Is Mitt Romney's Candidacy Part of 'The Eternal Plan' of the Mormon Church?

They found out fifty years ago ...gasp.... that JFK was a Papist and the tin foil hat radicals were convinced of a religious conspiracy. Now tin foil hats on the left see another religious conspiracy in a presidential election. Ho hum.
The Treaty of Tripoli

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity Really Gracie?:lol:


In other words, your game is "heads you win, tails I lose"...

The Treaty of Tripoli is a fact - executed under President George Washington.

In other words, your game is "heads you win, tails I lose"...

The Treaty of Tripoli is a fact - executed under President George Washington.

NO my game is history and what the Founders told us in the Federalists and other writings.

YOU have yet to come to grips with thier words that speak to us still.

YOU are for destroying it all for Socialism and what you claim as Democracy that is nothing but mob rule.

YOU are a waste and a denier of real history. Until YOU come to grips with it instead of this revisionist yaksqueeze you foist as fact?

I'm done with you. Get it ACE?:eusa_hand:
They found out fifty years ago ...gasp.... that JFK was a Papist and the tin foil hat radicals were convinced of a religious conspiracy. Now tin foil hats on the left see another religious conspiracy in a presidential election. Ho hum.

Romney's Mormon history is much more intense than JFK's Catholic history. I was one of JFK's biggest supporters, even though at 17 I was too young to vote for him. I was in high school shop class and cried when we were told of his death - over the intercom.

CORRECTION: I was 17 when he died (15 when he was elected).
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Jackass OP is worried about a theocracy from Mormons as they don't seek to take over the world as Radical ISLAM has vowed openly.

Ladorka? YOU are a nutcase.:cuckoo:

Only reason we have a problem with Islam is we keep sticking our fist into their hornet's nest.

I suggest you read about the Barbary Wars.
They found out fifty years ago ...gasp.... that JFK was a Papist and the tin foil hat radicals were convinced of a religious conspiracy. Now tin foil hats on the left see another religious conspiracy in a presidential election. Ho hum.

Romney's Mormon history is much more intense than JFK's Catholic history. I was one of JFK's biggest supporters, even though at 17 I was too young to vote for him. I was in high school shop class and cried when we were told of his death - over the intercom.

CORRECTION: I was 17 when he died.

What are you scared of? Are you afraid of Boy Scouts too? They're very similar to Mormons you know.
By Sally Denton

The seeds of Romney's unique brand of conservatism were sown in the secretive, acquisitive, patriarchal, authoritarian religious empire.

When Mitt Romney received his patriarchal blessing as a Michigan teenager, he was told that the Lord expected great things from him. All young Mormon men — the “worthy males” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it is officially known — receive such a blessing as they embark on their requisite journeys as religious missionaries. But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life. Called “my miracle baby” by his mother, who had been told by her physician that it was impossible for her to bear a fourth child, Romney was christened Willard Mitt Romney in honor of close family friend and one of the richest Mormons in history, J. Willard Marriott.

Since his first campaign in 2008, Romney has attempted to keep debate about his religion out of the political discourse. The issue is not whether there is a religious test for political office; the Constitution prohibits it. Instead, the question is whether, past all of the flip-flops on virtually every policy, he has an underlying religious conception of the presidency and the American government. At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office.

Much More: Is Mitt Romney's Candidacy Part of 'The Eternal Plan' of the Mormon Church? | News & Politics | AlterNet

I love how you guys just attack anything Religious at all. Why didn't you ask if Obama as president was part of the Black Liberation Theologies Church plan?

I swear most liberals will scream Islamaphobe at you if you dare say some Muslims are Terrorists, and then spin scary fairy tales about the Dark and Scary Mormons. They will stand up and Defend Muslims they don't know, many of whom would just assume kill them, and then spew hate, and Fear of anything Christian, or god Forbid Pegan. Oh god remember when that Witch wanted to be a Congressperson OH my.

At least you fuckers are consistent, Consistently Hypocritical.
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They found out fifty years ago ...gasp.... that JFK was a Papist and the tin foil hat radicals were convinced of a religious conspiracy. Now tin foil hats on the left see another religious conspiracy in a presidential election. Ho hum.

Romney's Mormon history is much more intense than JFK's Catholic history. I was one of JFK's biggest supporters, even though at 17 I was too young to vote for him. I was in high school shop class and cried when we were told of his death - over the intercom.

CORRECTION: I was 17 when he died.

What are you scared of? Are you afraid of Boy Scouts too? They're very similar to Mormons you know.

I'm not afraid of Mormons - I'm just afraid of religious nuts. I was in the Boy Scouts. I really enjoyed it.
Jackass OP is worried about a theocracy from Mormons as they don't seek to take over the world as Radical ISLAM has vowed openly.

Ladorka? YOU are a nutcase.:cuckoo:

Only reason we have a problem with Islam is we keep sticking our fist into their hornet's nest.

I suggest you read about the Barbary Wars.
Indeed. Jefferson had had enough of paying off the pirates, and sent in the Navy and Marines to kick thier asses...


[ame=""]The Marines' Hymn - YouTube[/ame]
Romney's Mormon history is much more intense than JFK's Catholic history. I was one of JFK's biggest supporters, even though at 17 I was too young to vote for him. I was in high school shop class and cried when we were told of his death - over the intercom.

CORRECTION: I was 17 when he died.

What are you scared of? Are you afraid of Boy Scouts too? They're very similar to Mormons you know.

I'm not afraid of Mormons - I'm just afraid of religious nuts. I was in the Boy Scouts. I really enjoyed it.

Then you should have nothing to fear from Mitt Romney. There has been nothing in his political history that would indicate that he is a religious nut.
Romney's Mormon history is much more intense than JFK's Catholic history. I was one of JFK's biggest supporters, even though at 17 I was too young to vote for him. I was in high school shop class and cried when we were told of his death - over the intercom.

CORRECTION: I was 17 when he died.

What are you scared of? Are you afraid of Boy Scouts too? They're very similar to Mormons you know.

I'm not afraid of Mormons - I'm just afraid of religious nuts. I was in the Boy Scouts. I really enjoyed it.

So in other words, the previous posts including the original one aren't at all accurate.
What are you scared of? Are you afraid of Boy Scouts too? They're very similar to Mormons you know.

I'm not afraid of Mormons - I'm just afraid of religious nuts. I was in the Boy Scouts. I really enjoyed it.

Then you should have nothing to fear from Mitt Romney. There has been nothing in his political history that would indicate that he is a religious nut.
Just the fact that LaDorka has an axe to grind with something he doesn't understand.
By Sally Denton

The seeds of Romney's unique brand of conservatism were sown in the secretive, acquisitive, patriarchal, authoritarian religious empire.

When Mitt Romney received his patriarchal blessing as a Michigan teenager, he was told that the Lord expected great things from him. All young Mormon men — the “worthy males” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it is officially known — receive such a blessing as they embark on their requisite journeys as religious missionaries. But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life. Called “my miracle baby” by his mother, who had been told by her physician that it was impossible for her to bear a fourth child, Romney was christened Willard Mitt Romney in honor of close family friend and one of the richest Mormons in history, J. Willard Marriott.

Since his first campaign in 2008, Romney has attempted to keep debate about his religion out of the political discourse. The issue is not whether there is a religious test for political office; the Constitution prohibits it. Instead, the question is whether, past all of the flip-flops on virtually every policy, he has an underlying religious conception of the presidency and the American government. At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office.

Much More: Is Mitt Romney's Candidacy Part of 'The Eternal Plan' of the Mormon Church? | News & Politics | AlterNet
OMG OMG OMG he's a MORMON he'll eat your children beat your dog and marry your wife. Shit is that all you have against Romney? PM me I have loads of info on him, but damn leave the mans religion out of it.

Second thought Muslim Mormon they both start with M's it's the battle of the M religions.
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By Sally Denton

The seeds of Romney's unique brand of conservatism were sown in the secretive, acquisitive, patriarchal, authoritarian religious empire.

When Mitt Romney received his patriarchal blessing as a Michigan teenager, he was told that the Lord expected great things from him. All young Mormon men — the “worthy males” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it is officially known — receive such a blessing as they embark on their requisite journeys as religious missionaries. But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life. Called “my miracle baby” by his mother, who had been told by her physician that it was impossible for her to bear a fourth child, Romney was christened Willard Mitt Romney in honor of close family friend and one of the richest Mormons in history, J. Willard Marriott.

Since his first campaign in 2008, Romney has attempted to keep debate about his religion out of the political discourse. The issue is not whether there is a religious test for political office; the Constitution prohibits it. Instead, the question is whether, past all of the flip-flops on virtually every policy, he has an underlying religious conception of the presidency and the American government. At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office.

Much More: Is Mitt Romney's Candidacy Part of 'The Eternal Plan' of the Mormon Church? | News & Politics | AlterNet
OMG OMG OMG he's a MORMON he'll eat your children beat your dog and marry your wife. Shit is that all you have against Romney? PM me I have loads of info on him, but damn leave the mans religion out of it.

His religion could be very relevant based on the OP. Again - the OP.
SO? what do you think of the Obama FORCING Catholic institutions to go against their religion and have to give out birth control, and the abortion pill?

Read what you just typed very slowly to yourself. Obama is simply following "secular" government - which he should.
And where in the Constitution does it call for Secular Government?

Chapter, Verse, Clause?

Do YOU even know the first thing about Liberty and the Founders and what they achieved?

Apparently you don't...because YOU are actively applauding it's destruction when it affects YOU TOO sport.
Must spread... Well said, my friend!
OMG OMG OMG he's a MORMON he'll eat your children beat your dog and marry your wife. Shit is that all you have against Romney? PM me I have loads of info on him, but damn leave the mans religion out of it.

His religion could be very relevant based on the OP. Again - the OP.

Did you say that about obama's?
Read what you just typed very slowly to yourself. Obama is simply following "secular" government - which he should.
And where in the Constitution does it call for Secular Government?

Chapter, Verse, Clause?

Do YOU even know the first thing about Liberty and the Founders and what they achieved?

Apparently you don't...because YOU are actively applauding it's destruction when it affects YOU TOO sport.

Where does the Constitution call for religious government? snip

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
What is so difficult for you to grasp?
OMG OMG OMG he's a MORMON he'll eat your children beat your dog and marry your wife. Shit is that all you have against Romney? PM me I have loads of info on him, but damn leave the mans religion out of it.

His religion could be very relevant based on the OP. Again - the OP.

NO WHWERE has he even hinted he'd try to make us ALL MORMONS...derp.
OMG OMG OMG he's a MORMON he'll eat your children beat your dog and marry your wife. Shit is that all you have against Romney? PM me I have loads of info on him, but damn leave the mans religion out of it.

His religion could be very relevant based on the OP. Again - the OP.

Did you say that about obama's?

I don't recall posting a similar thread about Obama. Is this another diversion...?

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