Is North Korea An 'Imminent Threat'?

NK is a pawn for Russia and China. A diversionary tactic. The real threat is Russia and China. We need to keep our focus on those two nations and watch for developments in the South China Sea.

Why do we want the South China Sea? It is all about 'Empire-Building?' You know, our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' It doesn't usually end well.
We've heard this rhetoric before with Iraq, Iran, and others. What do you think?

No, not even close.

They are a third rate military who would last a couple of days against a 1st world army.

What they have though, is nukes. At the moment they have no delivery system, but should they get one, they will be dangerous.

Classic American hating deflection.
NK pounds their tiny military chest to get attention. As batshit crazy as they are, its hard to imagine they are crazy enough to actually start some shit somewhere.
NK is a pawn for Russia and China. A diversionary tactic. The real threat is Russia and China. We need to keep our focus on those two nations and watch for developments in the South China Sea.

Why do we want the South China Sea? It is all about 'Empire-Building?' You know, our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' It doesn't usually end well.
No. China is building up military bases on the artificial islands they built - the end goal being the invasion of Taiwan.
NK is a pawn for Russia and China. A diversionary tactic. The real threat is Russia and China. We need to keep our focus on those two nations and watch for developments in the South China Sea.

Why do we want the South China Sea? It is all about 'Empire-Building?' You know, our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' It doesn't usually end well.
No. China is building up military bases on the artificial islands they built - the end goal being the invasion of Taiwan.

That thing is a typhoon away from being history .
They have nukes, ballistic missiles, have stated they will turn us to ashes. Are they a threat? Of course not. They just need jobs.

A country that can barely feed its People, is not a credible threat to the US.

They can barely feed their own people because the numbnut leader spends all the money on himself and shit like a ski resort that normal citizens can't even go to....

You might wanna research how often US Politicians hang out out at lavish Ski Resorts and enjoy chilling on luxurious private yachts and planes. It's no valid reason to go to war.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Kim Un Fatboy's entire family fortune has been made off the backs of it's citizens. You should take your own advice and see just how much money Kim spends per year just to import a type of cheese he likes, a certain type of cigarettes he likes... and a certain type of bourbon he likes.

Man, your own American Politicians chill at lavish Ski Resorts all the time. They live the life of Royalty. It's not a valid justification for starting a war.
They have nukes, ballistic missiles, have stated they will turn us to ashes. Are they a threat? Of course not. They just need jobs.

A country that can barely feed its People, is not a credible threat to the US.

They can barely feed their own people because the numbnut leader spends all the money on himself and shit like a ski resort that normal citizens can't even go to....

You might wanna research how often US Politicians hang out out at lavish Ski Resorts and enjoy chilling on luxurious private yachts and planes. It's no valid reason to go to war.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Kim Un Fatboy's entire family fortune has been made off the backs of it's citizens. You should take your own advice and see just how much money Kim spends per year just to import a type of cheese he likes, a certain type of cigarettes he likes... and a certain type of bourbon he likes.

Man, your own American Politicians chill at lavish Ski Resorts all the time. They live the life of Royalty. It's not a valid justification for starting a war.

You aren't paying a fucking word of attention to what I am saying. You said that people in North Korea are starving and that, that is some kind of justification that North Korea is utterly useless and can't do anything. I just told you that people are starving not because North Korea is broke... but because Kim Un Fatfuck is spending all the money on himself and building shit that the country doesn't need and normal citizens can't use.

Have you seen the pictures of what their subways look like? They have murals and paintings that cost enough to make that could feed thousands of people... and they are utterly useless.
Had Truman, who understood how to end WW-II, not turned candy-ass (but he WAS, after all, a Democrat) and let McArthur finish the job then there would be NO North Korea, hence no problem. Yes, another great success for The Democrat Party. The party of appeasement, apology and groveling.
Had Truman, who understood how to end WW-II, not turned candy-ass (but he WAS, after all, a Democrat) and let McArthur finish the job then there would be NO North Korea, hence no problem. Yes, another great success for The Democrat Party. The party of appeasement, apology and groveling.

And if you didn't have to steal a line from a 1980's cult movie classic... and what makes you think Communist China and Communist Russia were just going to let the U.S. end North Korea?
A country that can barely feed its People, is not a credible threat to the US.

They can barely feed their own people because the numbnut leader spends all the money on himself and shit like a ski resort that normal citizens can't even go to....

You might wanna research how often US Politicians hang out out at lavish Ski Resorts and enjoy chilling on luxurious private yachts and planes. It's no valid reason to go to war.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Kim Un Fatboy's entire family fortune has been made off the backs of it's citizens. You should take your own advice and see just how much money Kim spends per year just to import a type of cheese he likes, a certain type of cigarettes he likes... and a certain type of bourbon he likes.

Man, your own American Politicians chill at lavish Ski Resorts all the time. They live the life of Royalty. It's not a valid justification for starting a war.

You aren't paying a fucking word of attention to what I am saying. You said that people in North Korea are starving and that, that is some kind of justification that North Korea is utterly useless and can't do anything. I just told you that people are starving not because North Korea is broke... but because Kim Un Fatfuck is spending all the money on himself and building shit that the country doesn't need and normal citizens can't use.

Have you seen the pictures of what their subways look like? They have murals and paintings that cost enough to make that could feed thousands of people... and they are utterly useless.

Yes, but is it an 'Imminent Threat?' I would say absolutely not.
And if you didn't have to steal a line from a 1980's cult movie classic... and what makes you think Communist China and Communist Russia were just going to let the U.S. end North Korea?

Nope. NO line from any movie. I lived through that era and speak from what I saw. Wrong of me, I guess,for me to expect you delicate young snowflakes to have even heard of all that. At the time the military structure of the world was such that,had it been necessary, McArthur could have nuked a path THROUGH China and on THROUGH Russia then THROUGH the gates of your Kremlin.

Democrat party appeasers blew it and created perpetual turmoil. Great work, no?
They can barely feed their own people because the numbnut leader spends all the money on himself and shit like a ski resort that normal citizens can't even go to....

You might wanna research how often US Politicians hang out out at lavish Ski Resorts and enjoy chilling on luxurious private yachts and planes. It's no valid reason to go to war.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Kim Un Fatboy's entire family fortune has been made off the backs of it's citizens. You should take your own advice and see just how much money Kim spends per year just to import a type of cheese he likes, a certain type of cigarettes he likes... and a certain type of bourbon he likes.

Man, your own American Politicians chill at lavish Ski Resorts all the time. They live the life of Royalty. It's not a valid justification for starting a war.

You aren't paying a fucking word of attention to what I am saying. You said that people in North Korea are starving and that, that is some kind of justification that North Korea is utterly useless and can't do anything. I just told you that people are starving not because North Korea is broke... but because Kim Un Fatfuck is spending all the money on himself and building shit that the country doesn't need and normal citizens can't use.

Have you seen the pictures of what their subways look like? They have murals and paintings that cost enough to make that could feed thousands of people... and they are utterly useless.

Yes, but is it an 'Imminent Threat?' I would say absolutely not.
What is an imminent threat? Wait, never mind, I know what you will do. Classic lib speak coming up.
And if you didn't have to steal a line from a 1980's cult movie classic... and what makes you think Communist China and Communist Russia were just going to let the U.S. end North Korea?

Nope. NO line from any movie. I lived through that era and speak from what I saw. Wrong of me, I guess,for me to expect you delicate young snowflakes to have even heard of all that. At the time the military structure of the world was such that,had it been necessary, McArthur could have nuked a path THROUGH China and on THROUGH Russia then THROUGH the gates of your Kremlin.

Democrat party appeasers blew it and created perpetual turmoil. Great work, no?


You might wanna research how often US Politicians hang out out at lavish Ski Resorts and enjoy chilling on luxurious private yachts and planes. It's no valid reason to go to war.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Kim Un Fatboy's entire family fortune has been made off the backs of it's citizens. You should take your own advice and see just how much money Kim spends per year just to import a type of cheese he likes, a certain type of cigarettes he likes... and a certain type of bourbon he likes.

Man, your own American Politicians chill at lavish Ski Resorts all the time. They live the life of Royalty. It's not a valid justification for starting a war.

You aren't paying a fucking word of attention to what I am saying. You said that people in North Korea are starving and that, that is some kind of justification that North Korea is utterly useless and can't do anything. I just told you that people are starving not because North Korea is broke... but because Kim Un Fatfuck is spending all the money on himself and building shit that the country doesn't need and normal citizens can't use.

Have you seen the pictures of what their subways look like? They have murals and paintings that cost enough to make that could feed thousands of people... and they are utterly useless.

Yes, but is it an 'Imminent Threat?' I would say absolutely not.
What is an imminent threat? Wait, never mind, I know what you will do. Classic lib speak coming up.

North Korea is a very poor weak nation. It isn't an 'Imminent Threat' to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't. When are you Warmongers gonna wake up? You're constantly being lied to.
And if was ALSO a line from a movie I never saw does it somehow make it less true that Truman's going all candy-ass created the mess that is North Korea? A nation that could have ceased to exist within a few hours had McArthur been allowed to exercise his superior judgement? Truman, notorious Democrat, com-symp that he was, gave away the store and put generations in chains.

But, hey, you don't get upset with bats for flying or snakes for slithering, so why be pissed off at a Democrat for doing what Democrats GOT to do?

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