Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Wolf is no hero. He even admitted he does not believe the contents of his own book.

He is nothing but another seditious Leftist.


All he does is verify what we already know through public behavior about Trump. Whether the details are accurate or not is moot given Trump's own over the top reaction to it. We've actually seen some of the behavior described so it's not a surprise. I'm sure there is a degree of fiction or "literary license". What will be MORE interesting is to see what is written after his presidency is over.

You guys are just too funny though - your outrage is highly selective.

ROFL! The snowflake admits that facts don't matter!

You couldn't make this stuff up, folks!
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Oh, is "TRUMP DUN"

Comrade shitferbrains?

We've sure never heard you Stalinists make that claim before...

Seriously, just how fucking stupid are you? I get that you're a hate filled Bolshevik with spittle flying from you mouth as you scream and rant. But how many times do you have to bark at the shadows from the curtains before you figure out what a absolute moron you are?
The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.
Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.
The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.

Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.

Sedutious democrats who have attempted assassinations, called for military coups, colluded with foreign agents and enemies, broken laws, and criminally conspired to overthrow the president / US government will not stop their treason...but hopefully the leaders of this domestic criminal coup - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Ibama - will be brought to criminal justice.

Trump's character is 'flawed' in comparison to the professional politicians who have aided and abetted / armed terrorists, Drug Cartels, enemies, violent foreign gangs, violent illegals, human traitors who have violated Constitution and law while running the country like some criminal 3rd world fascist nation as Hillary and Barry have.

Trump maybe 'flawed', but evidence shows Hillary and Obama and their protectors / associates are criminals and traitors to this country.
The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.

Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.

Sedutious democrats who have attempted assassinations, called for military coups, colluded with foreign agents and enemies, broken laws, and criminally conspired to overthrow the president / US government will not stop their treason...but hopefully the leaders of this domestic criminal coup - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Ibama - will be brought to criminal justice.

Trump's character is 'flawed' in comparison to the professional politicians who have aided and abetted / armed terrorists, Drug Cartels, enemies, violent foreign gangs, violent illegals, human traitors who have violated Constitution and law while running the country like some criminal 3rd world fascist nation as Hillary and Barry have.

Trump maybe 'flawed', but evidence shows Hillary and Obama and their protectors / associates are criminals and traitors to this country.
The extremists on both the left and the right sound the same. Easy BS could as easily be a left wing crazy even though he is a right wing crazy. The extreme crazies on both sides need to be flushed down the toilet so we can get back to balanced governing.
The Orange Dementia Idiot spent years creating this myth and slander that Obama was Kenyan and now cry Baby Orange is crying pitiful that Wolff lied on him ...sweet ...sweet as Tupelo Honey
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Aren't you kinda jumping the gun a little Mud? He hasn't brought down anyone but himself. I think Trump is suing him for libel. Another misfire by the liberals. But I understand: SUCH HOPES AND DREAMS ARE ALL YOU GOT.
“I can handle things. I’m smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”

who is being quoted above

1) Donald Trump

2) Fredo Corleone
Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump

Wolf is no hero. He even admitted he does not believe the contents of his own book.

He is nothing but another seditious Leftist.


All he does is verify what we already know through public behavior about Trump. Whether the details are accurate or not is moot given Trump's own over the top reaction to it. We've actually seen some of the behavior described so it's not a surprise. I'm sure there is a degree of fiction or "literary license". What will be MORE interesting is to see what is written after his presidency is over.

You guys are just too funny though - your outrage is highly selective.

ROFL! The snowflake admits that facts don't matter!

You couldn't make this stuff up, folks!

Coming from an acolyte of "Alternative Facts" - that's a laugh :lol:

The thing is - most rational people don't EXPECT a lot of "facts" from "tell all" books. We know what is is. We don't take it seriously. Clinton didn't. Bush didn't. Obama didn't. Trump blew a gasket - as per usual :lol: And that is what I find amusing.

If you want facts - wait for the better written books. But you guys jump right on the bandwagon for these type of books when it comes to Obama or Clinton proclaiming FACTS. Right?
I totally believe that Trump didn't really expect or want to win - for him it was all about publicity and attention. I think he was shocked to find himself winning and totally unprepared. He's not the first outsider to win but he is certainly the first who's transtion has been ill prepared for the job. So I suspect the book got some things right in that respect.

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The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.

Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.

Sedutious democrats who have attempted assassinations, called for military coups, colluded with foreign agents and enemies, broken laws, and criminally conspired to overthrow the president / US government will not stop their treason...but hopefully the leaders of this domestic criminal coup - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Ibama - will be brought to criminal justice.

Trump's character is 'flawed' in comparison to the professional politicians who have aided and abetted / armed terrorists, Drug Cartels, enemies, violent foreign gangs, violent illegals, human traitors who have violated Constitution and law while running the country like some criminal 3rd world fascist nation as Hillary and Barry have.

Trump maybe 'flawed', but evidence shows Hillary and Obama and their protectors / associates are criminals and traitors to this country.

You guys are sooo dramatic.

I guess you can't see well with the log in your eye.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Aren't you kinda jumping the gun a little Mud? He hasn't brought down anyone but himself. I think Trump is suing him for libel. Another misfire by the liberals. But I understand: SUCH HOPES AND DREAMS ARE ALL YOU GOT.

It's not a misfire at all. I doubt the suit will go anywhere. Libel has a very high bar and if it's pushed it could be embarressing for Trump. The high bar is why most people don't bother to sue as well as the fact that law suits only bring attention to it. Trump hasn't learned that and the frivolous lawsuit is his typical response.
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.

I totally believe that Trump didn't really expect or want to win - for him it was all about publicity and attention. I think he was shocked to find himself winning and totally unprepared. He's not the first outsider to win but he is certainly the first who's transtion has been ill prepared for the job. So I suspect the book got some things right in that respect.

OK Coyote, right, a man with all the money, attention and publicity in the world, and all his life, ran for POTUS not wanting to win, spent tens of millions of his own money, put himself through hell, risked his life, in effect, GAVE up his life, and gave up a life of luxury and opulence in his waning years------ all for more (99.99% negative) attention and publicity that he already had.

So goes any thought that you have even a brain in your head.

Ever think that had he just wanted the attention and not to win, he could have easily killed his campaign himself and destroyed all chances of winning rather than fight tooth and nail doing three campaign stops around the country a day to the very end??? And I guess you didn't see the look on his face at 2AM the night he won when he came on stage----- flattered, humbled, delighted, not shocked, scared or confused.
As opposed to the criminal, seditious, self-serving traitor who 'claimed the throne' based on her claim 'It's my turn' if it was some type of 'birth rite'...
The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.
Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.

Well, you ARE evil, and we all know it. You are engaged in an attempted coup, which is treason. But you've failed at every point and will continue to fail. My guess is Huma Abadine and James Comey are in jail by the end of the year, while the Republicans hold congress and Trump easily wins reelection in 2020.

As for flawed, ISIS Barry with his open aid to Hezbollah in their drug running efforts to safeguard his nuclear arming of Iran is the undisputed worst president this nation has ever suffered under. He is followed by Jimmy Carter, then George W. Bush.

Ronald Reagan was the best president, and you Bolsheviks hated him every bit as much as you hate Trump. Trump is rivaling Reagan for greatness.
Is Michael Wolf a hero for bringing down Trump?
The Wolf book is confirming, with backup, everything the Trump detractors have been claiming. It ccould be the nail in the coffin for Trump.
The reason Wolf had access to the White House was he was pro Trump. Was his motivation fame or to save the world from Trump

Aren't you kinda jumping the gun a little Mud? He hasn't brought down anyone but himself. I think Trump is suing him for libel. Another misfire by the liberals. But I understand: SUCH HOPES AND DREAMS ARE ALL YOU GOT.

Even the Trump hating NY Times pointed out the Wolff is a notorious liar. A Bezos hate blog (formerly Washington Post) writer has confirmed that the quotes Wolff attributed to him are fabrications and that he was never at the meeting Wolff claims he was at.

As for Bannon;

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon is brushing off the uproar over a tell-all book about the White House by calling President Trump a "great man" and saying he supports him "day in and day out."

Speaking late Wednesday on Breitbart News Tonight on Sirius XM radio, Bannon said Trump supporters should focus on the president's agenda and not let the "left-wing media" stir that up.

“The president is a great man,” said Bannon, responding to a caller's question about the the split between Trump and him as laid out in the book. “You know I support him day in and day out.”}

Bannon calls Trump a 'great man' and brushes off uproar over tell-all book

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