Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Michael Wolff even had a special blue access badge which allowed him special access to the West Wing - which most journalists don't have. Wolff's book is very interesting, but it basically just confirms what most of us already knew - including Congress members. I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book. We'll be hearing a lot from him over the next few days. He's scheduled to be on Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday night at 10:00 pm ET on MSNBC. I doubt this book can or will bring down Trump. That's Mueller's job.

Trump As Tantrum-Prone Toddler? It’s Not Really News To The GOP.
I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book.

It's a book, not a dissertation; there's no need for him to defend it. The defense is in the rigor of research. The publisher, Henry Holt (HH) has known since Wolff started what sort of book it was and what are the attendant business risk (lawsuit) of publishing it. Knowing of that, along with Trump's predilection for litigious bluster, they have been vetting and reviewing every single claim and quote that Wolff includes in his book. To wit, HH, in response to the cease and desist letter have essentially decided to wipe their asses with it and send it back.

Truth be told, I suspect HH are dying for Trump to sue them because if he does, it HH's attorneys get to depose him. Avoiding being deposed was a key reason Trump settled a number of active lawsuits in which he was engaged prior to being sworn into the Presidency. You know who else gets deposed, just about any WH staffer the defendants who may be construed as a material witness, which, in turn, makes the credibility of whatever they say vastly greater than it is now.

Trump could play the kinds of "playground bully" games he did when he was a very rich private citizen. Now that he's a government employee with a set of duties and obligations that no private citizen has, it's a completely different ballgame. It's the "major leagues" and Trump is so ill suited to it and doesn't know it.

Yeah, I hear you, but Wolff will be defending his book over the coming days. I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes.
I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes
That will depend the nature of the agreement between him and any given source.

The thing is that Wolff was present in the WH, the Oval, and collecting information from staffers with the WH's blessing, or at least acquiescence. He sat as a "fly on the wall" on the sofas in the Oval Office while Trump was there. He was there to chronicle the outset of the Trump presidency.
Well, then it must be true!

Snowflakes are so fucking gullible it defies comprehension. Wolff is going to make a fortune off all the naive tools marching down to Barnes and Noble to buy his pack of lies.
Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
False Dichotomy

I'm fairly sure it was not the latter. The guy is one of those folks who appears at "social climbers" parties and whatnot. He's got the flair of "Page Six" writer and the legitimacy of a standard columnist. His book doesn't really have much (don't equate "not much" with "none) that's new for folks who've been paying attention to the WH Press Corps, but it does provide a bevy of new corroborations for what we already knew about Trump and his WH: Trump's a "hot mess" who's out of his depth and, at least until John Kelly became CoS, his WH's operations ranged from moderate to extreme distemperature.

The thing is, Wolff was already famous, so it wasn't the former either.​
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Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
most people say he made up their quotes
Source of that assertion? Quantification?

here is one

Here's Why Investor Tom Barrack Is Steamed About Michael Wolff's Trump Book
It’s not clear whether Wolff used the word “allegedly,” or if the Guardian added the term. The Guardian may have included it because Wolff had gotten the quote not directly from Barrack, but second-hand. It’s also possible that the quote comes not directly from Barrack’s friend, but from a third person who told Wolff he or she heard about it from that friend.

more unnamed sources and more bullshit........we've heard these lies and stories before.......

Michael Wolff tells a juicy tale in his new Trump book. But should we believe it?

He has been accused of not just re-creating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.

it's not the first time he's been accused of this crap......same ole same ole

you guys buy the book and let me laugh as you waste your money.
??? I asked for corroboration of the "most people say" claim you made and you produce one example. Did fewer than two people say Wolff made up the quotes attributed to them? That's what it would take for one source to constitute "most people."

I'm middle-aged, but my math's not that bad yet. Most > 50%, more than half.
Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Wolff says, he was able to take up “something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing” — an idea encouraged by the president himself. Because no one was in a position to either officially approve or formally deny such access, Wolff became “more a constant interloper than an invited guest.” There were no ground rules placed on his access, and he was required to make no promises about how he would report on what he witnessed.

Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Win – and Neither Did His Campaign
Author Doubles Down
Fire and Fury' author doubles down on book's claims on Trump's mental health
  • The author of an explosive new book about the Trump White House doubled down on his reporting on Friday.
  • He made the extraordinary claim that 100% of people around President Donald Trump have questioned his intelligence and fitness for office.
  • Despite Trump's objections to the book and questions of Wolff's own credibility, excerpts from the book continue to dominate headlines.
Michael Wolff even had a special blue access badge which allowed him special access to the West Wing - which most journalists don't have. Wolff's book is very interesting, but it basically just confirms what most of us already knew - including Congress members. I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book. We'll be hearing a lot from him over the next few days. He's scheduled to be on Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday night at 10:00 pm ET on MSNBC. I doubt this book can or will bring down Trump. That's Mueller's job.

Trump As Tantrum-Prone Toddler? It’s Not Really News To The GOP.
I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book.

It's a book, not a dissertation; there's no need for him to defend it. The defense is in the rigor of research. The publisher, Henry Holt (HH) has known since Wolff started what sort of book it was and what are the attendant business risk (lawsuit) of publishing it. Knowing of that, along with Trump's predilection for litigious bluster, they have been vetting and reviewing every single claim and quote that Wolff includes in his book. To wit, HH, in response to the cease and desist letter have essentially decided to wipe their asses with it and send it back.

Truth be told, I suspect HH are dying for Trump to sue them because if he does, it HH's attorneys get to depose him. Avoiding being deposed was a key reason Trump settled a number of active lawsuits in which he was engaged prior to being sworn into the Presidency. You know who else gets deposed, just about any WH staffer the defendants who may be construed as a material witness, which, in turn, makes the credibility of whatever they say vastly greater than it is now.

Trump could play the kinds of "playground bully" games he did when he was a very rich private citizen. Now that he's a government employee with a set of duties and obligations that no private citizen has, it's a completely different ballgame. It's the "major leagues" and Trump is so ill suited to it and doesn't know it.

Yeah, I hear you, but Wolff will be defending his book over the coming days. I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes.
I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes
That will depend the nature of the agreement between him and any given source.

The thing is that Wolff was present in the WH, the Oval, and collecting information from staffers with the WH's blessing, or at least acquiescence. He sat as a "fly on the wall" on the sofas in the Oval Office while Trump was there. He was there to chronicle the outset of the Trump presidency.
Well, then it must be true!

Snowflakes are so fucking gullible it defies comprehension. Wolff is going to make a fortune off all the naive tools marching down to Barnes and Noble to buy his pack of lies.
Good on him You support a douchbag who's made a fortune ripping people off so whats the problem?
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Wolff hasn't brought down anyone yet. He wrote a book. Time will tell whether this book sparks anything that will help the investigation. I want to see the Orange administration burn just as much as anyone, but we need to let Mueller do his thing.

lol..........heard that after Yates......Manifort........Clapper.......Comey........Kushner........Flynn............

Unicorn chasing is ghey
Michael Wolff even had a special blue access badge which allowed him special access to the West Wing - which most journalists don't have. Wolff's book is very interesting, but it basically just confirms what most of us already knew - including Congress members. I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book. We'll be hearing a lot from him over the next few days. He's scheduled to be on Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday night at 10:00 pm ET on MSNBC. I doubt this book can or will bring down Trump. That's Mueller's job.

Trump As Tantrum-Prone Toddler? It’s Not Really News To The GOP.
I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book.

It's a book, not a dissertation; there's no need for him to defend it. The defense is in the rigor of research. The publisher, Henry Holt (HH) has known since Wolff started what sort of book it was and what are the attendant business risk (lawsuit) of publishing it. Knowing of that, along with Trump's predilection for litigious bluster, they have been vetting and reviewing every single claim and quote that Wolff includes in his book. To wit, HH, in response to the cease and desist letter have essentially decided to wipe their asses with it and send it back.

Truth be told, I suspect HH are dying for Trump to sue them because if he does, it HH's attorneys get to depose him. Avoiding being deposed was a key reason Trump settled a number of active lawsuits in which he was engaged prior to being sworn into the Presidency. You know who else gets deposed, just about any WH staffer the defendants who may be construed as a material witness, which, in turn, makes the credibility of whatever they say vastly greater than it is now.

Trump could play the kinds of "playground bully" games he did when he was a very rich private citizen. Now that he's a government employee with a set of duties and obligations that no private citizen has, it's a completely different ballgame. It's the "major leagues" and Trump is so ill suited to it and doesn't know it.

Yeah, I hear you, but Wolff will be defending his book over the coming days. I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes.
I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes
That will depend the nature of the agreement between him and any given source.

The thing is that Wolff was present in the WH, the Oval, and collecting information from staffers with the WH's blessing, or at least acquiescence. He sat as a "fly on the wall" on the sofas in the Oval Office while Trump was there. He was there to chronicle the outset of the Trump presidency.
Well, then it must be true!

Snowflakes are so fucking gullible it defies comprehension. Wolff is going to make a fortune off all the naive tools marching down to Barnes and Noble to buy his pack of lies.

suckers.........lots of people out there fall for the whole loose association stuff. Its a connect the dots issue for these folks. On our side, weve been suckered too over the years with all the Aunt Hilda gotcha stuff that never materialized............and never will btw. Its a hoot to watch the unicorn chasing though..........:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's a hit piece and will go the way of all hit pieces - those that dislike Trump will laud the book as wonderful and believe every word. Those that like him will ignore it as conjecture and false.

Those of us who only care about the truth will likewise ignore it
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Wolff hasn't brought down anyone yet. He wrote a book. Time will tell whether this book sparks anything that will help the investigation. I want to see the Orange administration burn just as much as anyone, but we need to let Mueller do his thing.

lol..........heard that after Yates......Manifort........Clapper.......Comey........Kushner........Flynn............

Unicorn chasing is ghey

Then I suppose you have nothing to worry about, genius.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
Trump is coasting on momentum.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
Trump is coasting on momentum.

Based on the numerous EO's he has written that countermanded obamas illegal EO's, and the fact that his roll back of the anti business rules and regs that were crippling this country, which see's the country booming at a rate that obummer claimed would never happen again, I think you are flat wrong.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
Yeah, it's looking good for him. So long as he does what Mitch tells him to do. LOL
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
Yeah, it's looking good for him. So long as he does what Mitch tells him to do. LOL

In your dreams sunshine. It is mitch that has had to conform to trump. And he don't like it, but he see's which side his bread is buttered on.
Michael Wolff even had a special blue access badge which allowed him special access to the West Wing - which most journalists don't have. Wolff's book is very interesting, but it basically just confirms what most of us already knew - including Congress members. I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book. We'll be hearing a lot from him over the next few days. He's scheduled to be on Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday night at 10:00 pm ET on MSNBC. I doubt this book can or will bring down Trump. That's Mueller's job.

Trump As Tantrum-Prone Toddler? It’s Not Really News To The GOP.
I'll be watching closely how well Wolff defends his book.

It's a book, not a dissertation; there's no need for him to defend it. The defense is in the rigor of research. The publisher, Henry Holt (HH) has known since Wolff started what sort of book it was and what are the attendant business risk (lawsuit) of publishing it. Knowing of that, along with Trump's predilection for litigious bluster, they have been vetting and reviewing every single claim and quote that Wolff includes in his book. To wit, HH, in response to the cease and desist letter have essentially decided to wipe their asses with it and send it back.

Truth be told, I suspect HH are dying for Trump to sue them because if he does, it HH's attorneys get to depose him. Avoiding being deposed was a key reason Trump settled a number of active lawsuits in which he was engaged prior to being sworn into the Presidency. You know who else gets deposed, just about any WH staffer the defendants who may be construed as a material witness, which, in turn, makes the credibility of whatever they say vastly greater than it is now.

Trump could play the kinds of "playground bully" games he did when he was a very rich private citizen. Now that he's a government employee with a set of duties and obligations that no private citizen has, it's a completely different ballgame. It's the "major leagues" and Trump is so ill suited to it and doesn't know it.

Yeah, I hear you, but Wolff will be defending his book over the coming days. I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes.
I'm curious if he'll release any of the tapes
That will depend the nature of the agreement between him and any given source.

The thing is that Wolff was present in the WH, the Oval, and collecting information from staffers with the WH's blessing, or at least acquiescence. He sat as a "fly on the wall" on the sofas in the Oval Office while Trump was there. He was there to chronicle the outset of the Trump presidency.
Well, then it must be true!

Snowflakes are so fucking gullible it defies comprehension. Wolff is going to make a fortune off all the naive tools marching down to Barnes and Noble to buy his pack of lies.
Good on him You support a douchbag who's made a fortune ripping people off so whats the problem?

Do you ever post anything that isn't an obvious lie?
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming.
Ummm, NO!

Even Wolfe is admitting HE doesn't believe everything he wrote....The book amounts to little more than the sequel to the 'Trump Dossier', the fake news report containing Russian Propaganda bought and illegally used by Hillary / the criminal FBI / Obama in a US election from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

What do we have to save the world from you?
What is this, your 99th claim of something
possibly being the nail in the coffin for
"brincing" down Trump? What a sad, pathetic
wretch your lonely life must be.

Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.

For someone who is "out of his depth" he seems to be doing pretty good.
With all the protection he gets ? Demanded sessions protect him? A complete moron One more straw leading to obstruction

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