Is Obama a liar?

Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW
Is Obama a liar?

Is Teresa Heinz Kerry fugly? What kind of question is that......

Hardly...for most people in the exchanges (the overwhelming majority won't even be in the exchanges) they'll see better insurance at a cheaper price.

Not exactly bad news.

But yes; you may not want better coverage at a cheaper yes, Obama lied in that context and for the thin minority who will see less coverage at higher rates.

For my part...if I were in the exchanges...I would want to mail in a check each month or six months or whenever; I don't like paying for essentials through auto-deduction from bank accounts. I can do it for Dillards, Lululemon, etc... but not health insurance. If my new company wanted me to do auto-billing, I would have a problem with that eventhough it's faster and cheaper for me (no stamps to buy!!!).

Still, for most, it won't even register.

It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.


The smooth part of the ACA that has been implemented was dealt with by Private Corporations doing their thing.

Now we see the major part of the ACA being rolled under the auspices of gubmint and it's A CLUSTERFUCK.

Know why? Because gubmint employees are stupid and dimocraps are corrupt AND stupid.

It's only going to get worse. You can count on that.
It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.


The smooth part of the ACA that has been implemented was dealt with by Private Corporations doing their thing.

Now we see the major part of the ACA being rolled under the auspices of gubmint and it's A CLUSTERFUCK.

Know why? Because gubmint employees are stupid and dimocraps are corrupt AND stupid.

It's only going to get worse. You can count on that.

Always good for a laugh...another haiku from whatever your name is.

Hardly...for most people in the exchanges (the overwhelming majority won't even be in the exchanges) they'll see better insurance at a cheaper price.

Not exactly bad news.

But yes; you may not want better coverage at a cheaper yes, Obama lied in that context and for the thin minority who will see less coverage at higher rates.
For my part...if I were in the exchanges...I would want to mail in a check each month or six months or whenever; I don't like paying for essentials through auto-deduction from bank accounts. I can do it for Dillards, Lululemon, etc... but not health insurance. If my new company wanted me to do auto-billing, I would have a problem with that eventhough it's faster and cheaper for me (no stamps to buy!!!).

Still, for most, it won't even register.

It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.
The fact that most Americans will never deal with the exchanges isn't the point, and it tells me you're missing the key point.

Virtually all Americans over the last few years during the whole Obamacare discussion have asked themselves how the law might affect them.
Every American with a good employer provided plan have wondered how this law might impact them. Will my plan be torn apart, will the deductible be increased, will my out of pocket expenses increase, will my employer completely drop healthcare and expect me to join the new law.
Every single step of the way Obama was there reassuring all Americans that if you liked your doctor and plan no one was going to take this away from you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
That was the whole point, he was trying to gain the trust of Americans in order to get his signature plan passed.
This is why his lie is so big, and why every American should be outraged.
A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.


The smooth part of the ACA that has been implemented was dealt with by Private Corporations doing their thing.

Now we see the major part of the ACA being rolled under the auspices of gubmint and it's A CLUSTERFUCK.

Know why? Because gubmint employees are stupid and dimocraps are corrupt AND stupid.

It's only going to get worse. You can count on that.

Always good for a laugh...another haiku from whatever your name is.

It's not enough that your blow-up doll obama lied, you gotta come along and lie on his behalf?

What's going on here? Is OFA offering a free pair of knee pads to whoever tells the most and best lies to defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

If you win, maybe you can sell your old pair to Joey or Malarkey
It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.
The fact that most Americans will never deal with the exchanges isn't the point, and it tells me you're missing the key point.
The impact on Americans is the only point, no?

Virtually all Americans over the last few years during the whole Obamacare discussion have asked themselves how the law might affect them.
Not me...not anyone I know who isn't self-insured or without insurance once we understood the plan.

Every American with a good employer provided plan have wondered how this law might impact them. Will my plan be torn apart, will the deductible be increased, will my out of pocket expenses increase, will my employer completely drop healthcare and expect me to join the new law.
Again "every" American is you being overly dramatic. I will say that people who I call "marginally employed" with companies that pay low-wages in dead-end jobs...perhaps. But your generalizations about the scope of the number of people are falsehoods; plain and simple.

Every single step of the way Obama was there reassuring all Americans that if you liked your doctor and plan no one was going to take this away from you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
That was the whole point, he was trying to gain the trust of Americans in order to get his signature plan passed.
This is why his lie is so big, and why every American should be outraged. outraged.
I can see that. It seems to me that your selective outrage is a bit strange though...
If you're outraged over this though, you must have been catatonic during _________ President's terms when he lied to you about:

"I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation building." GWB

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." GWB

"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." Under the banner "Mission Accomplished." GWB; --something like 5,500 more Americans died after that..

To be are others...

Having sexual relations with that woman
Not Inhaling
It depends on your definition of "is"
Read My Lips
There was no arms for hostages
I am not a criminal
The Mattox was attacked
The Bay of Pigs

Seriously dude..Obama lied and I applaud you for staying on the topic and not doing the "does a bear shit in the woods" sound byte but you're "outrage" should be tempered when you put it into the context of what we have seen from the office before.

You don't think the announcement of the end of combat operations was political? Really?

The smooth part of the ACA that has been implemented was dealt with by Private Corporations doing their thing.

Now we see the major part of the ACA being rolled under the auspices of gubmint and it's A CLUSTERFUCK.

Know why? Because gubmint employees are stupid and dimocraps are corrupt AND stupid.

It's only going to get worse. You can count on that.

Always good for a laugh...another haiku from whatever your name is.

It's not enough that your blow-up doll obama lied, you gotta come along and lie on his behalf?

What's going on here? Is OFA offering a free pair of knee pads to whoever tells the most and best lies to defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

If you win, maybe you can sell your old pair to Joey or Malarkey

Congratulations on crafting a 2 sentence paragraph. I knew you had it in you.
Always good for a laugh...another haiku from whatever your name is.

It's not enough that your blow-up doll obama lied, you gotta come along and lie on his behalf?

What's going on here? Is OFA offering a free pair of knee pads to whoever tells the most and best lies to defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

If you win, maybe you can sell your old pair to Joey or Malarkey

Congratulations on crafting a 2 sentence paragraph. I knew you had it in you.

And you?

It's not enough that your blow-up doll obama lied, you gotta come along and lie on his behalf?

What's going on here? Is OFA offering a free pair of knee pads to whoever tells the most and best lies to defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

If you win, maybe you can sell your old pair to Joey or Malarkey

Congratulations on crafting a 2 sentence paragraph. I knew you had it in you.

And you?


she is walking the streets of Georgetown looking for free condoms.
A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.
The fact that most Americans will never deal with the exchanges isn't the point, and it tells me you're missing the key point.
The impact on Americans is the only point, no?

Not me...not anyone I know who isn't self-insured or without insurance once we understood the plan.

Every American with a good employer provided plan have wondered how this law might impact them. Will my plan be torn apart, will the deductible be increased, will my out of pocket expenses increase, will my employer completely drop healthcare and expect me to join the new law.
Again "every" American is you being overly dramatic. I will say that people who I call "marginally employed" with companies that pay low-wages in dead-end jobs...perhaps. But your generalizations about the scope of the number of people are falsehoods; plain and simple.

Every single step of the way Obama was there reassuring all Americans that if you liked your doctor and plan no one was going to take this away from you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
That was the whole point, he was trying to gain the trust of Americans in order to get his signature plan passed.
This is why his lie is so big, and why every American should be outraged. outraged.
I can see that. It seems to me that your selective outrage is a bit strange though...
If you're outraged over this though, you must have been catatonic during _________ President's terms when he lied to you about:

"I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation building." GWB

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." GWB

"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." Under the banner "Mission Accomplished." GWB; --something like 5,500 more Americans died after that..

To be are others...

Having sexual relations with that woman
Not Inhaling
It depends on your definition of "is"
Read My Lips
There was no arms for hostages
I am not a criminal
The Mattox was attacked
The Bay of Pigs

Seriously dude..Obama lied and I applaud you for staying on the topic and not doing the "does a bear shit in the woods" sound byte but you're "outrage" should be tempered when you put it into the context of what we have seen from the office before.

You don't think the announcement of the end of combat operations was political? Really?

How is it you understand the plan but Obama doesn't?

Have you read all 2000 plus pages?

What's your thoughts on Section 2716 part c?
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Obama lied.

Yet you'll still defend him until your last breath........ :thup:
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Obama lied.

Yet you'll still defend him until your last breath........ :thup:

You don't get it. They must defend obama and his agenda if they don't they must admit failure of 50 years .
Obama is a prolific liar. With respect to healthcare reform, his two biggest whoppers were:

I won't sign a plan that adds one dime to the federal deficits.

If you like your insurance plan, you'll be able to keep it. Period.

The first lie had to have been willful. Obama is an incompetent idiot, but he can't possibly be so stupid to have believed that tale. But he apparently thought we were all stupid enough to believe it. Perhaps many were.

I believe that when Obama first told the second lie, back in 2007/2008, he actually meant it. But at some point he had to have learned this was no longer going to be true for millions of Americans. It was at that point he began to willfully lie. It was a lie intended to reassure many Americans to get their support not only for ObamaCare, but to get their votes in the 2012 election.

Obama told this lie emphatically. "You'll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period."

When I hear someone telling or repeating an untruth in real time, not looking back at something they said a long time ago, I ask myself, "Is he stupid...or evil?" Those are the only two possibilities when the untruth of what is said is so obvious.

I asked myself that question at the time Obama was making the "not one dime" promise.

Since then, it has become clear that the answer is "evil".

Unfortunately, Obama has succeeded because his political opponents are more retarded and more evil than he is.

And as a result of that, the American people are well and truly fucked.
The far right reactionaries get it: they have lost, for the final time.

There will be no more "just once more" or "second chance" for them.

They will, as did the segregationists and the Weather People, comply.
The fact that most Americans will never deal with the exchanges isn't the point, and it tells me you're missing the key point.
The impact on Americans is the only point, no?

Not me...not anyone I know who isn't self-insured or without insurance once we understood the plan.

Again "every" American is you being overly dramatic. I will say that people who I call "marginally employed" with companies that pay low-wages in dead-end jobs...perhaps. But your generalizations about the scope of the number of people are falsehoods; plain and simple.

Every single step of the way Obama was there reassuring all Americans that if you liked your doctor and plan no one was going to take this away from you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
That was the whole point, he was trying to gain the trust of Americans in order to get his signature plan passed.
This is why his lie is so big, and why every American should be outraged. outraged.
I can see that. It seems to me that your selective outrage is a bit strange though...
If you're outraged over this though, you must have been catatonic during _________ President's terms when he lied to you about:

"I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation building." GWB

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." GWB

"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." Under the banner "Mission Accomplished." GWB; --something like 5,500 more Americans died after that..

To be are others...

Having sexual relations with that woman
Not Inhaling
It depends on your definition of "is"
Read My Lips
There was no arms for hostages
I am not a criminal
The Mattox was attacked
The Bay of Pigs

Seriously dude..Obama lied and I applaud you for staying on the topic and not doing the "does a bear shit in the woods" sound byte but you're "outrage" should be tempered when you put it into the context of what we have seen from the office before.

You don't think the announcement of the end of combat operations was political? Really?

How is it you understand the plan but Obama doesn't?

Have you read all 2000 plus pages?

What's your thoughts on Section 2716 part c?

No...feel free to tell us your thoughts. I'm sure they're deep.
Ame®icano;8079299 said:
That was the Bush Mantra. Rumsfeld didn't lie, he believed it!

Compared to the CIA cooking intel that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries and costs into the billions if not trillions; Obama's lie is miniscule.

Democrats voted for that war just as Republicans did.
War and war expenses will end. ACA will suck the life out of taxpayers for as long as we live.

In the House it was 82 Dems in favor and 126 against. For the GOP it was 215 for and 6 against.
Ame®icano;8079299 said:
Compared to the CIA cooking intel that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries and costs into the billions if not trillions; Obama's lie is miniscule.

Democrats voted for that war just as Republicans did.
War and war expenses will end. ACA will suck the life out of taxpayers for as long as we live.

In the House it was 82 Dems in favor and 126 against. For the GOP it was 215 for and 6 against.

You left something out, didn't you?

dimocraps could have stopped the AUMF if they'd wanted to.

In the Senate, there were 50 dimocraps and One Independent.....Jim Jeffords, the traitor who left the party of goodness and light and started caucusing with the party of darkness and evil.

Had all the dimocraps stuck together, they could have defeated the AUMF. But they didn't.

Not only DIDN'T they...... They voted FOR the AUMF by a majority...... 29 to 21 in favor.

The dishonesty of dimocrap scum is breath-taking. It really is.

The AUMF on Iraq was a bipartisan affair. All the way
Constitutionally, the house holds the purse strings. I'm not surprised that a liberal thinks the house was inventing another form of government what with Obama's constant whining and carping and the media running cover for him. For your edification. Power of the Purse | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

What Candy, no response? Reality is a bitch.

In reality, the House funds the laws it's passes; it doesn't pick and choose. In reality, knowing it's a major piece of legislation it approved, not passing it was not within the norms of the body, In reality it's a fools argument that the House could simply lop off the Defense Department to force the President to cave on another budgetary item.

I don't have time to explain Government 101 to you; bother someone else.

Actually, it can do exactly that. Had you actually listened in Government 101, you'd know quit blowing smoke about your ability to explain anything. Next hour, ask your civics teacher to explain it to you.

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