Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.
And tried to get AG Sessions not to recuse himself so he could protect his dumb ass Guess the moron doesn't know the AG is not there to protect him
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?

Holy shit! Trump has been brought down?? So, now it's President Pence? Boy, miss one CNN report and you're just left in the dark. Why isn't anyone covering this momentous event?

Trump 2018. All year... then 2019...... 24/7 365....:eusa_dance:

CNN ran that story 8 years ago.

Where have you been?
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?

Holy shit! Trump has been brought down?? So, now it's President Pence? Boy, miss one CNN report and you're just left in the dark. Why isn't anyone covering this momentous event?

Trump 2018. All year... then 2019...... 24/7 365....:eusa_dance:
He who laughs last, laughs the longest. The anti-Trumpsters will be laughing the longest when Trump eithe resigns, is impeached or hauled off to the looney bin.

So you won’t be laughing till 2021 or 2025
This book is more fiction than truth. I don't think that Trump is going anywhere.
There is no doubt the majority is factual. The book uses inside people to validate what has been said by many.
The same inside people who are saying that the quotes and information is made up of whole cloth.

I have little doubt that there is enough 'juicy' rhetoric to make it seem like the real story, but in the end, it's just another piece of fiction by an author that is known to place loosely with the truth..
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
I think about the way Trump humiliated Mitt Romney by pretending he was considering him for a post in the cabinet and made a fool out of him. I have no particular liking for Romney, but that behavior indicates the kind of character Trump has. He is low, base, vile, vindictive, just to start. He deserves everything he gets from this book. And he asked for it. Wolff approached him about doing the book and Trump, having read Wolff's stuff before and liked it, agreed. He was given regular passes to the White House to observe and talk to people. Now Trump is suprised he was 'trumped' and is royally pissed off. Hope he suffers as he deserves.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
The book is nothing. The fact that Trump is detached, out of his depth, floundering and without an agenda .... that's what's bringing him down. And he may have laundered money for the Russians.
And tried to get AG Sessions not to recuse himself so he could protect his dumb ass Guess the moron doesn't know the AG is not there to protect him
I dunno. RFK was JFK's pitbull. John Mitchell and Nixon. With Sessions it was more the fact he, himself, was implicated in campaign contacts with Russians. Trump is right that he should have called for Sessions to quit, and then named someone with no Russia/campaign ties. In the end, imo what we'll really find out is that Trump and his inner circle were simply too inexperienced in campaigning, and too freaking arrogant to employ professionals, to not stay the hell away from potential illegal contacts. Then, having stepped in the shit, Trump tried to cover it up. He didn't need to, but his ego made him. Same as his stalled agenda. He could have had 60 votes for infrastructure and soc sec reforms. But no, Obama had his name on healthcare. And Obama dissed him Yuugely at the news roasts.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?

Holy shit! Trump has been brought down?? So, now it's President Pence? Boy, miss one CNN report and you're just left in the dark. Why isn't anyone covering this momentous event?

Trump 2018. All year... then 2019...... 24/7 365....:eusa_dance:
He who laughs last, laughs the longest. The anti-Trumpsters will be laughing the longest when Trump eithe resigns, is impeached or hauled off to the looney bin.

So you won’t be laughing till 2021 or 2025
God help us all if that is the case
As details of Trump’s personal life leaked out, he became obsessed with identifying the leaker. The source of all the gossip, however, may well have been Trump himself. In his calls throughout the day and at night from his bed, he often spoke to people who had no reason to keep his confidences. He was a river of grievances, which recipients of his calls promptly spread to the ever-attentive media.

Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Win – and Neither Did His Campaign
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?

Holy shit! Trump has been brought down?? So, now it's President Pence? Boy, miss one CNN report and you're just left in the dark. Why isn't anyone covering this momentous event?

Trump 2018. All year... then 2019...... 24/7 365....:eusa_dance:
He who laughs last, laughs the longest. The anti-Trumpsters will be laughing the longest when Trump eithe resigns, is impeached or hauled off to the looney bin.

So you won’t be laughing till 2021 or 2025
God help us all if that is the case
God always helps us
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
He hasn’t brought down the traitor yet but the shocking details in his book will go a long way with changing even ( some) of the cult’s minds of how unfit he is to be president.
Your question is a nonstarter because no one knows what Wolff’s motivations are.
When Cacilia Davis gave the police a tip that led to the arrest of the Son of Sam, did it matter what her motivations were?
She did a great thing for her country and that’s all that mattered.
Same with Wolff.
From what I have seen there is nothing that will change the cults mind on Trump.
Oh come on - it's just another tell-all gossip book with maybe a few kernals of truth and a lot of noise. Good for entertainment value - and to see Trump having another twitter attack.

By itself is means little, but it's just another collection of confirmations that Trump is not fit for the office he holds.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump
Wolf schtick is hit pieces like this. His book isn't bringing Trump down. He's already reduced to being Mitch McConnell's prison bitch whose only job is to sign whatever bill the gop establishment wants signed, which shouldn't surprise any Trumpbots. The book is probably the end of Bannon having much role as a kingmaker.

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