Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

Black Americans had their chance at being great Americans and fucked up. Today rather than thank the Whites who fought for their freedom, they are both anti Government and destructive to this country.
The crowning achievement of black people is the truly remarkable rate at which they kill other black people.
We've got two of the most severely fucked-up mental cases on the whole forum arguing with one another over which one's madness is more valid than the other's.
Hey, if you want to give a more descriptive answer that I'm not going to care about have at it. White people have been making deals with white people at the expense of Black people since the beginning of this country. Who do you think I care about the deals made by those long dead whites? 😄
It didn't have anything to do with black or white. It had to do with national security but go ahead and make up your own clouded mind.
It didn't have anything to do with black or white. It had to do with national security but go ahead and make up your own clouded mind.
Which has fuck all to do with now how Hoss? I don't give a shit. Go cry about it to someone who cares. 😄
It's It's the first one I tried.
That's quite a coincidence, as slaver is poor usage.
Why does that word bug you so much?
It doesn't; its usage is just an example of your incompetence.
Slaver is simply a derivative of the word enslaver which works just fine for both people who sell and own slaves. Arguing about whether Lee was a slaver or an enslaver is pretty silly to me. It doesnt make his owning of human beings as property any better whatever you call it. You could call people who owned slaves people keepers for all I care. Its not the word that made it deplorable it was the action.
See above.
I'm only ever honest.
As Mac1958 says, I believe that you believe that.
That's your belief, not mine.
No, that's reality.
I know plenty of good people.
I believe that you believe you do, and/or are saying this for the sake of argument, and/or to further shore up your incompetent thinking and failed justification for Talibanic destruction of precious expression.

We are ALL profoundly imperfect, not good.

But don't believe me - just ask your "good" friends, and they'll affirm my observation.
I was raised by them. I watched my parents make room in our little house for family, friends and neighbors when people needed a place to stay. I slept on floors and couches so uncles, and cousin's and my parents high school friends could have a place to stay. When the neighborhood kids came back to our house after we were done playing at the park my mother fed every single one of them and kept giant jugs of Gatorade in the cupboard to make sure she had enough for a neighborhood of thirsty boys. That's what a good person looks like.
See above.
Not no damn slaver.
There's that arbitrary purity standard again.

But I'll still help pay for the upkeep of a statue of you dedicated to memorializing fools or trolls or whatever other description may fit. :)
How fucked up has your experience been that you don't know that?
How fucked up is your behavior here?

How incompetent?

How limited your knowledge of your fellow human beings?
I'm still not seeing where your non ad hom argument is.
I believe you're this incompetent, yes.

But in all seriousness, and all ad hom aside, I hope you can get help for your ADHD, or better help, as your thinking and behavior might see some improvement.

Take care.


A simple unanswered question was why were Confederate generals given monuments by the Federal guvmint?
There still is the monument of Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg, PA

We've got two of the most severely fucked-up mental cases on the whole forum arguing with one another over which one's madness is more valid than the other's.
If you're arguing with Psycho Goat on this thread, it's only in your mind. :)

But yeah, the OP celebrates Talibanic destruction - are you in favor of that, or did you just drop in to troll without content?
We've got two of the most severely fucked-up mental cases on the whole forum arguing with one another over which one's madness is more valid than the other's.
If you're arguing with Psycho Goat on this thread, it's only in your mind.

Psycho Goat was one to which I was referring. You are the other. You're no less fucked in the head and in the soul (assuming you still have one) than he is.

But yeah, the OP celebrates Talibanic destruction - are you in favor of that, or did you just drop in to troll without content?

Actually, the OP is yet another, though not nearly as fucked up as you and Psycho Goat are. In fact…

Psycho Goat was one to which I was referring.
You are the other.

You're no less fucked in the head and in the soul (assuming you still have one) than he is.
Ooo - no less.

Flattery. ;)
Actually, the OP is yet another, though not nearly as fucked up as you and Psycho Goat are. In fact…

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Oh I remember you - you're the guy who LITERALLY worships a child rapist, and calls people who support free expression and LGBTQ rights fags and homos and pedophiles and whatnot.

So you should be all frisky over this statue's destruction; less art/history. :)

But bad news - I don't think they're going to be replacing it with one honoring Mormon child predators like Smith or Jeffs.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. :(
That's quite a coincidence, as slaver is poor usage.
This is just ad hom.
It doesn't; its usage is just an example of your incompetence.
Also an ad hom.
See above.

As Mac1958 says, I believe that you believe that.

No, that's reality.

I believe that you believe you do, and/or are saying this for the sake of argument, and/or to further shore up your incompetent thinking and failed justification for Talibanic destruction of precious expression.
More ad homs.
We are ALL profoundly imperfect, not good.
Good and imperfect aren't mutually exclusive.
But don't believe me - just ask your "good" friends, and they'll affirm my observation.

See above.

There's that arbitrary purity standard again.
All moral standards are subjective.
But I'll still help pay for the upkeep of a statue of you dedicated to memorializing fools or trolls or whatever other description may fit. :)
That's your choice. Others are free to choose differently. This is referred to as Democracy. Read about it.
How fucked up is your behavior here?
Democracy is fucked up? What do you suggest replace it?
How incompetent?

How limited your knowledge of your fellow human beings?

I believe you're this incompetent, yes.
More ad homs.
But in all seriousness, and all ad hom aside, I hope you can get help for your ADHD, or better help, as your thinking and behavior might see some improvement.
That's not an aside it's just more ad homs.
Take care.


Continue having an emotional breakdown. I'm enjoying it. 😄
Some who owns slaves is also someone who enslaves you dumb Bingo. Why is this emotionally injurious to you Snowflakes? I don't even get what you're crying about.

enslaving implies going from not being a slave to being a slave. slave owners own people that are already slaves unless they themselves enslaved free people.

Just to piss you off is why I am doing this. Om nom nom nom.
enslaving implies going from not being a slave to being a slave. slave owners own people that are already slaves unless they themselves enslaved free people.

Just to piss you off is why I am doing this. Om nom nom nom.
They did enslave people. Only half a million slaves came to the US from the Atlantic slave trade. There were four and half million slaves in the South at the start of the Civil War. Most slaves in America were enslaved here at birth. Read a book you ignorant twat.
They did enslave people. Only half a million slaves came to the US from the Atlantic slave trade. There were four and half million slaves in the South at the start of the Civil War. Most slaves in America were enslaved here at birth. Read a book you ignorant twat.

They weren't enslaved, they were born slaves. They weren't free in the first place.

Om nom nom nom.
Nobody but you said white genocide.

He was responding to a poster who claimed to be a direct relative of Lee…

Why do you feel the need to lie?
What the fuck do you think it means when someone claims "they want our kind extinct"?

I just know if you were around during the Confederacy, you definitely would have been someone Harriet Tubman would have shot and left behind
Your "case" is so criminally stupid it should be arrested, fool.

Why don't YOU work to create this art?

Too lazy?

Or are you just more invested in destruction than creation?

Easier to wield a sledgehammer and a torch than a brush or chisel.

You're just a spineless psychopath without vision or skill.

All you can do is cheerlead destruction.

You're a maggot, not a man.

I want to thank you, Biff.

You're brought the three most ignorant liberal psychopaths on this forum together to spew their mindless hate in one thread.

You, Synth and Goats are the very embodiment of the Nazi ideal of destroying by fire that which offends you.

Our very own little Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler. :)
I see you haven't refuted a single thing I said, little bitch
They weren't enslaved, they were born slthat.
That just means they were enslaved at birth.
They weren't free in the first place.

Om nom nom nom.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. Being enslaved at birth and never being free in the first place aren't mutually exclusive. To that point though, what kind of fucking monsters enslave babies at birth? These are the people you deplorable whites celebrate? And then have the nerve to get offended when people call you deplorable? 😄

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