Is Michael Wolf a hero for brincing down Trump


Coming from an acolyte of "Alternative Facts" - that's a laugh :lol:

I've never know Brian to be an advocate of CNN?

The thing is - most rational people don't EXPECT a lot of "facts" from "tell all" books. We know what is is. We don't take it seriously. Clinton didn't. Bush didn't. Obama didn't. Trump blew a gasket - as per usual :lol: And that is what I find amusing.

If you want facts - wait for the better written books. But you guys jump right on the bandwagon for these type of books when it comes to Obama or Clinton proclaiming FACTS. Right?

Rational people don't expect facts, but this was written for democrats. And yes, it is available in audio so that democrats can actually be fed the content. I'm sure a comic book edition will be released so even ElmerMudd has a chance at it.
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.
Did anyone see Mike "Fishlips" Wolff on news Meet The (fake news) Press hosted by the comb-forward-douche? Fishlips seems retarded and struggles to speak. He claimed Bannon won the Presidency not The Donald! :p
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.
The anti-Trumpsters are not going away, they are not shutting up and they will prevail because good always prevails over evil, in the long run.
Trumps character is the most flawed of any US President as a result his administration is equally flawed.

Well, you ARE evil, and we all know it. You are engaged in an attempted coup, which is treason. But you've failed at every point and will continue to fail. My guess is Huma Abadine and James Comey are in jail by the end of the year, while the Republicans hold congress and Trump easily wins reelection in 2020.

As for flawed, ISIS Barry with his open aid to Hezbollah in their drug running efforts to safeguard his nuclear arming of Iran is the undisputed worst president this nation has ever suffered under. He is followed by Jimmy Carter, then George W. Bush.

Ronald Reagan was the best president, and you Bolsheviks hated him every bit as much as you hate Trump. Trump is rivaling Reagan for greatness.
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.
The bully Trump has threatened over 30 lawsuits against his detractors to try and shut them up, since running for President,
He has not filed one of them because the suits would expose more dirt on him and he would lose.
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.

it really annoys you that you have no education. bitter lying loser.

You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.
The bully Trump has threatened over 30 lawsuits against his detractors to try and shut them up, since running for President,
He has not filed one of them because the suits would expose more dirt on him and he would lose.
Filling every vacant Federal Court with a REP judge.
Putting a couple of REP SC judges on the SC in the next three years.
Then President Trump can eat Big Macs and golf every fucking day.
The LIBs are fucking losing their minds that they ran the most corrupt stupid candidate in US history and got their ass handed to them by an 'Orange Clown'.

That's a humiliation the LIB WILL NEVER live down for the next thousand years.
Whose your next candidate you fucking idiots?
A tranny midget with one arm because "It's his turn!?
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.

I assume you are 35, unemployed (and unemployable), living in your mom's basement. You didn't manage to finish high school or get your GED, but you're smarter than everyone else because you watch Rachel Maddow every day and never miss the Hate Show with Stephen Colbert.

You probably get a few pennies a post from a Soros front to cross post the absurd shit from ThinkHatred or DailyKRAP here. But you truly hate Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and white males. You would no doubt love to kill Donald Trump and his entire family and fantasize about what you would do to Melania and perhaps Barron.

You dream of the day that the 1st Amendment is gone so that Christians and whites can be punished for the hatred of Muslims and gays. You'll teach them the price of hate with as harsh of punishments as you can think of. They will learn to be tolerant of Muslims who are peace loving and of gays. If we can just treat gays the way Tehran does than all will be good and you won't have to feel icky about yourself anymore.

And of course you have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment because those hate filled rednecks might get violent when they are justly punished for the crimes of their skin. When you start to purge the hate crime of white skin, you don't want a bunch of dumb hillbillies carrying AR15's with chainsaw bayonets resisting the lessons on how to treat others with respect.

Of course the rest of the Bill of Rights needs to go because it was written by dead racist white men who judged people on the color of their skin. Whites are stupid and racist.

This about cover it, sploogy?
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
You guys are sooo dramatic.
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.

it really annoys you that you have no education. bitter lying loser.



Yeah, that's it fakelawyer.

Hey, just because you don't know what a tort is doesn't mean that you're not a powerful Manhattan power broker. :rofl:
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}
Not 'dramatic' - 'factual'.

Wolf said he doesn't believe his own book...

That makes his book nothing more than another fake news, propaganda-filled version of the 'Trump Dosier'.

Like i said, 'Hate' snowflajws continue to prove that ... by buying a book even the author admits is not true.


The Wolff book is so credible it starts with:

{“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are IN CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER; many, in Trumpian fashion are BADLY UNTRUE. Those CONFLICTS, and that LOOSENESS WITH THE TRUTH, if not WITH REALITY ITSELF, are an ELEMENTAL THREAD OF THIS BOOK.” Joe Borelli on Twitter}

he was talking about trump being a liar as are many in trump world and how some of trump's people offer different accounts.

but you know what hasn't happened. the orange psycho hasn't said that bannon lied about him. instead he said he's violating a confidentiality agreement. (which probably can't be enforced by a US president).

you know what else hasn't happened, no one in the White House is saying that they didn't say trump is nuts and a moron..... who is probably only semiliterate.

you're welcome.

You should take an introduction to law class, seriously. I'm sure their are adult ed schools that don't require a GED, and will take you.

What Wolff posted is a disclaimer, since he knows that the majority of his book is false. The disclaimer is to limit liability as he is rightfully sued for slander, libel, and defamation. The suits are already lining up.
The bully Trump has threatened over 30 lawsuits against his detractors to try and shut them up, since running for President,
He has not filed one of them because the suits would expose more dirt on him and he would lose.
Filling every vacant Federal Court with a REP judge.
Putting a couple of REP SC judges on the SC in the next three years.
Then President Trump can eat Big Macs and golf every fucking day.
The LIBs are fucking losing their minds that they ran the most corrupt stupid candidate in US history and got their ass handed to them by an 'Orange Clown'.

That's a humiliation the LIB WILL NEVER live down for the next thousand years.
Whose your next candidate you fucking idiots?
A tranny midget with one arm because "It's his turn!?
You are an extremely angry individual. If you have been part of all this winning, why are you so angry.
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.

I assume you are 35, unemployed (and unemployable), living in your mom's basement. You didn't manage to finish high school or get your GED, but you're smarter than everyone else because you watch Rachel Maddow every day and never miss the Hate Show with Stephen Colbert.

You probably get a few pennies a post from a Soros front to cross post the absurd shit from ThinkHatred or DailyKRAP here. But you truly hate Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and white males. You would no doubt love to kill Donald Trump and his entire family and fantasize about what you would do to Melania and perhaps Barron.

You dream of the day that the 1st Amendment is gone so that Christians and whites can be punished for the hatred of Muslims and gays. You'll teach them the price of hate with as harsh of punishments as you can think of. They will learn to be tolerant of Muslims who are peace loving and of gays. If we can just treat gays the way Tehran does than all will be good and you won't have to feel icky about yourself anymore.

And of course you have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment because those hate filled rednecks might get violent when they are justly punished for the crimes of their skin. When you start to purge the hate crime of white skin, you don't want a bunch of dumb hillbillies carrying AR15's with chainsaw bayonets resisting the lessons on how to treat others with respect.

Of course the rest of the Bill of Rights needs to go because it was written by dead racist white men who judged people on the color of their skin. Whites are stupid and racist.

This about cover it, sploogy?
You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump) I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals. The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans. I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.
I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.
I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.

I assume you are 35, unemployed (and unemployable), living in your mom's basement. You didn't manage to finish high school or get your GED, but you're smarter than everyone else because you watch Rachel Maddow every day and never miss the Hate Show with Stephen Colbert.

You probably get a few pennies a post from a Soros front to cross post the absurd shit from ThinkHatred or DailyKRAP here. But you truly hate Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and white males. You would no doubt love to kill Donald Trump and his entire family and fantasize about what you would do to Melania and perhaps Barron.

You dream of the day that the 1st Amendment is gone so that Christians and whites can be punished for the hatred of Muslims and gays. You'll teach them the price of hate with as harsh of punishments as you can think of. They will learn to be tolerant of Muslims who are peace loving and of gays. If we can just treat gays the way Tehran does than all will be good and you won't have to feel icky about yourself anymore.

And of course you have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment because those hate filled rednecks might get violent when they are justly punished for the crimes of their skin. When you start to purge the hate crime of white skin, you don't want a bunch of dumb hillbillies carrying AR15's with chainsaw bayonets resisting the lessons on how to treat others with respect.

Of course the rest of the Bill of Rights needs to go because it was written by dead racist white men who judged people on the color of their skin. Whites are stupid and racist.

This about cover it, sploogy?
You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump) I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals. The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans. I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.
I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.
I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.

I was just wondering how you felt about Hillary C.?
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.

I assume you are 35, unemployed (and unemployable), living in your mom's basement. You didn't manage to finish high school or get your GED, but you're smarter than everyone else because you watch Rachel Maddow every day and never miss the Hate Show with Stephen Colbert.

You probably get a few pennies a post from a Soros front to cross post the absurd shit from ThinkHatred or DailyKRAP here. But you truly hate Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and white males. You would no doubt love to kill Donald Trump and his entire family and fantasize about what you would do to Melania and perhaps Barron.

You dream of the day that the 1st Amendment is gone so that Christians and whites can be punished for the hatred of Muslims and gays. You'll teach them the price of hate with as harsh of punishments as you can think of. They will learn to be tolerant of Muslims who are peace loving and of gays. If we can just treat gays the way Tehran does than all will be good and you won't have to feel icky about yourself anymore.

And of course you have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment because those hate filled rednecks might get violent when they are justly punished for the crimes of their skin. When you start to purge the hate crime of white skin, you don't want a bunch of dumb hillbillies carrying AR15's with chainsaw bayonets resisting the lessons on how to treat others with respect.

Of course the rest of the Bill of Rights needs to go because it was written by dead racist white men who judged people on the color of their skin. Whites are stupid and racist.

This about cover it, sploogy?
You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump) I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals. The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans. I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.
I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.
I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.

I was just wondering how you felt about Hillary C.?
I am not a fan of Hillary or Bill. I felt she would be better than Trump but not a great alternative. I am disappointed in the Democratic party. They need to provide a more compelling message. They need to address the eonomic challenges of middle America that are not minorities without selling out their core principles
Ronald Reagan was not evil but Trump is evil
I am not evil but you are evil. I think you know you are evil.
Evil will be defeated.

I assume you are 35, unemployed (and unemployable), living in your mom's basement. You didn't manage to finish high school or get your GED, but you're smarter than everyone else because you watch Rachel Maddow every day and never miss the Hate Show with Stephen Colbert.

You probably get a few pennies a post from a Soros front to cross post the absurd shit from ThinkHatred or DailyKRAP here. But you truly hate Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and white males. You would no doubt love to kill Donald Trump and his entire family and fantasize about what you would do to Melania and perhaps Barron.

You dream of the day that the 1st Amendment is gone so that Christians and whites can be punished for the hatred of Muslims and gays. You'll teach them the price of hate with as harsh of punishments as you can think of. They will learn to be tolerant of Muslims who are peace loving and of gays. If we can just treat gays the way Tehran does than all will be good and you won't have to feel icky about yourself anymore.

And of course you have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment because those hate filled rednecks might get violent when they are justly punished for the crimes of their skin. When you start to purge the hate crime of white skin, you don't want a bunch of dumb hillbillies carrying AR15's with chainsaw bayonets resisting the lessons on how to treat others with respect.

Of course the rest of the Bill of Rights needs to go because it was written by dead racist white men who judged people on the color of their skin. Whites are stupid and racist.

This about cover it, sploogy?
You are as wrong about me as you are your politics.
I am an white male in my 60's. I have a masters degree, MBA. I own my own business; S corp.(A pass through business receiving large tax breaks from the new tax law but it will not buy my support of Trump) I am in the proces of transitioning ownership and management of my company to younger individuals. The US government needs new young leadership, also. I am fortunate enough to have made enough money to put my net worth in top 2% of Americans. I am proud to have a business that is driven by ethics and treating employees fair. That is unlike Trump; a person without ethics and would do what ever necessary for money and power.
I am a Christian who has attended the same church for 55 years but I respect and accept other religions.
I do not think the majority of whites are racist but there are too many old white males in positions of power that are racist and sexist.
I feel that Trump is old white guys last gasp effort to hold on to privilege that is going away.
The younger generation will flush this racist, sexist mind set away.
People like you are laughed at by most today but by all in the near future. You are a dotard.

I was just wondering how you felt about Hillary C.?
I am not a fan of Hillary or Bill. I felt she would be better than Trump but not a great alternative. I am disappointed in the Democratic party. They need to provide a more compelling message. They need to address the eonomic challenges of middle America that are not minorities without selling out their core principles

Sounds good but I'm not sure which core principles lefty socialists actually have, no matter, thanks for the response.

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