Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

Hey Talibani psycho.
What's up dumb Bingo?
Why don't you try creating something instead of calling for the destruction of the slave-built pyramids and White House and other great works of human endeavor imperfectly created and/or honoring the imperfect?
Why don't you try having a rational argument? Do we all get to decide what works of art tax dollars go towards or just you, Tyrant?
Oh that's right.

You're a pathetic Psycho who doesn't know how to create anything, only destroy.
You're the one advocating for the destruction of democracy to push your tyrannical Slave statue agenda. 😄
Do you actually ejaculate when precious art is destroyed, or is it only foreplay for you?
I celebrate every time a piece of slaver culture gets buried. I don't sexually fantasize about people I'm arguing with online because I'm not the one who confuses sexual gratification with debate.
You're not fooling anyone other than your fellow Talibani psychos with your arbitrary purity standards.
And you're not fooling me with anti-democracy standards.
Your pathetic Psycho argument that you don't want tax dollars used to venerate the imperfect is a fig leaf for your need to destroy.
So taxation without representation for anyone who doesn't agree with you huh? Spoken like a true Tyrant.
If you want to honor imperfect people who were NOT slave owners (but possibly rapists, beaters, murderers, etc.), go right ahead and do it.

I not only won't object, I'll cheer you on.
Great. That's your choice. Just because you choose to do that doesn't mean I have to support the veneration of slavers in kind. That's how liberty works Ms. Dictator.
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You never answered squat. What promises were made to the southern states in exchange for what?
I don't care about what promises some deplorable whites made to other deplorable whites. I feel like that's pretty succinctly summed up by simply saying, White people.
No he owned slaves, he wasn't a slaver. Slavers enslave or capture.
You hilarious whites attempt some silly defenses. Are people who sell slaves for people to use as property even any worse than the people who use them as property? What kind of Bingo calculations are you clowns trying to make there? 😄

"A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was a focal point of a deadly white nationalist protest in 2017 has been melted down and will be repurposed into new works of art. The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, a Charlottesville-based Black history museum, said Thursday that the statue had been destroyed. The Charlottesville City Council voted in 2021 to donate the statue to the heritage center, after it proposed a Swords into Plowshares project that would melt the statue and repurpose it into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city."

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As Elon Musk seems to imply, the melting down of this statue is basically white genocide....they (whoever they are) wants the extinction of white people or at the very least, white Confederates. However, if this is the case, why would anyone think they are the target of "white genocide" today if the Confederacy hasn't existed for 150 plus years....who would these "Confederates" be today? and why would a statue being melted down trigger them to the point that they believe they are the target of genocide?

If black folks being systematically murdered BY THE STATE for years (even after the end of the Civil War) didn't constitute genocide, how the fuck would melting down a piece of metal be even remotely close to something considered genocide?
The author of the Tweet took unauthorized artistic license with the English language.
What's up dumb Bingo?

Why don't you try having a rational argument? Do we all get to decide what works of art tax dollars go towards or just you, Tyrant?

You're the one advocating for the destruction of democracy to push your tyrannical Slave statue agenda. 😄

I celebrate every time a piece of slaver culture gets buried. I don't sexualize fantasize about people I'm arguing with online because I'm not the one who confuses sexual gratification with debate.

And you're not following me with anti-democracy standards.

So taxation without representation for anyone who doesn't agree with you huh? Spoken like a true Tyrant.

Great. That's your choice. Just because you choose to do that doesn't mean I have to support the veneration of slavers in kind. That's how liberty works Ms. Dictator.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day be day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.

George Orwell
That's a work of fiction. In the real world removing a statue of Lee doesn't erase all the knowledge of him being a piece of human trash. That knowledge will live on. Don't you worry. 😄
Clearly you, and others still do not understand the so called Civil War. First it was not one at all, it was Abe Lincoln invading the South who had departed the Union of states. They branched off. Abe invaded VA. Nothing civil about it. Also he stated his invasion was not connected to slavery. After that war, some nutty historians, it looks like to me, chose to spin the war to what they wanted you and me to think it was.
Yep. That Taliban. Always with the making of decisions through the Democratic process.... 😄
Hey Talibani.

I'd think a smart Psycho like you would know that your boys held elections just last year in Kabul.

And while trying to enlighten a pathetic Psycho like you is pointless, let me address your bullshit argument regardless.

The democratic process you selectively support in this instance is one you support only because it currently bends toward your need to destroy.

The lynch mob is with you at the moment, and your girlish psychopathic glee is palpable.

That's it.

You don't support the democratic process when it stands against you, and you're incapable of creating anything.

Just like your Taliban brothers & their selective democratic process in Kabul last year.
How a lot of Southern men feel this week :(

I'm not the illiterate one. Lee owned slavers and was therefore a slaver.
^ Repeatedly misuses words, claims he's not illiterate...

It's ironic to be sure.
And I already answered that question for you. White people. Deplorable ones.
Infidels!!!! :laughing0301:

But yeah - Nazis and the Taliban get off on destroying precious art and knowledge.

Which are you?
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I don't care about what promises some deplorable whites made to other deplorable whites. I feel like that's pretty succinctly summed up by simply saying, White people.

Free speech is my right to say what you don't want to hear.

George Orwell

Another Orwell quote that you are showing us your version of the truth. Answer this: Why did the FEDERAL government send emissaries to all the former Confederate states to tell them that Confederate heroes would be venerated if they did what? And now that same government is breaking their promise. And BTW, my family fought fought for the Union and they broke away from the South and formed West Virginia. When are you going to thank us for that, Numbnuts?
Clearly you, and others still do not understand the so called Civil War. First it was not one at all, it was Abe Lincoln invading the South who had departed the Union of states. They branched off. Abe invaded VA. Nothing civil about it. Also he stated his invasion was not connected to slavery. After that war, some nutty historians, it looks like to me, chose to spin the war to what they wanted you and me to think it was.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about you Bingo. I make my own mind up about things. I have no love for Lee and the Confederates or Lincoln and Northern whites who would turn around and sell Black people out against to appease deplorable Southern whites with segregation. The conclusion is that white people are ass.
You hilarious whites attempt some silly defenses. Are people who sell slaves for people to use as property even any worse than the people who use them as property? What kind of Bingo calculations are you clowns trying to make there? 😄

Words mean things. If you can't be accurate, may I suggest the Hello Kitty message board as something more your speed?
Hey Talibani.

I'd think a smart Psycho like you would know that your boys held elections just last year in Kabul.

And while trying to enlighten a pathetic Psycho like you is pointless, let me address your bullshit argument regardless.

The democratic process you selectively support in this instance is one you support only because it currently bends toward your need to destroy.

The lynch mob is with you at the moment, and your girlish psychopathic glee is palpable.

That's it.

You don't support the democratic process when it stands against you, and you're incapable of creating anything.

Just like your Taliban brothers & their selective democratic process in Kabul last year.
You're just a cry baby loser. 😄
What's up dumb Bingo?
Not your IQ, pathetic Psycho.
Why don't you try having a rational argument?
Why don't you try making one, or responding rationally to mine?

Too busy jerking off to statues of Lincoln being defaced?

Or incapable?

Do we all get to decide what works of art tax dollars go towards or just you, Tyrant?
You're the one advocating for the destruction of democracy to push your tyrannical Slave statue agenda.
See above.
I celebrate every time a piece of slaver culture gets buried. I don't sexually fantasize about people I'm arguing with online because I'm not the one who confuses sexual gratification with debate.
^ Typed with one hand.
And you're not fooling me with anti-democracy standards.
So taxation without representation for anyone who doesn't agree with you huh? Spoken like a true Tyrant.
Great. That's your choice. Just because you choose to do that doesn't mean I have to support the veneration of slavers in kind. That's how liberty works Ms. Dictator.
Free speech is my right to say what you don't want to hear.

George Orwell

Another Orwell quote that you are showing us your version of the truth. Answer this: Why did the FEDERAL government send emissaries to all the former Confederate states to tell them that Confederate heroes would be venerated if they did what? And now that same government is breaking their promise. And BTW, my family fought fought for the Union and they broke away from the South and formed West Virginia. When are you going to thank us for that, Numbnuts?
Oh boo hoo. Are we breaking our promise little bitch? But did we pinky promise? 😄
That's a work of fiction. In the real world removing a statue of Lee doesn't erase all the knowledge of him being a piece of human trash. That knowledge will live on. Don't you worry. 😄
You revel in your ignorance like a good little pathetic Psycho.

You don't understand creation because it's an alien concept to you.

You understand only destruction, and not the intricate acts of sacrifice and devotion that comprise creation.

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