Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

We will see.
please feel free to list the number of people that were convicted based on a work of fiction.
please feel free to list the number of people that were convicted based on a work of fiction.

Yo.............Trumptard.................he's going to have to run again and win in another three years, or he's going home. There are no guarantees on an election (or have you guys already started rigging the election)?
yes, we are supporting trumps plan to move away from computer voting and back to paper.

something you leftists are against, not sure why though.

or am I?
You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump)

Without knowing the particulars of your business, an LLC is generally a better means of limiting personal liability.

Earning an MBA is truly an accomplishment worthy of pride.

With pass through taxes and the loss of SALT, your taxes will go up, not down. Few S Corps earn so little that the $10K SALT exemption will have any impact. Whether you are simply ignorant or being deceitful is unknown, fewer still earn enough that the 39% corporate rate ever applied to them.

I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals.

Why are you not donating it to the United States Government? You spend each day here telling anyone who will read your posts that government is the answer to every problem and vastly better equipped to run the lives and finances of the proles than the benighted sots are of running their own affairs.

The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans.

Why of course you are. Never in the history of the internet has there been a dedicated Stalinist who was not FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.

No doubt you compensated employees by their need rather than evaluating their capacity to increase the profitability of the business, as that would be GREED.

But tell me, as such an ethical Marxist, how did you accumulate this vast and splendid fortune, as surely you must have given all of your wealth to the state, who as you have demanded for so many years, is much more capable of distributing assets than greedy men like Donald Trump?

What would Karl Marx do? :dunno:

I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.

Of course you are. Didn't Jesus say in John 14:6 "I am not special, not a way as there are many truths and light is from the ruling state. All men come to the father through any fucking path they please?"

I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.

Well, not all can enjoy the vast respect you Maoist snowflakes enjoy....

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You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump)

Without knowing the particulars of your business, an LLC is generally a better means of limiting personal liability.

Earning an MBA is truly an accomplishment worthy of pride.

With pass through taxes and the loss of SALT, your taxes will go up, not down. Few S Corps earn so little that the $10K SALT exemption will have any impact. Whether you are simply ignorant or being deceitful is unknown, fewer still earn enough that the 39% corporate rate ever applied to them.

I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals.

Why are you not donating it to the United States Government? You spend each day here telling anyone who will read your posts that government is the answer to every problem and vastly better equipped to run the lives and finances of the proles than the benighted sots are of running their own affairs.

The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans.

Why of course you are. Never in the history of the internet has there been a dedicated Stalinist who was not FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.

No doubt you compensated employees by their need rather than evaluating their capacity to increase the profitability of the business, as that would be GREED.

But tell me, as such an ethical Marxist, how did you accumulate this vast and splendid fortune, as surely you must have given all of your wealth to the state, who as you have demanded for so many years, is much more capable of distributing assets than greedy men like Donald Trump?

What would Karl Marx do? :dunno:

I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.

Of course you are. Didn't Jesus say in John 14:6 "I am not special, not a way as there are many truths and light is from the ruling state. All men come to the father through any fucking path they please?"

I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.

Well, not all can enjoy the vast respect you Maoist snowflakes enjoy....

Everything I said is true. I am sorry it makes you so mad.

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