Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Wait what? How did some book "bring down" Trump? Did you mean that it "bummed him out" or something? It "killed his buzz"?

I don't get what you're trying to say.
Trump won't read the book. His attention span is good for one paragraph. Two, at best. Then his eyes roll back in his head and he passes out.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
Buckeye, you are one of the mindless minions that will never get it. Trump thrives on mindless minions. He trys to bully everyone to be a minion.
Most have the intelligence and courage not to be a Trump minion.

nope, I was right, you're the mindless minion

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?

Holy shit! Trump has been brought down?? So, now it's President Pence? Boy, miss one CNN report and you're just left in the dark. Why isn't anyone covering this momentous event?

Trump 2018. All year... then 2019...... 24/7 365....:eusa_dance:
He who laughs last, laughs the longest. The anti-Trumpsters will be laughing the longest when Trump eithe resigns, is impeached or hauled off to the looney bin.

You guys said that about Bush, we're still waiting

oh and when is Trump gonna fire Mueller (hint to you and MSNBC, he wont)
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
Buckeye, you are one of the mindless minions that will never get it. Trump thrives on mindless minions. He trys to bully everyone to be a minion.
Most have the intelligence and courage not to be a Trump minion.

nope, I was right, you're the mindless minion

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Funny bucky I heard him this morning and he said he stands behind EVERYTHING in that book
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Nobody has been brought down you dumb fuck. As much as I dislike Trump this sort of shit does not help
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
Buckeye, you are one of the mindless minions that will never get it. Trump thrives on mindless minions. He trys to bully everyone to be a minion.
Most have the intelligence and courage not to be a Trump minion.

nope, I was right, you're the mindless minion

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Funny bucky I heard him this morning and he said he stands behind EVERYTHING in that book

you mean this interview?

Wolff in Journalist’s Clothing? ‘I Said Whatever Was Necessary to Get the Story’
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
most people say he made up their quotes
Source of that assertion? Quantification?
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Nobody has been brought down you dumb fuck. As much as I dislike Trump this sort of shit does not help
Gator it is a step in the right direction for the man unfit to hold the office of presidence
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
Buckeye, you are one of the mindless minions that will never get it. Trump thrives on mindless minions. He trys to bully everyone to be a minion.
Most have the intelligence and courage not to be a Trump minion.

nope, I was right, you're the mindless minion

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Funny bucky I heard him this morning and he said he stands behind EVERYTHING in that book

you mean this interview?

Wolff in Journalist’s Clothing? ‘I Said Whatever Was Necessary to Get the Story’
People know what trump likes best To have kisses thrown his way Putin showed that and he got no sanctions for his troubles
Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Wolff says, he was able to take up “something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing” — an idea encouraged by the president himself. Because no one was in a position to either officially approve or formally deny such access, Wolff became “more a constant interloper than an invited guest.” There were no ground rules placed on his access, and he was required to make no promises about how he would report on what he witnessed.

Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Win – and Neither Did His Campaign a couple of weeks, nobody is going to care about this. You bozo progressives remind me of that Charlie Brown episode with Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin.........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

most people say he made up their quotes, you really need to turn off msnbc.

its yet another nothingburger.....
most people say he made up their quotes
Source of that assertion? Quantification?

here is one

Here's Why Investor Tom Barrack Is Steamed About Michael Wolff's Trump Book
It’s not clear whether Wolff used the word “allegedly,” or if the Guardian added the term. The Guardian may have included it because Wolff had gotten the quote not directly from Barrack, but second-hand. It’s also possible that the quote comes not directly from Barrack’s friend, but from a third person who told Wolff he or she heard about it from that friend.

more unnamed sources and more bullshit........we've heard these lies and stories before.......

Michael Wolff tells a juicy tale in his new Trump book. But should we believe it?

He has been accused of not just re-creating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.

it's not the first time he's been accused of this crap......same ole same ole

you guys buy the book and let me laugh as you waste your money.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Wolff hasn't brought down anyone yet. He wrote a book. Time will tell whether this book sparks anything that will help the investigation. I want to see the Orange administration burn just as much as anyone, but we need to let Mueller do his thing.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Hero for making up fake quotes?

Doesn't sound like much of a hero to me.
In snowflake parlance, "hero" is a euphemism meaning "douchebag."
In the interview on the today show today, he appeared to be a Weasel to me...

not that there is not some truth in the book, but it just reminds me of all the authors of all the Clinton bashing books that have come out over the years....

He supposedly has tapes and notes to back up many of the claims...

but man oh man, he was blinking like crazy and sliding around in his seat during the interview and stuttering over things....

he did not come off well, whether the book is somewhat truthful or not....his intent was to make himself rich, imho..... of course I don't know that for certain, but it is what my 'gut' is telling me....
It's a hit piece and will go the way of all hit pieces - those that dislike Trump will laud the book as wonderful and believe every word. Those that like him will ignore it as conjecture and false.
In the interview on the today show today, he appeared to be a Weasel to me...

not that there is not some truth in the book, but it just reminds me of all the authors of all the Clinton bashing books that have come out over the years....

He supposedly has tapes and notes to back up many of the claims...

but man oh man, he was blinking like crazy and sliding around in his seat during the interview and stuttering over things....

he did not come off well, whether the book is somewhat truthful or not....his intent was to make himself rich, imho..... of course I don't know that for certain, but it is what my 'gut' is telling me....

How many minds do you think Clinton Cash changed? Likely none.

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