Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

Clearly you, and others still do not understand the so called Civil War. First it was not one at all, it was Abe Lincoln invading the South who had departed the Union of states. They branched off. Abe invaded VA. Nothing civil about it. Also he stated his invasion was not connected to slavery. After that war, some nutty historians, it looks like to me, chose to spin the war to what they wanted you and me to think it was.
Worst. President. EVER.
You revel in your ignorance like a good little pathetic Psycho.

You don't understand creation because it's an alien concept to you.

You understand only destruction, and not the intricate acts of devotion that comprise creation.
Have you ever replaced old furniture? By your Bingo logic that means you only know destruction!!! :lmao:
I don't have any idea what you're talking about you Bingo. I make my own mind up about things. I have no love for Lee and the Confederates or Lincoln and Northern whites who would turn around and sell Black people out against to appease deplorable Southern whites with segregation. The conclusion is that white people are ass.
I suppose with your reasoning, future history will say that heroic armies of black slaves rose up and defeated the white devils who scoured Africa for slave and brought them to America to chop cotton and terbacky in Alabama. Never mind that Muslims and Europeans did the capturing and ocean cruises to the slave markets in Nawleans. Go ahead and make up your mind so we can write some new history books. But then again, the white devils in colleges will do like they always do and burn the books. Sheeeeeeesh!
You're just a cry baby loser. 😄
Quoting you:

Why don't you try having a rational argument?

Buy you're a pathetic Psycho. :)

And you lost too when this work of art was destroyed.

But your tiny destruction-activated pecker is rigid with the blood usually flowing in your pea-size brain, so you just don't know it.

You probably never will.

But Nazis gotta Nazi. :dunno:
I suppose with your reasoning, future history will say that heroic armies of black slaves rose up and defeated the white devils who scoured Africa for slave and brought them to America to chop cotton and terbacky in Alabama. Never mind that Muslims and Europeans did the capturing and ocean cruises to the slave markets in Nawleans. Go ahead and make up your mind so we can write some new history books. But then again, the white devils in colleges will do like they always do and burn the books. Sheeeeeeesh!
No one has to lie. The real story of Tubman makes her America's greatest badass and MLK defeated your culture with love and empathy and showed what a true American fighting for equal rights and liberty for all looks and sounds like. Black Americans are the greatest Americans. The most noble Americans. They won their liberty and freedom peacefully without murdering millions of their brothers and neighbors unlike the Confederates and the Founders who came before them. No lies necessary.
Quoting you:

Why don't you try having a rational argument?

Buy you're a pathetic Psycho. :)

And you lost too when this work of art was destroyed.

But your tiny destruction-activated pecker is rigid with the blood usually flowing in your pea-size brain, so you just don't know it.

You probably never will.

But Nazis gotta Nazi. :dunno:
You don't have a rational argument to counter. You're entire argument consists of calling me the Taliban you clueless Bingo. 😄

And you refuse answer how we should decide what statues to use tax dollars preserving and which we shouldn't use tax dollars on. Democracy right? Even if you lose? :funnyface:
He was right.

Have you ever replaced old furniture? By your Bingo logic that means you only know destruction!!! :lmao:
Your incapacity to make rational arguments is astounding even for a pathetic Psycho; you guys are usually a bit smarter...
Not the primary definition in the non-pathetic Psycho world.

But you knew that when you had to search out multiple definitions to find one that reinforced your ignorant usage. :)
It's It's not like I was searching the back pages of the internet were you can order coke and hookers and a definition of slaver that fits your argument. 😄

What are you even trying to do there? Lee owned people who he used as property. He was not a good man and if you think he was you're trash as well.
Most people see slaver they think a person that enslaves, not one that owns slaves.

Slave owner is far more clear, fuckwit.

He had to search out a bunch of definitions to find one that shored up his quasi-literate usage.
Most people see slaver they think a person that enslaves, not one that owns slaves.

Slave owner is far more clear, fuckwit.
Some who owns slaves is also someone who enslaves you dumb Bingo. Why is this emotionally injurious to you Snowflakes? I don't even get what you're crying about.
Don't try to 'splain nuffin to Barbecued Goat. He done got he mind made up!
He's got y'all infidels figured out!

When it comes to pathetic Psychos, he da GOAT! :)

Can you imagine how he started salivating when he saw "White" and "genocide" in the same OP title? :eek:

This thread really brought the liberal psychos out...
It's It's not like I was searching the back pages of the internet were you can order coke and hookers and a definition of slaver that fits your argument. 😄

What are you even trying to do there? Lee owned people who he used as property. He was not a good man and if you think he was you're trash as well.

And your version of history will show there were -0- (zero) black slave owners. Got it.
He's got y'all infidels figured out!

When it comes to pathetic Psychos, he da GOAT! :)

Can you imagine how he started salivating when he saw "White" and "genocide" in the same OP title? :eek:

This thread really brought the liberal psychos out...
Only clueless whites could cry about someone being genocidal while defending a slaver like Lee. Jesus whites, have some self awareness..... 😄

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