Is Obama a liar?

"Is Obama a liar?" "Does a bear crap in the woods?"

Four dead in Benghazi, including the US Ambassador, the first ambassadorial death in thirty years, all as the result of some spontaneous demonstration over an anti Mohammed film trailer?

The IRS targeting of Obama's political opposition the result of four rogue agents in the Cincinnati IRS office?

The NSA is not reading American's e-mails or listening to their phone conversations

Two thousand heavy weapons heading south of the border toward Mexico way to destabilize the government of Conservative Mexican President Felipe Calderone and cause civil unrest sufficient to unleash a tidal wave of Mexican immigration fleeing the unrest into the United States forcing the US Government to grant blanket amnesty as a humanitarian gesture. What weapons? Just a coupla rogue ATF agents.

We will get to the bottom of this.

America's consummate liar in chief, moving from whopper to whopper to whopper 24/7/365

Throw the masses a shiny object, any shiny object and smile, then move on. The media's too busy bathing in KY Jelly to ask any questions, let alone hard questions. The only things hard at the NYT and the WaPo, they've got inserted up each other's rectums.

That's all this bastard knows - lying. Just ask that bitch that is nearly always just off camera - Valerie "Goebbels" Jarrett. He doesn't open his weasely little mouth unless she has approved it. Been that way since the jerk took his first office back in Chicago.

that jerk off Barry isn't smart enough to form an opinion on his own.
There can be no denying he lied.....
The left is doing their best to clean this up but there is no way to do it.
Obama has not even tried to clarify what he said.And said,and said over and over again and again.
He blamed it on the Insurance companies who are only following the directive of Obama Care.

What a scam... and he knows he screwed the pooch on this.
Why the hell does Bush's name keep getting brought up? Are you loons so shallow that that is the only one of two programmed responses you can give?
There can be no denying he lied.....
The left is doing their best to clean this up but there is no way to do it.
Obama has not even tried to clarify what he said.And said,and said over and over again and again.
He blamed it on the Insurance companies who are only following the directive of Obama Care.

What a scam... and he knows he screwed the pooch on this.

This is why I was all for this nonsense going forward. It will be the undoing of democrats in Washington. Hell, you can see these assholes backtracking already. Won't do them any good. America has awakened and heads will roll over this. Democrat heads. Remember when Nancy Pelosi and Harry "howdy doody"Reid said "To hell with republicans, we don't need 'em"

Hey Harry, you piece of gutter trash, who's laughing now??
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.
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HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

hey shit stain fuck off and that piece of cock sucking shit in the white house.
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

hey shit stain fuck off and that piece of cock sucking shit in the white house.

You sound like a real class act. Republican, I assume? :smiliehug:
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

hey shit stain fuck off and that piece of cock sucking shit in the white house.

You sound like a real class act. Republican, I assume? :smiliehug:
He's a piece of shit lying son of a bitch
Yes, Obama is indeed A Liar.

Next question?
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

He was reelected because he postponed the sticker shock (and lost policies and lost jobs) until after the election.

If people had seen then what they're seeing now, all the IRS and Benghazi suppression in the world wouldn't have helped him retain office.

The media did not do their due diligence. They shielded voters from his lies. They demonized Republicans for telling the truth.

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