Is Obama A War Criminal?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Obama is doing the same (and worse) things that had the Progs' panties in a twist during Bush's presidency, but where is there outrage?

It’s all very confusing. When George W. Bush considered invading Iraq without a declaration of war, the Democrats wanted to try him for war crimes in The Hague. When Obama does the same thing … crickets.

Which raises another question: Where exactly is the anti-war movement?

Have you see a single “No Blood for Oil” sign in Cambridge?

To paraphrase the John Kerry of 2004: “Can I get me a candlelight vigil here?”

Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan? Where is Code Pink? I haven’t seen an “EndLESS War” bumper sticker in years, since 2009 to be exact.

The anti-war movement is MIA as this war, er, counterterrorism operation, begins. Back when Bush was waging war, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now it’s “racism.” If you speak truth to power in the Obama era, they call it hate speech. The IRS will audit you.

Obama’s media sycophants described his prime-time speech as “nuanced.” I’d call it ragtime.

I thought the moonbats didn’t want the U.S. “going it alone.” You hear that phrase on the networks now about as often as you hear the words “full employment.”

And why is the president so outraged about a couple of beheadings? When a Muslim terrorist yelling “Allahu akbar!” murdered 13 servicemen at Fort Hood, Obama shrugged it off as “workplace violence.”

Now Obama’s suddenly “all wee-wee’ed up” about non-Muslim Muslims murdering Americans.

Flag-draped coffins at Dover AFB are no longer a feature of the nightly news. Remember Wolf Blitzer’s nightly trumpeting of Bush’s plummeting approval ratings?

Now the polls are so bleak for the Kenyan Katastrophe, CNN doesn’t even mention them anymore. . . .

Can I get me a “War Is Not the Answer” bumper sticker here? Not in Cambridge I can’t....

Is Obama a War Criminal Ricochet
I just heard some panties were bein' twisted, and had to jump inside this thread. :badgrin:

I think some of the Progs have given themselves auto-atomic-wedgies.
If sticking our political and military noses in the affairs of other countries without their consent is a war crime, then yeah, there's a long line of criminals.

Maybe we should stop doing it, so that we can stop having to clean up the fucking messes that we make.

If the Nuremberg principals were applied, every US president since the end of WWII (at least) should face the gallows:

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg.

"And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you've got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo.

"And once you think back, the question doesn't even require a moment's waste of time."

If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied... by Noam Chomsky Talk delivered around 1990
Obama is doing the same (and worse) things that had the Progs' panties in a twist during Bush's presidency, but where is there outrage?

It’s all very confusing. When George W. Bush considered invading Iraq without a declaration of war, the Democrats wanted to try him for war crimes in The Hague. When Obama does the same thing … crickets.

Which raises another question: Where exactly is the anti-war movement?

Have you see a single “No Blood for Oil” sign in Cambridge?

To paraphrase the John Kerry of 2004: “Can I get me a candlelight vigil here?”

Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan? Where is Code Pink? I haven’t seen an “EndLESS War” bumper sticker in years, since 2009 to be exact.

The anti-war movement is MIA as this war, er, counterterrorism operation, begins. Back when Bush was waging war, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now it’s “racism.” If you speak truth to power in the Obama era, they call it hate speech. The IRS will audit you.

Obama’s media sycophants described his prime-time speech as “nuanced.” I’d call it ragtime.

I thought the moonbats didn’t want the U.S. “going it alone.” You hear that phrase on the networks now about as often as you hear the words “full employment.”

And why is the president so outraged about a couple of beheadings? When a Muslim terrorist yelling “Allahu akbar!” murdered 13 servicemen at Fort Hood, Obama shrugged it off as “workplace violence.”

Now Obama’s suddenly “all wee-wee’ed up” about non-Muslim Muslims murdering Americans.

Flag-draped coffins at Dover AFB are no longer a feature of the nightly news. Remember Wolf Blitzer’s nightly trumpeting of Bush’s plummeting approval ratings?

Now the polls are so bleak for the Kenyan Katastrophe, CNN doesn’t even mention them anymore. . . .

Can I get me a “War Is Not the Answer” bumper sticker here? Not in Cambridge I can’t....

Is Obama a War Criminal Ricochet

My vote is that he's simply a criminal. He's the normal run-of-the-mill Chicago thug who's made his way into politics. Personally, I'd even bet he's a devout Muslim as well.
Obama is a criminal for what he does with obamacare, illegal immigrants, IRS attacks, etc....not reluctantly killing terrorists overseas.

He has shown he really doesn't want to kill terrorists but bad PR from their acts forces his hand to "look tough."
I'm bringing this up to see if the Moonbats will call Obama a war criminal for doing the same things as Bush, and for doing things that Bush didn't do: engaging in a war without Congressional approval...and launching an excessive amount bombs via drones which have killed numerous civilians.
Lets go to one topic. Most of the OP's thread or the part that I noticed the most was about our endless wars and where are the protesters.

Thing is we were out of Iraq anr almost out of Afghanistan if I am keeping track right. This ISIS thing is just pulling us back in. Agree?
Yes, I know you are pointing out they are fucking idiot hypocrites.

I'm bringing this up to see if the Moonbats will call Obama a war criminal for doing the same things as Bush, and for doing things that Bush didn't do: engaging in a war without Congressional approval...and launching an excessive amount bombs via drones which have killed numerous civilians.
Bush/Cheney are considered war criminals by some not for the act of using our military to further national goals but for what happened when they tried to permanently occupy Iraq and knowingly presenting false evidence to invade a sovereign nation.

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