today because of piece of shit slavers like Lee when you in fact love Lee? Why live a life of pretend you moron? Be a proud Bingo. Be honest that if I want to be against the culture that venerates Lee that I'd be against you. Don't be a bitch about it.

"I wil put to the flame that which does not fit my arbitrary political agenda!"

You're a pathetic Talibani psycho.

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