Is Obama a liar?

What Candy, no response? Reality is a bitch.

In reality, the House funds the laws it's passes; it doesn't pick and choose. In reality, knowing it's a major piece of legislation it approved, not passing it was not within the norms of the body, In reality it's a fools argument that the House could simply lop off the Defense Department to force the President to cave on another budgetary item.

I don't have time to explain Government 101 to you; bother someone else.

Actually, it can do exactly that. Had you actually listened in Government 101, you'd know quit blowing smoke about your ability to explain anything. Next hour, ask your civics teacher to explain it to you.

Wow!! I didn't see that bit of ignorance from CC.

It's amazing that someone so ignorant of how our government works could find herself on a Politics Board.

But.... Then again, she is a dimocrap. Kinda goes hand in hand with ignorance and stupidity.

Not that I mind ignorance. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge; and that can can be easily easily fixed.

But when you couple ignorance with arrogance, the arrogance of refusing to learn what you're ignorant about.....

That's called stupid. And CC qualifies. In spades
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

hey shit stain fuck off and that piece of cock sucking shit in the white house.

[ame=]The Alan Parsons Project - Breakdown - YouTube[/ame]
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

He was reelected because he postponed the sticker shock (and lost policies and lost jobs) until after the election.

If people had seen then what they're seeing now, all the IRS and Benghazi suppression in the world wouldn't have helped him retain office.

The media did not do their due diligence. They shielded voters from his lies. They demonized Republicans for telling the truth.

You should take your masters to task for lying to you about the jobs like you're taking the President to task over his misrepresentation on the keeping your policy if you like it bit.

Obamacare Myths
On the brighter side of things....

Pro-Obamacare Group Holds “Healthy Ho’s Party” To Get Prostitutes To Enroll In Obamacare…


Not-so-shockingly, it was held in San Francisco.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – A burlesque dancer dressed as a nurse taunts her co-performer with a toy syringe, dangling the medicine seductively in an act that’s meant to reflect the cat-and-mouse game of U.S. healthcare. They shimmy and eventually end up topless.

The risqué performance was part of an Obamacare registration drive last week in San Francisco, dubbed the “Healthy Ho’s Party.”

Organized by “Siouxsie Q,” a Bay Area sex worker, the event was meant to encourage other sex workers to enroll in the new insurance exchanges. It was a rousing success: Nearly 40 men and women attended and almost all of them filed enrollment paperwork.

In the all-cash, off-the-books sex industry, workers can be particularly high risk and insurance is often out of reach. Many sex workers — a broad term that can refer to a number of services, including sexual massage, prostitution, and escort and dominatrix work — consider themselves self-employed entrepreneurs who can’t afford to purchase healthcare. But that could all change with the Affordable Care Act.

Siouxsie, 28, has shopped for plans countless times since 2008, coming up empty each time. She and her partner recently reviewed their healthcare options and found that a joint plan would have cost between $400 and $500 a month — an unaffordably large chunk of their incomes.

“We just couldn’t swing [insurance] in the Bay Area — we’re lower middle class, recent college graduates, in Startup Land trying to make our way,” she said.

But come January 1, when the new law goes into effect, she and her partner will be looking at a monthly bill of between $175 and $200. They’re deciding between two plans on the California exchange and will receive a tax credit of about $275 a month (without the credit it would have cost nearly $500).

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Ame®icano;8079299 said:
Democrats voted for that war just as Republicans did.
War and war expenses will end. ACA will suck the life out of taxpayers for as long as we live.

In the House it was 82 Dems in favor and 126 against. For the GOP it was 215 for and 6 against.

You left something out, didn't you?

dimocraps could have stopped the AUMF if they'd wanted to.

In the Senate, there were 50 dimocraps and One Independent.....Jim Jeffords, the traitor who left the party of goodness and light and started caucusing with the party of darkness and evil.

Had all the dimocraps stuck together, they could have defeated the AUMF. But they didn't.

Not only DIDN'T they...... They voted FOR the AUMF by a majority...... 29 to 21 in favor.

The dishonesty of dimocrap scum is breath-taking. It really is.

The AUMF on Iraq was a bipartisan affair. All the way

2% of Senate Republican voted against the war

42% of Senate Democrats voted against the war.

2.7% of House Republicans voted against the war

60% of House Democrats voted against the war.

Not the same. :eusa_whistle:
Who cares about the war- Congress passed bipartisan resolution and 40% of dimocraps in the house supported it with 60% in the senate as well.

0% republicans both in the house and senate voted for this crap obamacare - these situations are not even close to compare.

Leftards, stop lying - your messiah screw big time - eat the crap and STFU
HEY! CONS!!! LISTEN UP!!! Barack Obama is in his SECOND TERM as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He was duly elected as PRESIDENT in TWO, SEPARATE ELECTIONS. Further, in 2012, he was re-elected largely on a platform of PROVIDING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all citizens.

Reflect on that, cons - he was re-elected IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

Y'all need to do a couple of things. First off, you need to LIVE WITH THE FACT that President Obama is our president and will remain so until another Democrat moves into the White House in 2016. Secondly, you need to accept the fact that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is the LAW OF THE LAND and stop whining about it. Uncork a little of that Republican wealth, employers. Pop for some health insurance for your employees. I know this is a strange concept for Relpublicans - the idea of doing something for labor. It really isn't so bad, showing a little compassion and concern for your fellow human beings. You ought to try it. Honest.

hey shit stain fuck off and that piece of cock sucking shit in the white house.

[ame=]The Alan Parsons Project - Breakdown - YouTube[/ame]


Hardly...for most people in the exchanges (the overwhelming majority won't even be in the exchanges) they'll see better insurance at a cheaper price.


But yes; you may not want better coverage at a cheaper yes, Obama lied in that context and for the thin minority who will see less coverage at higher rates.


Every American is affected by the worst part of Obamacare.

Every American is affected when the ruling party decides it is acceptable to lie to get legislation passed against the outcries of the people.

Every American is affected when the media decides it is acceptable to bury the lies of the ruling party and help the ruling party demonize the people who are telling the truth about what is being done to the American people.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi perverted our democratic principles to get a steaming pile of deception passed by backdoor means when the nation was so angst-ridden about the proposed legislation that liberal Massachusetts sent a Republican to the Senate to fill the Kennedy seat.

This is the first and biggest travesty of Obamacare and everyone is affected by it.

Beyond that, the paternalistic way in which Democrats keep justifying their lies to the people who are losing jobs, losing hours, paying higher prices for insurance and care, and in some cases losing insurance because they cannot afford to replace their cancelled plans -- this is just plain insulting.
Who cares about the war- Congress passed bipartisan resolution and 40% of dimocraps in the house supported it with 60% in the senate as well.

0% republicans both in the house and senate voted for this crap obamacare - these situations are not even close to compare.

Leftards, stop lying - your messiah screw big time - eat the crap and STFU

I understand you and the GOP no longer care about the 10 of thousands of dead and wounded veterans of the Iraq war. Nor do you care about the numerous lies or misrepresentations that got us into that war. I get that. But holy bat-shit, you really care when your anti-Chryst figure makes some bold statements that turn out not to be true.

It is hard to understand

Almost like when the Democrats don't seem to care about the doubling of US soldiers deaths in Afghanistan under Papa Obama
Check this out.

Shocked? Not

Senate Democrats Voted Unaminously To Block a GOP Effort to Soften The Cancellations We're Now Seeing Today


Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it. . . . On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.

Senate Democrats like Mary Landrieu, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan and Mark Begich – all of whom voted against stopping the rule from going into effect and have since supported delaying parts of Obamacare.

The link is to Instapundit, but this is actually CNN's story.
Who cares about the war- Congress passed bipartisan resolution and 40% of dimocraps in the house supported it with 60% in the senate as well.

0% republicans both in the house and senate voted for this crap obamacare - these situations are not even close to compare.

Leftards, stop lying - your messiah screw big time - eat the crap and STFU

When the left can not defend their stance, they deflect. Been doing it for years. Nothing new. Pussies.
Is Obama a liar?

Sure, he is. He is a leftist. They ALL lie. ALWAYS.
Otherwise they would never get elected - the REAL leftard agenda is so obnoxious that people would lynch them if they would know.

Absolutely! Those damn liberals - they lie whenever it suits their purpose or even when it doesn't!

Like the time they tried to convince the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an invasion of that country.

Hello? What? Oh . . . . . . . never mind . . . .
Check this out.

Shocked? Not

Senate Democrats Voted Unaminously To Block a GOP Effort to Soften The Cancellations We're Now Seeing Today


Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it. . . . On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.

Senate Democrats like Mary Landrieu, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan and Mark Begich – all of whom voted against stopping the rule from going into effect and have since supported delaying parts of Obamacare.

The link is to Instapundit, but this is actually CNN's story.

Yep, Republicans have been trying to fix it ever since it passed and Harry and Barry want it just like it is.
Who cares about the war- Congress passed bipartisan resolution and 40% of dimocraps in the house supported it with 60% in the senate as well.

0% republicans both in the house and senate voted for this crap obamacare - these situations are not even close to compare.

Leftards, stop lying - your messiah screw big time - eat the crap and STFU

When the left can not defend their stance, they deflect. Been doing it for years. Nothing new. Pussies.

Right! Like that damn Al Gore who claimed he invented the Internet.
Is Obama a liar?

Sure, he is. He is a leftist. They ALL lie. ALWAYS.
Otherwise they would never get elected - the REAL leftard agenda is so obnoxious that people would lynch them if they would know.

Absolutely! Those damn liberals - they lie whenever it suits their purpose or even when it doesn't!

Like the time they tried to convince the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an invasion of that country.

Hello? What? Oh . . . . . . . never mind . . . .

Who cares about the war- Congress passed bipartisan resolution and 40% of dimocraps in the house supported it with 60% in the senate as well.

0% republicans both in the house and senate voted for this crap obamacare - these situations are not even close to compare.

Leftards, stop lying - your messiah screw big time - eat the crap and STFU

When the left can not defend their stance, they deflect. Been doing it for years. Nothing new. Pussies.

Right! Like that damn Al Gore who claimed he invented the Internet.

Nah, he was busy giving bags of cash to chinese monks............ :thup:
Is Obama a liar?

Sure, he is. He is a leftist. They ALL lie. ALWAYS.
Otherwise they would never get elected - the REAL leftard agenda is so obnoxious that people would lynch them if they would know.

Absolutely! Those damn liberals - they lie whenever it suits their purpose or even when it doesn't!

Like the time they tried to convince the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an invasion of that country.

Hello? What? Oh . . . . . . . never mind . . . .

Yes, never mind. WHO believed Iraq to have WMD's? C'mon, George, you're a cool guy. You know better than this.

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